Time For Radical Change

Just when you thought the Eclipse energy had passed, there’s more big energy this week.  The Eclipse portal doesn’t officially end for another couple of weeks, but there is another huge aspect this week, that happens once every 12 years.

Mercury in Aries Conjuncts Chiron in Aries on April 15 at 11:23 am EST. It’s time for Mercury and Chiron to have another chat.  Mercury and Chiron had one conversation about your inner wounding, but it’s time for a follow-up.  Have you done anything with the information that was provided to you on March 20?  This doesn’t mean that you must have the issue already resolved, but have you pondered it all?  Have you taken steps to change how your wound impacts you?  If you haven’t, now it’s time to listen to what Chiron is telling you and start making steps to adjust.

The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 19 at 10:00 am EST. It’s time to shine a light on people and things of value.  What do you value?  What’s important to you?  It should show up in the ways that you spend your time.  If it doesn’t, it may be time to make some adjustments. 

Jupiter in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on April 20 at 10:27 pm EST. This is the HUGE aspect this week.  Jupiter and Uranus make a conjunction every 12 years and this time it’s in the sign of Taurus, what you value.  When Uranus is involved it can be a sudden surprise or shift.  Be prepared that Jupiter and Uranus have something to say.  It could be something radically different from what you might expect.  It could be time for something exciting or a new adventure or it could also be the end of something that’s no longer serving you.  Be open to the experience.  Being open can be challenging for the sign of Taurus, but you never know what could happen if you don’t try.

What radical changes are happening in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Is It Good for the Needs of Everyone?

Two more planets are entering the sign of Aquarius this week, so it’s time to look at what is good for the collective.  Maybe over the next few weeks, we can push humanity forward a little bit.  It’s good to have a dream and even a little optimistic.

Mars enters the sign of Aquarius on February 13 at 1:05 am EST.  Mars is going to move into an air element which isn’t always the best place to get things accomplished, but it will force Mars to be itself.  Mars will want to be free and will allow others to be free as well.  Freedom is a prize highly sought after with Mars in Aquarius.

Mars in Aquarius Conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 14 at 1:06 am EST.  It's not the best energy for Valentine’s Day this year.  Valentine’s Day is about power dynamics.  Who is in charge?  Even though both signs are in Aquarius and would normally be ok just letting the other person do their thing, Pluto expects that he is in charge. 

Venus enters Aquarius on February 16 at 11:05 am EST.  Venus in Aquarius can be detached from her emotions.  It could help you accomplish something where your emotions typically get in the way.  It could also be a great time to socialize.  Go hang out with some friends and have a little fun.  Be yourself.

Mercury in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus on February 16 at 10:53 pm EST.  Freedom-Seeking Aquarius is having some trouble with the more traditional values of Taurus.  Mercury wants to look ahead and Uranus is in the moment.  Compromise may be necessary.

Venus in Aquarius Conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 17 at 3:48 am EST.  Pluto has had conversations with Mercury, Mars and now Venus since moving into the sign of Aquarius in January.  Pluto wants to change humanity over the next 20 years.  He wants us to be concerned with our neighbors and look out for others.  Venus is ready to contribute to the conversation about love and beauty.  How can we be more concerned with those around us?

Is something that you’re working on good for the needs of everyone?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Change Is The Name of The Game

Hope you had a nice quiet week last week.  This week looks anything but quiet.  It’s time to get to work because change is in the air. 

Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius on February 5 at 12:10 am EST.  Mercury in Aquarius is all about thinking towards the future.  It’s time to get to the point and devise a plan.  The time for pondering and formulating ideas is coming to a close.  Mercury is ready to go, but Mercury is faced with some challenges this week that could help you reach the goal.

Venus in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on February 5 at 6:49 am EST.  Venus in Capricorn is looking to enjoy the finer things in life, but there are some wounds in yourself that you need to face.  If you can make it through the weeds on the other side, there could be something worthwhile for you waiting.

Mercury in Aquarius Conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 5 at 7:58 am EST.  Mercury is ready to get the new plan from Pluto for the next 20 years.  Mercury and Pluto will need to inform the other planets of the plan, but that process isn’t ready to be completed yet.  Remember Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn later this year first.  There’s still some transformation that needs to happen in one area of your life before the next one can begin.

The Sun in Aquarius will Square Uranus in Taurus on February 8 at 5:46 am EST.  The Sun may be shining a light on Uranus’s revolutionary ways.  You may find out some new information or you may find an unexpected way to proceed.  Either way, Uranus has something to say.  Make sure to listen.

Mercury in Aquarius Squares Jupiter in Taurus on February 10 at 8:25 am EST.  Changes are important right now, but you might have a moment where you don’t want to change.  You want everything to stay the way it’s always been.  Aquarius has a new vision.  It’s important to be open to the vision even though you might not want to listen.

What is changing in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time to Get to Work

While Pluto is now in Aquarius, you would think the work-related nature of Capricorn would start to settle out, but Mercury and Mars are still in Capricorn and Venus enters Capricorn this week.  Your structures still need to be adjusted and it’s time to get to work.

