Which Way Do I Go?

Does it feel like 2021 has been all about making decisions?  It has.  You’re creating a new foundation for your life.  For that new creation to occur decisions must be made.
When you build a house or move into a house, lots of decisions must be made before you get to the finished product.  You’re still in process.  Not only are you in process, but all the outer planets are now retrograde, so decisions that you thought you’d made may come back up for reconsideration.
If you want your life to turn out differently, you must do things differently.  That can be a challenge to come to terms with.  You tend to want things to magically change.  You want your Prince Charming to show up one day and take all your troubles away.  It would be nice, but life isn’t like that.  Life presents you with challenges and difficulties to help you grow and evolve.
Today isn’t meant to be the same as yesterday.  This is your opportunity to reconsider your past.  What has it taught you and how have you reached where you are right now? 
If you are the same person at the end of 2021 as you were at the beginning, you’re doing something wrong.  What can you do differently?  It may seem like one small change can’t make a difference, but it could be enough to get the ball rolling.
It often seems like life is all about the result.  This is the dream, and it looks like this when it’s more about how do I reach the dream?  Be careful of being too dependent on the outcome.  You can beat your head against a wall for years, towards a specific outcome that might not happen.  Allow room for manifestation and magic to happen.  Miracles can happen, but you need to loosen up and allow them room.
What do you want your future to look like?  What steps can you take and what does the process look like?  It’s time to start.  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Shh . . . It’s A Secret!

Secrets have a way of coming out, but sometimes they have to be revealed.  There are different types of secrets.  There are the types that are self-serving.  Where you want to do something, and you know you shouldn’t.  It goes against societal norms, such as an affair.  There’s also the sort, it may be self-serving to a degree but you’re not ready to share.  You have the intention of the secret one day being revealed, but you need some time before it is.
What type of secret are you hiding?  Everyone has secrets.  I can guarantee that you have one right now.  Your life isn’t an open book, you’re allowed to keep things to yourself.  The question is why is it a secret?
It’s the intent that matters sometimes more than the secret itself.  Although I wouldn’t encourage that logic if an affair is involved.
Why am I discussing secrets?  Things have recently become clear to you. You may want to keep it to yourself while you put the pieces together.  You aren’t quite ready to confide in someone else.  You’re afraid of what they might say or you don’t know what to do.
You are allowed to have your reasons.  There is nothing wrong with keeping it to yourself and working through the pieces, but be aware secrets tend to be revealed at some point.  It can come out when you least expect it. 
That could have just happened to you within the last few weeks or could be to come.  Be prepared for what happens when the secret does come out.  Your world and the one around you can change in an instant.
Information is rising to the surface.  All will be revealed.  It doesn’t always happen the way you plan.  Be aware.
What do you want to keep a secret? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Just Release

Over the course of the last few weeks, something has been revealed to you.  You’re receiving clarity on something.  You’re going to start working toward a goal soon, but before you do, look at what’s rising to the surface.
Emotions are coming up.  You may feel confused, sad, guilt, fear, or any number of other emotions.  You may feel a lot of emotion at once or could even just feel numb.  You’re at a point where the emotion needs to be addressed and released.
You’re shifting and changing.  It’s what 2021 is all about.  Your life isn’t going to be the same and there can be a grieving process for what might not have gone entirely as planned.  You had your sights set on it, but it just didn’t work that way.
It’s ok.  Sometimes you just need to let it unfold as it’s meant to.  It doesn’t always go as planned.  You have a tendency to want to avoid pain.  You’re not alone in this.
It’s important to step into the pain.  You shouldn’t try to ignore it.  It’s like a wave.  In order to ride a wave, you have to go into it.
You can’t avoid the emotions.  No matter how hard you try.  If you try to ignore the pain, it could catch up with you.  You want to release the pain.  Release the past.  Move into the next chapter with a little less baggage.
As you move through this time, give yourself the space you need.  You may be tired, sleep.  You may not want to speak to anyone, don’t.
Things will start moving soon, so process.  Feel whatever rises to the surface.  It will all be ok.
What’s rising to the surface? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Revise or Toss?

With so many planets in Virgo and the Sun moving into Virgo on August 22, we’re being asked to clean up our lives, but not in the way that you might think.
2021 has been about building a new structure for your life.  How has that process been going for you?  You’re moving into a time where decisions will need to be made.  Do you like the choices that you’ve made so far?  You’ve been receiving clues and hints from the universe about what you still may need to charge.
The first part of changing up a room in your house is to clean up what’s currently there.  Do you just move things around or do a deep clean?  Do you look through what you have and toss what you no longer need?
This is the process that you will be going through with your life.  You may be one of those people who want to cut off an arm before they’re willing to part with something, but know this, sometimes you have to part with something to bring in what you really want.
The time to make a commitment to your new structure is coming.  You still have time to determine the path, but the foundation of the new structure is being laid.
What do you want the new foundation to look like?  Do you want it to be the same?  Do you want it to be a combination of old and new?  Or will it be completely different?  Only you can answer that question. 
Start thinking and implementing what you want your life to look like.  You will still have choices to make as you go along, but you’re being pushed to start the process.
It’s always better to move through the process at a pace that works for you, than to have decisions made for you.
What do you need to revise or toss to start laying your foundation? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Are You Different?

Are you different from who you were last year or even last month?  That’s one question to ask, but the other is are you different from who you thought you’d be?
For so many of you, different can have a negative connotation.  I know it did for me.  Different was a bad word.  Who wants to be different?  Especially when all you want is to just fit in.  You want the kids around you to like you and be your friend.  Would you have changed who you were so that you could be friends with those people?  If you said no way, good for you, for standing up for yourself.  I wasn’t like that.  I desperately wanted to fit in.  I reached a point where I had shifted who I was so many times that I didn’t know who I was.
I know who I am now.  But for several years, I didn’t want to be different.  I didn’t want to stand out. I just wanted to blend into the background.  I wanted people to like me and within reason, I would be who you wanted me to be.  I could be a different person to each person I would meet.  Does this sound like you?
You may ask what made me change?  One day I woke up and had no idea who I was.  That scared me.  How could I have reached that point?  I began my journey of self-discovery.  Who was I?
I looked for methods to tell me who I was.  I had spent years listening to people who said you should loosen up and just go with the flow.  Ok, I’ll try.  You should know how to do this.  Ok, I’ll learn.
Deep down there seemed to be a sense of shame that I wasn’t the person I was expected to be.  I figured that other people, especially older people, knew more than I did.  I’ll give you a hint, they might know more in some areas of life, but not all. 
Are you different?  It’s great if you are.  You’re not meant to be like everyone else.  You’re meant to be you and I’m meant to be me.  You have permission to be whoever you want to be.  It’s your choice, but the easiest way to navigate through the journey of life is to just be.
Are you different?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
