Dreams vs. Illusions

What are you dreaming about right now?  Are you seeing it clearly or is it a little bit foggy and out of focus?  It may be hard to tell this week with the Sun in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on December 14 at 12:10 p.m.
Sagittarius is the sign of enthusiasm, hope, and optimism, but can also be the sign of being frank, outspoken, and exaggeration.  Pisces is the sign of compassion, mysticism, and spirituality, but can also be the sign of illusions, escapism, and deception.  Those two signs are creating conflict this week.
If you are able to take the struggle of last week and look beyond the illusion and frustration, you may start to see the bigger picture of what you want.  Squares are an opportunity to show you what you truly want.  You don’t discover what you want when everything in your life is going perfectly.  You tend to find out what is important to you when life isn’t going your way.  It’s human nature to want what you don’t have and to overlook what you do. 
You may feel overly optimistic and that you can solve anything.  If you decide to explore, remember to take it slow and examine whether it is something that you truly want or you just think you want.  The old adage of being careful what you wish for could be an issue right now.  Think about it.  Sleep on it.  Don’t act impulsively.  If you do act impulsively, you could either regret your actions or have to make another decision later.  Mars is still retrograde in Gemini.  There’s a good possibility of having to take action twice.
Dreams are an important part of life.  Just make sure that you really want it, before you go after it.
What are you dreaming about?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

The Struggle

You’ve been wanting to make a choice or go in a new direction, but you just don’t seem to be able to move forward.  That’s the struggle this week.  I want to do this, but I’m not sure.
The week kicks off with Venus in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on December 4 at 2:12 am, and then a couple of days later on December 6 at 2:05 am, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Jupiter in Pisces.  Neptune stationed to go direct on December 3, so you’re still feeling the effects of that planetary station.  The fog that Neptune can create is trying to clear, but it’s just not quite ready.  Mercury and Venus are still trying to make decisions.  The Sun in Sagittarius will oppose Mars in Gemini on December 8 at 12:42 am.  Remember Mars is still retrograde until January, so it’s not quite ready to take action, and Gemini is an air sign.  There are things to think about first. 
Venus in Sagittarius will then square Jupiter in Pisces on December 9 at 7:55 am.  Jupiter is going to expand the energy and make the choice bigger.  Can you see what you need to do now?  If not, it’s ok.  You may not be ready yet.
There are two sign changes this week.  Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6 at 5:08 pm and Venus enters Capricorn on December 9 at 10:54 pm.  The energy of Capricorn will bring some patience, practicality, and initiating energy to your environment.  What is the responsible thing to do will enter into the equation?
The making of possibly life-altering decisions is never easy.  The struggle of making that choice is quite real. It may seem at times like you’re the only one and that others just don’t understand.  Some people may not, but there are others that do.  Others have been there, made the big decision, and survived to tell the tale.  When you have to make this choice it can seem all-consuming, but when you finally allow yourself to make a choice, whether it’s good or bad, there can be a freedom that you’ve made the choice and are ready.  Be patient with yourself and know that when you are ready, you will make the choice.  The struggle will not have been in vain.
What choice are you struggling with?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Hope you had a nice break from the regular daily rhythm.  Whether you spent it with family, friends, or tackling items on your holiday to-do list.  It’s the to-do list that’s going to present you with some issues this week.
Mars is still retrograde in the sign of Gemini.  Gemini normally has at least two choices and with it being in retrograde, you may have four, six, or eight choices.  This week Mercury opposes Mars on November 29 at 3:30 pm and Venus opposes it on December 1 at 12:28 am.  It’s a week of negotiating between those choices.  Do you want this or do you want that? 
Mercury in Sagittarius can be known for its frankness, so there could also be some bruised egos amongst others as you’re negotiating these options.  It’s important to gather as much information as you possibly can to make an informed choice.  With Sagittarius energy, it can be really easy to be impatient and think that you know better.  Let that Gemini energy of curiosity out.  Ask questions.  It’s important to not jump to conclusions.
Mercury in Sagittarius will also square Neptune in Pisces on December 1 at 8:08 pm.  You may not be seeing things as clearly as you should in order to make a choice, but Neptune will station direct on December 3 at 7:15 pm.  Another planet is moving forward, and more pieces will come together.
Have some patience and remember that negotiations are essential right now.  You might not get everything you want, but you could come close if you can be open to the possibilities.
What are you negotiating for right now?Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time for Gratitude

