December 11


Dreams vs. Illusions

What are you dreaming about right now?  Are you seeing it clearly or is it a little bit foggy and out of focus?  It may be hard to tell this week with the Sun in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on December 14 at 12:10 p.m.
Sagittarius is the sign of enthusiasm, hope, and optimism, but can also be the sign of being frank, outspoken, and exaggeration.  Pisces is the sign of compassion, mysticism, and spirituality, but can also be the sign of illusions, escapism, and deception.  Those two signs are creating conflict this week.
If you are able to take the struggle of last week and look beyond the illusion and frustration, you may start to see the bigger picture of what you want.  Squares are an opportunity to show you what you truly want.  You don’t discover what you want when everything in your life is going perfectly.  You tend to find out what is important to you when life isn’t going your way.  It’s human nature to want what you don’t have and to overlook what you do. 
You may feel overly optimistic and that you can solve anything.  If you decide to explore, remember to take it slow and examine whether it is something that you truly want or you just think you want.  The old adage of being careful what you wish for could be an issue right now.  Think about it.  Sleep on it.  Don’t act impulsively.  If you do act impulsively, you could either regret your actions or have to make another decision later.  Mars is still retrograde in Gemini.  There’s a good possibility of having to take action twice.
Dreams are an important part of life.  Just make sure that you really want it, before you go after it.
What are you dreaming about?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Dreams, Gemini, Illusions, Mars, Neptune, Pisces, Sagittarius, Sun

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