Is It The Heat Of The Moment?

Do you ever find yourself triggered?  It could be from a phone call, conversation, email or just scrolling through social media.  You desperately want to respond.  Put that other person in their place.  You want to tell them that’s not true or maybe just unleash all of your anger about something else.
Try something different.  Take a step back.  Let yourself get to a place where you’re calm.  Words can be unleashed in anger that you can’t take back.
You may find yourself having a confrontation with an employee who’s just doing their job.  You may just say something that isn’t true.  There’s a tendency to not be your best self at these moments.
Being triggered is meant to be a moment where you have the opportunity to see things clearly.  Triggers are meant to make you uncomfortable.  They’re meant to help you grow.  You can only truly grow in those moments.
When everything is going along the way you want it, are you going outside of your comfort zone?  I’m guessing the answer is no.
The darkness is where you learn.  It’s not meant to be all lollipops and rainbows.  You came here to learn.  What you come here to learn is for you to decide.  You aren’t meant to stay in one place.
So the next time you start feeling angry or uncomfortable, take a step back.  Ask yourself questions and try to come from a place that is kind to yourself and those around you.  The world could use a little more kindness.
What is coming to the surface that’s making you uncomfortable?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Is Your Life Supposed to Be Like This?

Was your life supposed to be this way?  Like the theme song from the TV show Friends “So no one told you life was gonna be this way; Your job’s a joke, you’re broke; Your love life’s DOA; It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear…”
Is this what your life feels like now?  Growing up you imagine a life.  Maybe you’ll be married, have kids and a house with a white picket fence.  Maybe you’ll have a successful career.  Or maybe you’ll just be happy.
When you’re growing up you rarely know how hard life is going to be some days.  The work you have to do just to jeep a roof over your head and food on the table.
Society teaches us lines about how hard life is.  “Life sucks and then you die.”  “Life isn’t easy.”  Just two of many sayings that are out there.
What I’m sure you want to know is when does life get easier?  The choice may be yours to make.  I’m sure you’re asking what does that mean?  From the time you were a small child, you started to take in messages from the world around you.  You were taught to feel shame, guilt, fear, etc.  Those messages became a part of you.  They may have even become a piece of your identity.

When you first get into the work of changing your life, it’s these messages that are often tackled.  You need to quiet the voices.  You need to eliminate the messages.  But how do you begin?
It’s a personal journey.  I began mine with Reiki.  The voices had grown overwhelming, and I wanted them to stop.  I wanted to feel good about myself.  So much had happened in my life that I couldn’t remember, but I knew that my psyche did.  How was I going to dissolve messages that I couldn’t remember?  I started to do work energetically with a practitioner.  I tried a lot of different modalities, but Reiki was and is still one of the gentlest.  It’s a great way to ease yourself into the work of transforming your life.  It didn’t just happen in one session.  Over the course of time and regular work, my life began to shift.  It’s still not perfect.  I’m still working through my fears, but Reiki is still one of my go-to forms of energy work.  So much so that I became a Reiki Master in 2019 and soon will begin doing in-person sessions.  Reiki changed my life, and it could be the start of changing yours.
What about your life hasn’t happened the way you thought?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Between Worlds

Do you know what the future looks like?  If you do, aren’t you lucky!  If not, join the club.  You may have ideas.  You may have hopes and dreams, but it’s not certain until it lands in the present.
There are times where you so badly want something to happen, that you don’t live in the present moment.  You live for creating the future.  That perspective may eventually take you where you want to go, but it can also be emotionally draining.  You’re always seeking and searching rather than being able to accept life for what it is.
The same can be said if you’re a person that lives in the past.  You may believe the best days of your life are behind you.  You miss what was instead of what is.
Living in the present can be a challenge.  Especially for those who are trying to create a better you.  The trials of life are hard.  You so desperately want to be happy and there isn’t a lot of happiness in the world.
Last year the rug was pulled out from under you, and nothing is the same.  It’s not meant to.  You’re in the rebuilding stage.  You’re creating something new, and unfortunately, it doesn’t happen overnight.  You’re going to stumble, and you may even fail along the way.
Life’s journey is never easy and it’s the in-between areas of life where you learn the most about yourself and others.
For so much of life, the in-between areas are challenging and difficult, but there’s value.  Take the in-between area for what it is.  The area where a puzzle is started.  You start putting the pieces together and one day it will be completed.
For now, it may be messy and unknown, but there’s something there to be explored.  What in-between areas of life are you exploring?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Give It A Go

Are you afraid to try something new or even something that you did a long time ago?  Sometimes you have to be brave to try either one.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term bravery is “the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty.”  While bravery may often show up in times of war, it can just as easily be used to define a person that’s willing to face their fears.
Facing your fears doesn’t just mean running into a burning building either.  It could be something that’s held you back for months or years.   It could be as simple as trying something.
As a child, I was never a great roller skater, but I could roller skate.  However, I haven’t been roller skating in at least 20 years.  I decided recently I was going to try.  I didn’t even know if I’d be able to stand up.  I bought a helmet and put on the roller skates.  Surprise, I could stand up!  Moving around is a different story.  I do great skating on the grass, but the cement is trickier.  My niece and nephew took my hand to help.  At the end of a half-hour on skates, I decided that I should purchase some pads.  It would have been so easy to criticize myself.  I used to be able to do this and now I can’t.  But I decided to applaud myself for trying and once my pads I will try again.
Maybe for you, it's not roller skates, but the story still applies.  Did you try?  If you did, it takes bravery to face rejection or getting hurt to try.  You don’t know unless you try.  Don’t lash out at yourself because it wasn’t perfect, or you lost ground.  It rarely is.  The point is what did you do that you might have otherwise.
If you tried, you were brave.  If you didn’t, there’s always tomorrow.  There are days where you’re going to get stuck in your head.  That’s ok.  You might have to work towards it.  That’s ok too. 
Nobody says that you must accomplish everything today.  It can be a progression towards your goal.  The question is did you try?
What have you been brave about?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Why Am I Alone?

Why are you alone?  It would be nice if there was a simple answer or even an answer.  You could be all by yourself or in a room filled with people and still feel alone.  These days you’re not alone in feeling that way.  There are many just like you.  The question becomes how to resolve it.  Again, there are no easy answers.  Feelings can be as powerful as anything that is experienced.
It's a feeling that you have to search within you to resolve.  Ask yourself why do I feel this way?  How often do I feel this way?  Maybe you experience it for a moment or it's ongoing.
You never expected to end up here.  You can be single or married.  It doesn’t matter.  You must look at yourself for the answers.  It would be so much easier to blame it on someone else or have someone else solve it for you.  It’s a method that has its uses but is never a long-term solution.
Sometimes you must explore the darkness and it must be done alone.  No one else can do it for you.
It can be difficult to believe there’s a reason for you feeling this way, but there’s an answer.  Maybe it’s a belief that you have.  Maybe you’re afraid.
There are all emotions that you can start to work with.  You must have a little bit of courage and take a leap of faith.  If it’s a fear, the only way to overcome it is through it.  If it’s a belief, that takes more effort.
You don’t have to feel alone.  There’s a world of people out there.  Your best friend could be right around the corner.
Do you feel alone?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