Here in the United States, it’s time for Thanksgiving and for you to give thanks and gratitude for what you have in life.  If the last few years have taught you anything it’s the world can change seemingly overnight from what you’ve always known to something that you don’t quite recognize.  Maybe you have been one of many that have been pushed to your breaking point.  This is a week, where the universe should let off the pedal just a little bit and give you some space to be grateful for the good things in your life.
The planet of Jupiter is prominent in the sky right now. Firstly, Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius. The sun moves into Sagittarius season on November 22 at 3:20 am, but before the sun steps into Sagittarius, Mercury and Venus have a conjunction in Sagittarius on November 21 at 5:55 pm.  And then Jupiter will station direct on November 23 at 6:02 pm.  Jupiter is currently in the sign of Pisces which it also rules.
With Jupiter ruling the sky, gratitude will likely take center stage.  It’s a time for hope and optimism to take its place.  For me, Thanksgiving has been always been the kickoff to the holiday season.  Once Thanksgiving is over, I decorate for Christmas and start to feel the light that enters the world.  Driving home at night and seeing the lights and decorations from your neighbors’ homes adds to the festivities.  It can help you forget your troubles for a few moments, days, or weeks and uplift your life.  This is part of what Sagittarius season is about. 
So take some time this week to give thanks for where you are and what you have.  With all of the Scorpio energy in the sky in the last few weeks, we have seen the cycles of life.  The births and deaths.  You can’t experience the highs without the lows or joy without grief.  You are alive!  In today’s world, it’s so easy to get trapped in the space of what you do and don’t have instead of taking the time to be grateful for what you have and what you love.   
What are you grateful for?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What the ****!!!!

This has the possibility to be one of those weeks, especially if you have placements in Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.  The line from Jurassic Park, “hold on to your butt” comes to mind.  The Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Scorpio, are traveling in a pack at the moment and are interacting with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus this week, plus we have a Lunar Eclipse on November 8.
Venus in Scorpio kicks off the week squaring Saturn in Aquarius on November 7 at 2:34 am.  How are your passions conflicted by the limitations of the collective?  Both are fixed energies but are different in their approaches.  Scorpio has a deep and intense energy, while Aquarius is more logical and scientific.  How can those two energies find a way forward? 
On November 8, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Moon in Taurus Opposite Sun in Scorpio) at 6:02 am.  Not only is it an Eclipse, but here in the United States, it’s Election Day.  How is the process of releasing what no longer serves you going?  Are you making progress?  The universe wants you to grow and will do whatever it can to get your attention.  The process of death and rebirth is happening.  The process of dying and growing can both be painful.  Life isn’t meant to be easy.  You are here to learn.  What are you being shown?
A few hours later the Sun in Scorpio is Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio at 11:42 am.  They are reporting to each other on how this process is going and coming up with a plan for the rest of the week.  At 9:40 pm, Mercury in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus, and then on November 9 at 3:26 am, the Sun will Oppose Uranus.  Are you being awakened to a new reality?
Just a note on the election.  What do you value?  What is the most important to you?  The tensions in the sky (Squares and Oppositions) have two different points of view.  This has been evident this Election season and will definitely be evident on Election Day.  Have some patience for this process to unfold because things aren’t going to be known right away. 
We revisit the energy from the beginning of the week when Mercury in Scorpio Squares Saturn in Aquarius on November 10 at 2:52 am and then the Sun Squares Saturn on November 11 at 3:04 am.  How does the tension in the way that you communicate change and what are you being shown?  The Sun is trying to tell you something.  Can you see it and what can you do about it?
What are these tensions teaching you?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Deep Dive Into the Shadow

The season of Scorpio kicks into motion this week as Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all enter the sign of Scorpio.  Also, there’s a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 at 6:49 am.
Scorpio tends to be a sign that is misunderstood.  Most people don’t like exploring the darkness of life and that’s where the sign of Scorpio thrives.  Scorpio likes to explore the shadow side of life.  If you can meet your shadow and work on the triggers that arise, you can find the areas that you need to address in order to grow.
A lot happens astrologically this week, especially Sunday.  Saturn stations direct on October 23 at 12:07 am.  Saturn is still in the sign of Aquarius.  In general terms, Saturn is addressing the collective and the direction we’re headed since our structures have been dismantled.  What does the future look like?  Saturn has been revisiting the past while retrograding and is now ready to examine what it learned.
Venus will enter Scorpio on October 23 at 3:52 am.  The planet of love and beauty will drop into the underworld, where the Sun joins her a couple of hours later at 6:36 am.
Jupiter will retrograde back into Pisces on October 8 at 1:10 am.  Jupiter is still looking back and is re-examining what was going on before May 10.  It’s giving another opportunity for expansion, which won’t happen until Jupiter goes direct on November 23. 
The last of the personal planets, Mercury, will enter Scorpio on October 29 at 3:22 pm.
It can seem terrifying to confront your shadow, but the only thing to do with fear is to move through it and face it.  Otherwise your fear can control you.  It’s time to meet your shadow and follow the triggers.
What is your shadow telling you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

