Anything’s Possible

Opening your heart is never easy, but if can keep your heart open anything is possible.  This week anything is possible. 

The Sun in Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 13 at 12:21 pm.  When the Sun is in Opposition to Uranus anything can happen, but this is Scorpio and Taurus.  They are fixed signs and they have been trying to get you to grow and let go of the past over the last 18 months.  The last eclipse just happened in these two signs on October 28.  This is most likely a continuation of that story or a new aspect is revealed.  Uranus can be electric and revolutionary.  Something major could change in a big way.

The Sun in Scorpio Conjuncts Mars in Scorpio on November 18 at 12:42 am.  It’s time to take some action.  Mars in Scorpio is ready to dig deep and get it done.  The Sun is ready to assist.  This could be a major time for healing or just the courage to take a step. 

What do you think is possible?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What the ****!!!!

This has the possibility to be one of those weeks, especially if you have placements in Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.  The line from Jurassic Park, “hold on to your butt” comes to mind.  The Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Scorpio, are traveling in a pack at the moment and are interacting with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus this week, plus we have a Lunar Eclipse on November 8.
Venus in Scorpio kicks off the week squaring Saturn in Aquarius on November 7 at 2:34 am.  How are your passions conflicted by the limitations of the collective?  Both are fixed energies but are different in their approaches.  Scorpio has a deep and intense energy, while Aquarius is more logical and scientific.  How can those two energies find a way forward? 
On November 8, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Moon in Taurus Opposite Sun in Scorpio) at 6:02 am.  Not only is it an Eclipse, but here in the United States, it’s Election Day.  How is the process of releasing what no longer serves you going?  Are you making progress?  The universe wants you to grow and will do whatever it can to get your attention.  The process of death and rebirth is happening.  The process of dying and growing can both be painful.  Life isn’t meant to be easy.  You are here to learn.  What are you being shown?
A few hours later the Sun in Scorpio is Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio at 11:42 am.  They are reporting to each other on how this process is going and coming up with a plan for the rest of the week.  At 9:40 pm, Mercury in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus, and then on November 9 at 3:26 am, the Sun will Oppose Uranus.  Are you being awakened to a new reality?
Just a note on the election.  What do you value?  What is the most important to you?  The tensions in the sky (Squares and Oppositions) have two different points of view.  This has been evident this Election season and will definitely be evident on Election Day.  Have some patience for this process to unfold because things aren’t going to be known right away. 
We revisit the energy from the beginning of the week when Mercury in Scorpio Squares Saturn in Aquarius on November 10 at 2:52 am and then the Sun Squares Saturn on November 11 at 3:04 am.  How does the tension in the way that you communicate change and what are you being shown?  The Sun is trying to tell you something.  Can you see it and what can you do about it?
What are these tensions teaching you?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Entering the Void

It’s the time of year when you won’t be getting as much done as you might like.  Mars in Gemini is going retrograde on October 30 at 9:26 am.
Mars is the planet of action and when it goes retrograde it goes into a period of rest.  It doesn’t mean you won’t get anything done until it goes direct, but it will take longer to accomplish your tasks.  Maybe you need a break.  Let’s be honest, most of us need a break from all of the intense energy that has been happening.  The emotional upsets, power struggles, money issues, and self-worth drama.  It’s just been all too much.
This week you’re in the in-between phase between the Solar Eclipse (New Moon) on October 25 and the Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on November 8.  Hopefully, you’re releasing the things that no longer serve you and are moving with the energy.  It’s hard to change, but the universe wants you to go with the flow.  Don’t fight the energy.  It’s here to serve your highest and best good, even if it doesn’t always seem like it.  It’s a challenge when you don’t know what’s on the other side to roll with life, but you’re being asked to give it a try.  Just remind yourself everything you want is on the other side of fear.
There are a lot of lunar (moon) aspects that I won’t address this week, but it will constantly draw you back to this Eclipse energy.
On November 5 at 6:22 pm, Venus in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus.  Uranus is trying to awaken you and help you grow.  This is the latest aspect that is helping to guide you in this direction, but with Uranus, if you don’t follow the nudges, it will eventually push you.  You may become emotional as a part of this struggle or other people may be playing with your emotions.  Either way, keep this energy in mind as the week closes out. 
It's important during periods of high energy to remember your methods of self-care.  Could be meditation, Reiki, exercise, etc.  It can be a challenge to fit into your busy life, but it always makes you feel better.
How are you handling this in-between energy? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

The Energy of Conflict

Conflict is never easy, whether it’s within yourself or with those around you.  But conflict is how you grow.  It wants you to decide.
This week the Sun and Venus are both in Libra and are having conversations with Pluto in Capricorn before they report to each other what they’ve learned.
The Sun in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn on October 19 at 9:33 am.  Not even a day later on October 20 at 2:03 am, Venus in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn.  Finally, the Sun and Venus in Libra meet up on October 22 at 5:17 am with a report.
The Sun in Libra wants to illuminate a situation, Venus wants to relate and make it better, and Pluto in Capricorn is demonstrating how the structure of your life can empower or transform your life.
What is holding you back from making a change?  Fear is normally a part of it, but that isn’t the entire story.  What is stopping you from moving ahead?  Some want to know the outcome to make certain that the correct decision is being made.  Some don’t want to disappoint or upset someone else.  Some know that the correct decision is a challenge and aren’t sure they’re up for it.  The only thing that you can do to stop fear is to go through it.  Try what scares you.  Growth is never easy.  Letting go isn’t easy.  But if you can find a way forward it can be rewarding and transform your life in ways that you’ve never imagined.
Where is conflict pointing you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


It’s time for the next eclipse!  It happens on May 16, 2022 at 12:14 AM EST.  This Lunar Eclipse happens under the Full Moon in Scorpio.  What do you need to release?
The North Node is in Taurus, you’re meant to examine what do you value and if it isn’t something that you value or it doesn’t bring you joy, then with this Full Moon in Scorpio it’s time that it’s released.  Of course, this doesn’t mean that you throw away everything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy.  But something was revealed to you under the New Moon in Taurus.  Something that you’re working on right now.  What is preventing you from moving ahead?  It could be an emotional block or baggage from your past.  This is the perfect time to do some shadow work and release what no longer serves you.
It's easy to get stuck in the day-to-day activity of life and think that a better life is for other people and doesn’t apply to you.  Or maybe it’s just too hard to get there so why bother.  There’s no sense in lying, making change is never easy.  It’s so much easier to be in the routine of life, but does it help to make you a better person.  Does it bring value to your life?
It’s never easy to walk the path less traveled.  Your family and friends may question your judgment, but you know in  your heart what is right for you.  It’s time to step into your self and value who you are and not just what everyone else expects you to be.  You can easily get lost when you’re trying to be someone else.  Release those expectations and start to walk your path.  It may get emotional, but it’s only temporary.  You can do this.  You’re meant to grow.  You’re meant to become a better person.  Release what no longer serves you and plant the seeds to become who you want to be.
What do you need to release?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
