May 9


Give It A Go

Are you afraid to try something new or even something that you did a long time ago?  Sometimes you have to be brave to try either one.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term bravery is “the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty.”  While bravery may often show up in times of war, it can just as easily be used to define a person that’s willing to face their fears.
Facing your fears doesn’t just mean running into a burning building either.  It could be something that’s held you back for months or years.   It could be as simple as trying something.
As a child, I was never a great roller skater, but I could roller skate.  However, I haven’t been roller skating in at least 20 years.  I decided recently I was going to try.  I didn’t even know if I’d be able to stand up.  I bought a helmet and put on the roller skates.  Surprise, I could stand up!  Moving around is a different story.  I do great skating on the grass, but the cement is trickier.  My niece and nephew took my hand to help.  At the end of a half-hour on skates, I decided that I should purchase some pads.  It would have been so easy to criticize myself.  I used to be able to do this and now I can’t.  But I decided to applaud myself for trying and once my pads I will try again.
Maybe for you, it's not roller skates, but the story still applies.  Did you try?  If you did, it takes bravery to face rejection or getting hurt to try.  You don’t know unless you try.  Don’t lash out at yourself because it wasn’t perfect, or you lost ground.  It rarely is.  The point is what did you do that you might have otherwise.
If you tried, you were brave.  If you didn’t, there’s always tomorrow.  There are days where you’re going to get stuck in your head.  That’s ok.  You might have to work towards it.  That’s ok too. 
Nobody says that you must accomplish everything today.  It can be a progression towards your goal.  The question is did you try?
What have you been brave about?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Courage, Fear

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