August 1


Are You Different?

Are you different from who you were last year or even last month?  That’s one question to ask, but the other is are you different from who you thought you’d be?
For so many of you, different can have a negative connotation.  I know it did for me.  Different was a bad word.  Who wants to be different?  Especially when all you want is to just fit in.  You want the kids around you to like you and be your friend.  Would you have changed who you were so that you could be friends with those people?  If you said no way, good for you, for standing up for yourself.  I wasn’t like that.  I desperately wanted to fit in.  I reached a point where I had shifted who I was so many times that I didn’t know who I was.
I know who I am now.  But for several years, I didn’t want to be different.  I didn’t want to stand out. I just wanted to blend into the background.  I wanted people to like me and within reason, I would be who you wanted me to be.  I could be a different person to each person I would meet.  Does this sound like you?
You may ask what made me change?  One day I woke up and had no idea who I was.  That scared me.  How could I have reached that point?  I began my journey of self-discovery.  Who was I?
I looked for methods to tell me who I was.  I had spent years listening to people who said you should loosen up and just go with the flow.  Ok, I’ll try.  You should know how to do this.  Ok, I’ll learn.
Deep down there seemed to be a sense of shame that I wasn’t the person I was expected to be.  I figured that other people, especially older people, knew more than I did.  I’ll give you a hint, they might know more in some areas of life, but not all. 
Are you different?  It’s great if you are.  You’re not meant to be like everyone else.  You’re meant to be you and I’m meant to be me.  You have permission to be whoever you want to be.  It’s your choice, but the easiest way to navigate through the journey of life is to just be.
Are you different?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Shame

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