Find the Positive

There has been so much going on, that at times it’s a challenge to just keep up.  There’s only one non-lunar aspect, this week, but it will be important to take the time to process your thoughts before speaking and try to find a positive way to respond.

Mercury in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces on August 1 at 10:18 pm.  This can be a time of poor communication skills, frustration, and sadness.  There may also be the possibility of misinterpreting what you hear or being too critical of others.  It’s easy to jump to conclusions, but it’s important to take the time and listen.  Finding the positive in a bad situation can be tricky and could take some time.

Take some time to respond this week.  Find a way to be kind in your responses.  Being mean doesn’t normally get you what you want.  You may have to explore your own past and come to terms with your part in a situation.  It’s easy to lash out at others and blame them for your problems, but if you can examine the situation, you may be able to learn something important and get to a better place. 

It would have been easier for me to blame my getting fired completely on my prior employer and say it was all their fault, but the truth is that I was no longer happy there.  I had reached the end of that path and was ready to start a new one, but I was stuck in my old way of thinking.  I couldn’t see it.  The universe helped me to close out that chapter of my life and open up a new one.  This isn’t to say that I didn’t go through a range of emotions as I processed the event, believe me, I did, but within a few weeks, I was able to see the positives.  Look for the positives and it can help to change your thinking.

Do you need help finding the positive?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Is It About Me?

How was last week?  Was it intense or did things finally start to settle down?  Just when you think you have your direction figured out, sometimes you have to make a U-turn and go in a different direction.  This may be one of those weeks. 

Chiron stations to go retrograde on July 23 at 8:42 am.  Chiron is in Aries and still examining the I Am.  Who are you?  Chiron is often your deepest wound.  This is a great time to dig into the wound and peel it apart, but will you take the time or will you just brush off the work?   The more you try to avoid the problem, the bigger it will get.  There is no escaping your wound, you will have to confront it at some time.  It may be better to do it now.

Mercury in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on July 23 at 5:39 pm.  The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all now in Leo and would like to be playful and have fun, but there is work to be done first.  If you haven’t done the work, you may be feeling a little sorry for yourself.  The problems that you’re facing couldn’t possibly be your fault.  You’re determined and right.  Is being right worth it?

On July 27 at 11:16 am, Mercury in Leo Conjuncts Venus in Leo.  Have you thought a little bit more about what you want to do?  Your heart is steering you in a new direction.  Being right isn’t everything.  You may not have seen the path clearly and have made mistakes, but mistakes make you human.  It can be difficult to let it go, but it could be in your best interest to do so and start again.  The choice is yours and only yours.  Only you can change your life and the universe is giving you a push.  Take the push.

What is the universe trying to tell you about your new direction?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What’s your re?

It’s summertime and with the signs of Mercury and Venus being in the Leo and the Sun about to join them it should be a time of fun, but Venus is about to go retrograde, what could that look like for you?

Mercury in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus on July 17 at 8:49 am.  Fun and creativity meet growth.  Jupiter is here to remind you that it’s not all fun and games and it’s time to get moving and meet your goals.

On July 20 at 4:39 pm, Mars in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces.  Saturn in Pisces is trying to dissolve something in your life that isn’t working and Mars in Virgo might just be working to put that same thing into place.  Make sure it’s something that you really want before you put a lot of time and effort into it. 

The Sun in Cancer Opposes Pluto in Capricorn on July 21 at 11:53 pm.  Since 2008, Pluto in Capricorn has been transforming an area of your life.  Pluto is back to make sure that things are going the way they should.  The Sun in Cancer is checking to see how you feel about this.  Do you have the support that you need?  It’s ok to be nostalgic and wish for the old times, but sometimes you have to accept that the old days aren’t coming back and it’s time to move on.

On July 22 at 9:33 pm, Venus stations retrograde.  Venus is going to be retrograde until September 3.  This could be a great time to examine what you love.  Does it bring you joy?  Is your heart in it?  All of these are good questions to revisit while Venus is in retrograde. A few hours later at 9;50 pm, the Sun enters Leo.  The Sun wants to have fun and be inspired but could get stuck on the dramatic and the personal issues.  Be confident and optimistic.  Things will turn out how they’re supposed to, but not always how you expect them to.

What are you revisiting?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Practicality vs. Creativity

Hope you got some time to rest last week and maybe even figure out what’s important to you.  There are two sign changes this week, so the energy is shifting.

Mars enters the sign of Virgo on July 10 at 7:40 am.  The planet of action is entering the sign of perfectionism, industriousness, diligence, and practicality.  You may be finding it challenging to get things done while Mars is in the sign of Virgo, you may have to double and check everything to make sure that it is just right.  It could also keep you from being impulsive with your actions and make sure this next step is one that you want to take.

Also on July 10 at 4:48 pm., Mercury in Cancer Opposes Pluto in Capricorn.  The ideas coming to fruition might have to take a backburner to whether or not they are structurally sound.  That’s ok, write those ideas down anyways you may come up with a solution at a later time.

Mercury enters the sign of Leo a few hours later on July 11 at 12:11 am.  Your thoughts might be more creative or you may feel more confident while Mercury is in the sign of Leo. Harness the power of the sun and let it help guide your thoughts to be more optimistic and fun.

The Sun in Cancer Squares Chiron in Aries on July 12 at 8:06 am.  Get out of your head and get in touch with your emotions.  Your emotions are trying to tell you something, but you’re spending so much time trying to be right or striving for the next thing that you might be losing something important in the process.  Dig down.  Cry if you need to.  Crying is a great way to release pent-up energy and expel it from your body. 

Which is it for you?  Practicality or creativity?  Maybe even a little of both.  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What’s Important?

Happy Independence Day!  Enjoy some time off with family and friends and a little reminder about what’s important in life.  It can be so easy to get lost in day-to-day activities, but those aren’t what you remember at the end of the day.  It may be a seemingly tiny thing to you that makes all the difference in the world to someone else.

With all the hustle and bustle and high intensity of the last few years, a basic philosophy of being kind to others seems to be missing as part of daily society.  There’s such a concern with being right that being kind has been lost.  Venus in Leo is all about connecting to the heart and will Square Uranus in Taurus on July 2 at 10:34 am.  Uranus in Taurus is working on helping you to grow.  Maybe it’s more important to grow something that is meaningful and to be happy and fulfilled, than it is to have all the money or tangible items in the world.  It can be so easy to strive for riches and get things, but at the end of your life, you can’t take any of those things with you. Many people are starting new chapters in their lives, you may even be one of them.  Do something that will bring you happiness.  Happiness and love are two of the most important things that you can have in your life and their effects can be widespread.  A little bit of joy can go a long way to changing the world.

Mercury in Cancer will Square Chiron in Aries on July 6 at 12:28 am.  There may be some emotional processing that takes place.  Mercury has been revealing things and still is this week.  Pay attention to the little things, they may seem insignificant but could send you in a new direction.  Be careful not to get too stuck in your head.  It can be hard to say the words, but those words could be significant.

What’s important to you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?