July 30


Find the Positive

There has been so much going on, that at times it’s a challenge to just keep up.  There’s only one non-lunar aspect, this week, but it will be important to take the time to process your thoughts before speaking and try to find a positive way to respond.

Mercury in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces on August 1 at 10:18 pm.  This can be a time of poor communication skills, frustration, and sadness.  There may also be the possibility of misinterpreting what you hear or being too critical of others.  It’s easy to jump to conclusions, but it’s important to take the time and listen.  Finding the positive in a bad situation can be tricky and could take some time.

Take some time to respond this week.  Find a way to be kind in your responses.  Being mean doesn’t normally get you what you want.  You may have to explore your own past and come to terms with your part in a situation.  It’s easy to lash out at others and blame them for your problems, but if you can examine the situation, you may be able to learn something important and get to a better place. 

It would have been easier for me to blame my getting fired completely on my prior employer and say it was all their fault, but the truth is that I was no longer happy there.  I had reached the end of that path and was ready to start a new one, but I was stuck in my old way of thinking.  I couldn’t see it.  The universe helped me to close out that chapter of my life and open up a new one.  This isn’t to say that I didn’t go through a range of emotions as I processed the event, believe me, I did, but within a few weeks, I was able to see the positives.  Look for the positives and it can help to change your thinking.

Do you need help finding the positive?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Communication, Frustration, Mercury, Pisces, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Sadness, Saturn, Virgo

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