Venus enters the sign of Capricorn on January 25 at 3:50 am EST.  Venus in Capricorn loves the good things in life.  It’s interested in quality instead of quantity.  It’s how you spend your time versus what you spend it on.  Venus in Capricorn also loves to work and it’s time to get to work.  The planets in Capricorn are going to be talking to each other this week.  Venus isn’t quite ready to report yet, but she will have ideas when the time is ready.

Mars in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on January 25 at 12:15 pm EST.  Mars in Capricorn is feeling the need to move forward but your wounds are holding you back from acting.  Chiron in Aries wants to focus on you and your needs but can’t see beyond that.  Mars in Capricorn might have some ideas that could move you forward, but Chiron in Aries isn’t ready to hear it yet.

Mercury in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on January 26 at 9:49 am EST.  Mercury is ready to have a conversation with Chiron about what it needs to get to work.  Some new ideas might be presented that Mercury can report back to Mars later in the week.

The Sun in Aquarius Squares Jupiter in Taurus on January 27 at 2:18 am EST.  The Sun in Aquarius wants to focus on freedom and the community at large, but Jupiter in Taurus is still looking at the planting of the seeds.  The tension between the two might start to propel you forward.

Uranus stations direct on January 27 at 2:35 am EST.  Uranus is looking back through everything that it’s been examining since August 28.  What has Uranus revealed to you about growth, money, and values since August 28?  Have you come to any epiphanies?  There’s still time for you to come to terms with everything that you’ve learned.  Uranus won’t leave its retrograde shadow until May 12.

Mercury in Capricorn Conjuncts Mars in Capricorn on January 27 at 9:59 am EST.  Mercury and Mars are having a conversation about what needs to be done to get to work.  They’re commenting on their earlier discussions with Chiron in Aries.  What can be done so that you move forward and do the work that Capricorn wants to do?

What are you being led to start working on?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Darkest Before the Dawn

It’s almost here!  Time with family and friends.  Have you got everything checked off your list?  Before joy and merriment can be felt though some energies are coming up that could make you think twice.

Venus is Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus on December 21 at 2:04 am EST.  Venus in Scorpio is passionate and deep feeling, while Uranus in Taurus wants to revolutionize and grow.  It’s also a fixed energy, so it doesn’t want anything to change, but change is one of the few things in this life that we can count on.  Maybe it’s time to think again and consider making a change.

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21 at 10:27 pm EST.  It’s time for the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, but what comes next?  A little bit more daylight.  The Sun in Capricorn is ready to get to work.  Maybe it’s time to clean out some things and start making room for the new.  For the new to come in, there has to be space.  Make some space this month.

The Sun in Capricorn Conjuncts Mercury in Capricorn on December 22 at 1:54 pm EST.  Just after the Winter Solstice, the Sun and Mercury have a conversation about the path to take and work on their goals.  Mercury is retrograding, so it’s time to look back over something that you meant to do, but haven’t or look at the reminders that you’re receiving of the past.  There are still messages there for you. 

Mercury retrogrades back into the sign of Sagittarius on December 23 at 1:18 am. Just when Mercury was getting ready to do some more organized communication, it’s time to back up and have our communication become a little bit fierier.  Mercury in Sagittarius may like to have some philosophical conversations, but the other person has opinions too and they may not align.

What is the darkness making you look at twice?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Anything’s Possible

Opening your heart is never easy, but if can keep your heart open anything is possible.  This week anything is possible. 

The Sun in Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 13 at 12:21 pm.  When the Sun is in Opposition to Uranus anything can happen, but this is Scorpio and Taurus.  They are fixed signs and they have been trying to get you to grow and let go of the past over the last 18 months.  The last eclipse just happened in these two signs on October 28.  This is most likely a continuation of that story or a new aspect is revealed.  Uranus can be electric and revolutionary.  Something major could change in a big way.

The Sun in Scorpio Conjuncts Mars in Scorpio on November 18 at 12:42 am.  It’s time to take some action.  Mars in Scorpio is ready to dig deep and get it done.  The Sun is ready to assist.  This could be a major time for healing or just the courage to take a step. 

What do you think is possible?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Open Your Heart to Love

The eclipses have passed and they revealed something to you.  What was that something?  What steps do you need to take?  This week there will be two planetary sign changes and two aspects that may help you to move forward.

Venus enters the sign of Libra on November 8 at 4:30 am.  Venus loves to be in the sign of Libra.  It’s the sign of relationships and partnerships; balance and harmony; helpful and fair-minded.  It’s time to tap into these elements of Libra.  Be kind to people that you meet on the street.  You never know what they’re going through.  It can be easy to close yourself off to love when you’ve felt pain.  This is a time to learn to open yourself up.  Feel the emotions that are coming through.  If you cut yourself off from the bad, you also cut yourself off from the good.  Open yourself up and be receptive.  If you need to take a minute, take one, but don’t shut down.

