September 5


Can You Only See It This Way?

Do you have a set dream or vision that you can only see happen in a specific way?  It’s time to introduce some flexibility into your vision.
When you can only see one path, it makes it challenging for the universe to help things along.  Things rarely happen in the exact way we envision them.
This is a time to release your expectations.  Things don’t always happen how you expect.  What happens then?  Disappointment.  Beating yourself up.  Wondering what happened?  Where did I go wrong?  You do down this rabbit hole that can be challenging to dig yourself out of.
Letting go of expectations isn’t easy.  They seem to happen quite naturally.  Letting of anything can be complicated but may be necessary to make the result a reality. 
The process of manifestation doesn’t always work how you expect.  Emotions get in the way.  Reality gets in the way.  Other people get in the way.  The list goes on.
Cut the ties to your expectations.  In whatever way best serves you.  There is no right way.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t try to work towards your vision.  The path will begin the journey.  Follow the clues.  Follow the signs.  Trust your intuition.  And be open to what presents itself.
How are you going to release expectations? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Expectations, Journey, Path

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