May 15



It’s time for the next eclipse!  It happens on May 16, 2022 at 12:14 AM EST.  This Lunar Eclipse happens under the Full Moon in Scorpio.  What do you need to release?
The North Node is in Taurus, you’re meant to examine what do you value and if it isn’t something that you value or it doesn’t bring you joy, then with this Full Moon in Scorpio it’s time that it’s released.  Of course, this doesn’t mean that you throw away everything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy.  But something was revealed to you under the New Moon in Taurus.  Something that you’re working on right now.  What is preventing you from moving ahead?  It could be an emotional block or baggage from your past.  This is the perfect time to do some shadow work and release what no longer serves you.
It's easy to get stuck in the day-to-day activity of life and think that a better life is for other people and doesn’t apply to you.  Or maybe it’s just too hard to get there so why bother.  There’s no sense in lying, making change is never easy.  It’s so much easier to be in the routine of life, but does it help to make you a better person.  Does it bring value to your life?
It’s never easy to walk the path less traveled.  Your family and friends may question your judgment, but you know in  your heart what is right for you.  It’s time to step into your self and value who you are and not just what everyone else expects you to be.  You can easily get lost when you’re trying to be someone else.  Release those expectations and start to walk your path.  It may get emotional, but it’s only temporary.  You can do this.  You’re meant to grow.  You’re meant to become a better person.  Release what no longer serves you and plant the seeds to become who you want to be.
What do you need to release?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Growth, Release, Shadows, Stuck, Value

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