It’s A Time To Heal!

There’s been so much going on energetically.  What are you to do?  You’re being given information and guidance, the key is to listen and begin to heal.
Healing can occur on three different levels: the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual.  When you’re encountering an issue, you never know which plane the problem is on.  The key is to locate the issue, the plane then begin your work using whatever modality works for you.  Reiki and trauma work tend to be what works best for me, but you could be different.
If you can catch an issue early before it has settled and has time to cause physical problems, the better off you are.  It’s important to remember that most things don’t happen overnight, illness and healing included.
The universe has been giving you guidance.  Bringing secrets to the surface and revealing information.  What you do is up to you?  But you’re not mean to sit with that information forever.  You’re supposed to do something with it.  Why not begin the process of healing yourself?
Healing is a process.  It’s like an onion.  You’re going to encounter layer upon layer before you get to the core of the issue.  It took time to get you to this point and it will take you time to “heal” it.
It’s ok to take breaks along the way.  Healing doesn’t happen all at once and doesn’t always make sense, but it’s one of the most important gifts that you’ll ever give yourself.  The gift of healing gives you a better you.
What do you need to heal? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Growth Hurts!

Life seems like a challenge right now.  If it doesn’t hurt, you’re not doing it right.  Now is a time to grow and expand.  Growth hurts!
Think back to when you were a kid.  When you grew taller, you would be tired.   You would sleep more and eat more, but eventually everything would even out.
Growth in life is the same way.  It hurts.  You exercise for the first time, and it hurts the next day.  Each time you work a new muscle group, it hurts again.
When you’re expanding your knowledge base, there’s bound to be pain involved.  That doesn’t mean that you should run though, the universe will always find you.  The next time the lesson will be a little more complex.
It seems you may want things to stay the same, but that’s just not possible.  Or maybe you want someone to do the hard work for you.  That’s not an option either.
You came here to experience life.  Growth is a natural part of life.  You don’t just go from Point A to Point E, you must go through Points B, C, and D before you get there.
Even when you think you have tackled this lesson, there could be another layer to work through.  No matter how much you want to, life is a process, and it doesn’t always happen overnight.  The things that you desire the most you must work for.
Growth is hard, but on the other side of each obstacle.  It could be everything you’ve ever wanted.  Seeds don’t grow overnight.  It can take months or even years to get the desired result.  Keep working on it, you will get there and one day you will be in awe of how much you’ve grown.
What are you looking to grow? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Taking Action Yet?

Does it feel like suddenly, you’re just going:  You have a jet pack strapped on to you?  After all this time of seeking clarity and waiting, it’s now go time.
You’re meant to come up with a plan if you don’t already have one, and begin to execute the plan.  If you need help, ask for it.  There’s some energy of collaboration going on as well.
This doesn’t mean that things aren’t still shifting and changing around you, but it’s time to implement and try out your plan.  Nothing in this world is set in stone.  Adjustments will always need to be made, but it’s time to start.
This could be in response to anything.  Starting a diet, a new exercise plan, a new course of study, a new relationship, a new career, etc. Whatever it is that you’ve been looking to begin.  You will receive more information as time goes on but just start.
Starting something new can be a challenge.  You have your routine and your habits.  One missed day and you can have to begin the process all over again.  Starting something new is never easy.  All the what-ifs that come up.  What if it doesn’t work?  But the reverse side of the coin is, but what if it does?  Hold on to the what if it does as to begin to act and chart a new course.
You’re going to encounter bumps along the way, but how you deal with the bumps could change the outcome.
What are you going to start this week? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Can You Only See It This Way?

Do you have a set dream or vision that you can only see happen in a specific way?  It’s time to introduce some flexibility into your vision.
When you can only see one path, it makes it challenging for the universe to help things along.  Things rarely happen in the exact way we envision them.
This is a time to release your expectations.  Things don’t always happen how you expect.  What happens then?  Disappointment.  Beating yourself up.  Wondering what happened?  Where did I go wrong?  You do down this rabbit hole that can be challenging to dig yourself out of.
Letting go of expectations isn’t easy.  They seem to happen quite naturally.  Letting of anything can be complicated but may be necessary to make the result a reality. 
The process of manifestation doesn’t always work how you expect.  Emotions get in the way.  Reality gets in the way.  Other people get in the way.  The list goes on.
Cut the ties to your expectations.  In whatever way best serves you.  There is no right way.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t try to work towards your vision.  The path will begin the journey.  Follow the clues.  Follow the signs.  Trust your intuition.  And be open to what presents itself.
How are you going to release expectations? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