The Energy of Conflict

Conflict is never easy, whether it’s within yourself or with those around you.  But conflict is how you grow.  It wants you to decide.
This week the Sun and Venus are both in Libra and are having conversations with Pluto in Capricorn before they report to each other what they’ve learned.
The Sun in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn on October 19 at 9:33 am.  Not even a day later on October 20 at 2:03 am, Venus in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn.  Finally, the Sun and Venus in Libra meet up on October 22 at 5:17 am with a report.
The Sun in Libra wants to illuminate a situation, Venus wants to relate and make it better, and Pluto in Capricorn is demonstrating how the structure of your life can empower or transform your life.
What is holding you back from making a change?  Fear is normally a part of it, but that isn’t the entire story.  What is stopping you from moving ahead?  Some want to know the outcome to make certain that the correct decision is being made.  Some don’t want to disappoint or upset someone else.  Some know that the correct decision is a challenge and aren’t sure they’re up for it.  The only thing that you can do to stop fear is to go through it.  Try what scares you.  Growth is never easy.  Letting go isn’t easy.  But if you can find a way forward it can be rewarding and transform your life in ways that you’ve never imagined.
Where is conflict pointing you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time for Balance

The Sun will be entering the sign of Libra on September 22 at 9:04 pm.  It’s time to reflect inwards and find balance as the seasons change.
The Autumn Equinox falls on the day when the Sun moves into Libra.  It is also the point where sunrise and sunset are separated by exactly 12 hours.  Daylight will start to decrease and you will begin preparing for the winter months here in the northern hemisphere.  In times past, it was a time to reflect on the harvest and what you had accomplished.  What did you still need to do before the cold set in?  Your perspective is about to change.  It will no longer be a time of planting and harvesting, but hibernating.  Animals still do it today.  You would determine what you needed to survive during the winter.  You spent the majority of the year preparing for this upcoming season.  You still have time to prepare.
Times have changed.  Our food source no longer follows the same models that it once did, but these ancient systems can provide you with clues for what you will begin to experience. A time for reflection.  What do you still need to modify so that you can bring more balance into your life?  Libra is all about relationships as well.  Are your relationships in balance?  What can you do to bring more peace, love, and harmony into your world?   The time to explore the darkness of the winter months is coming, but for now, you still have time to initiate changes and modify what you’ve been working on.  What do you still need to do to accomplish your goals? 
Mercury is still going retrograde in Libra.  Mercury in Libra will be opposing Jupiter in Aries on September 18 at 6:34 pm and will be Conjunct the Sun in Libra on September 23 at 2:50 am, a few hours after the Sun moves into Libra.  Venusian values will take center stage and ask us to look at what we love.  Do you love the direction that you’re headed in?  If not, this is the time to learn a new perspective and possibly make a change.
You need balance in order to move forward in life.  Life can’t be all work, no play, or all play and no work.  There are two sides to every coin.  If your life is too skewed in one direction, this is the time to right the ship and find balance.
Where do you need to find balance?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time For Work

Summer is drawing to a close.  Kids will be going back to school and life will settle into a new routine as the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22 at 11:16 pm.
It’s time to get to work.  You’ve been receiving visions and clarity and now the Sun wants to shine a light on the work that needs to be accomplished.  It’s time to become practical and analytical and begin to take the next steps.
How can you accomplish the tasks ahead of you?  What do you need to do?  Make a list.  Virgos love a to-do list.  Start working your way through what needs to be done for you to work on your goals. 
Also, there is a second sign change this week as Mercury will enter Libra on August 25 at 9:03 pm.  Mercury will be looking for peace, love, and harmony.  It wants things to be fair and diplomatic.  More of the element of air will again enter the atmosphere and help people speak cooperatively. 
The week will close out with two Squares on August 27.  One is between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus at 12:34 am and the second is between the Sun in Virgo Square Mars in Gemini at 4:11 pm.  Uranus in Taurus has been shaking up your world and with it Squaring Venus in Leo, it's looking to shake up how you love and connect you with your heart.  The Sun squaring Mars is shining a light on how you take action.  Are you moving forward? 
Do you have a plan?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
