March 31


Bring Me A Higher Love

Oh no, the dreaded Mercury retrograde begins this week!  And it begins right in the middle of two eclipses with the second to occur on April 8.  What does that mean?  

Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Aries on April 1 at 6:14 pm EST. It may seem like a big giant April Fool’s joke, but it’s that time of year when technology goes haywire and it’s time to take a pause and revisit past communications.  Communications in Aries tend to be a little on the impulsive side, so it’s good to remember to think before you speak.  Remember once you’ve said it, you can’t take it back.  Because this Mercury retrograde is between the two eclipses, you could be revisiting something from the past that will help to create your new beginning. The new beginning is in the not-too-distant future, but sometimes you have to clean up and declutter to allow something new to come in.

Venus in Pisces Conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on April 3 at 9:10 am EST. Neptune is often thought to be a higher form of Venus.  With Venus being in Pisces a sign it loves and Neptune being in Pisces a sign it rules, this is a special day.  Neptune is nearing the later degrees of its stay in Pisces and will enter Aries in 2025.  It’s so easy to get bogged down with the daily responsibilities of life. Fear tends to take over and rule the roost, but it doesn’t have to.  Take a moment and think about how can I approach this from a place of love.  Nobody’s saying that this is an easy practice to take, but if you make it a practice, it could just change your life.

Venus enters Aries on April 5 at 12:00 am EST.  Love is going to become impulsive, but it could also have a new beginning.  Aries is the start of the astrological year and it’s a time for new opportunities and beginnings.  You could take the lessons of yesterday and start to implement a new practice, but remember you have to take action.  If you don’t take action, it’s just a thought.  Venus in Aries could help you to take that step that you have been hesitant to take.  Also, Venus in Aries loves to do something for themselves.  Love yourself enough to do something for yourself.

This is still an intense period of energy.  Take the lessons of Mercury Retrograde and Venus this week.  Rest, relax, and love yourself in the highest way possible.

What can you do to approach life from a place of love? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Action, Aries, Higher Love, Love, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Retrograde, Venus

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