Hi!  I'm Sarah Cross!  Growing up I didn’t know that I was intuitive.  I didn’t even know what that meant.  I knew that I was different, and I didn’t like that feeling.  I felt singled out and resolved that I would try to be just like everyone else.  The only problem was that wasn’t possible.  Does this sound like you?

The universe has a way of showing you and taking you where you need to go and giving you input with whom you need to interact.  I started stripping away my thoughts about myself and my past.  I stepped into who I was meant to be and became empowered.  Things in my life that once seemed in disarray came together.  The universe showed me where to go and which steps to take.  When I wasn’t listening, the universe would do what it needed to do in order to get my attention.  If it is a struggle, it’s not your path. 

You too can reclaim the magic within you and live the life of your dreams.  A dream begins with a single step.  Are you ready to begin?

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