Mercury enters the sign of Sagittarius on November 10 at 1:25 am.  It’s a time of being open, frank, and maybe even outspoken.  You are free to change your mind and maybe even have a little optimism.  It’s really easy to get set in your ways.  To only think about the items on your to-do list and not worry about the broader picture.  Take a more philosophical approach to thinking.  It could just broaden your horizon and create something new.

Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Saturn in Pisces on November 10 at 10:07 am just a few hours after changing signs.  It may be time to reach into the more sentimental part of you and say it aloud.  Be true and honest about what you’re feeling.

Mars in Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 11 at 4:11 pm.  The planet of action is in conflict with the planet of awakenings.  You may be more accident-prone during this transit, but it also has the potential to bring something good, you have to be willing to do things differently than you have in the past.  Scorpio and Taurus are both fixed signs and not in favor of changing their routine, but would it hurt to change something just a little bit?

What do you need to open your heart to?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Deep Feelings

What did the eclipse season reveal to you?  Was some information provided to you that’s important to your path forward?  This week will allow you to emotionally process with some deep conversations.

Mercury in Scorpio Conjuncts Mars in Scorpio on October 29 at 10:22 am.  It may be time to have the conversation and take some action.  Deep conversations, especially when they concern feelings, are never easy, but sometimes it’s the only course of action that can be taken.  You need to find a way forward even if it means finally letting go of something that’s holding you back.

The Sun in Scorpio Opposes Jupiter in Taurus on November 3 at 1:02 am.  There’s a spotlight on something that’s of value to you.  Is it truly of value to you or is it something that you think you should value?  Don’t just assume that because it’s been true in the past it’s still true now.

Venus in Virgo Opposes Neptune in Pisces on November 3 at 6:06 pm.  The dream and the reality don’t quite seem to line up.  Venus is having to get real in Virgo, while Neptune in Pisces still wants to daydream.  Are you going to get real or continue to dream?  Maybe a dual approach can be reached that meets both ends of the spectrum.

Saturn stations to go direct on November 4 at 3:03 am.  Saturn has been retrograde since June 17 and has been retracing its steps.  Now it’s time to take what you’ve learned and apply the lessons.  Things may have come apart.  Can they be put back together or should they be put back together?  Only you can answer that question.

Mercury in Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 4 at 12:07 pm.  Mercury wants to have some deep conversations and Uranus in Taurus is looking to grow something surprising and break new ground.  This is a continuation of the conversations that were started earlier in the week.  It may be time for a new layer of information to be revealed.

What are deep conversations revealing to you?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

No Middle Ground

It’s officially Libra season and fall here in the Northern Hemisphere.  Libra is all about compromise and balance, but there seems to be very little willingness to compromise this week.  This week people would rather be right than move forward.

Mars in Libra Opposes Chiron in Aries on September 24 at 4:06 pm.  Mars wants to act even if it's not perfect or ready just to move forward, but Chiron in Aries either wants it to be right or has to be right before it can even consider moving forward.  Compromise would be a great option if both sides are willing to give a little, but that might not be in the cards.  The other option is to put it on the back burner and move on to something else until an agreement can be made.

Venus in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on September 29 at 1:53 pm.  This is the 3rd and final pass of something that you’ve already visited around July 2 and July 23.  Have you been connecting to what you truly want in your heart?  Have you been putting in the work and the effort to grow and become a better person?  If you have, great!  If you haven’t, you may be in for a shakeup.  Things can’t stay the way they are, and the universe is ready to begin implementing its plan. 

What are you having difficulties with this week?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Break Free

After the energies of the last few weeks, you may just want a break, but it’s not quite over yet.  Are you ready to start letting go of what’s keeping you stuck in place?  Something has shifted in your life in the last few weeks.  Are you ready to let it dissolve and move forward?

The Sun in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces on August 27 at 4:28 am.  The Sun and Saturn are conversing about how to shift an area of your life.  Saturn in Pisces is ready for it to dissolve, but the Sun in Virgo is holding on.  It wants to perfect and improve it, but is that possible?  Can it be resolved or is it time to start over?  It may be time to start fresh.

Mars enters the sign of Libra on August 27 at 9:20 am.  It’s time to take action on the relationships in your life.  Mars would rather think about only itself, but there’s another person that’s involved.  That person’s thoughts and feelings need to be taken into account before forward progress can be made.  Or maybe there’s another part of you that needs to be considered.  Either way, a balanced approach is the path forward for the moment.

Uranus stations retrograde on August 28 at 10:39 pm.  Uranus in Taurus has been making changes, but it’s time to look inward.  Uranus is the planet of revolution and sudden awakenings.  Uranus is tired of the status quo and wants things to be different.  Taurus wants things to remain the same.  Since 2019 Uranus has been in Taurus shaking up an area of your life.  When it finally leaves Taurus in 2026, things won’t be the same, no matter how much you try.  Uranus stationing retrograde is an opportunity to break free of the ties that keep you bound.  You can be free from what’s keeping you stuck and take a different route.  Just give it a try.

What do you need to break free from?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?