Spontaneity & Healing

The last dregs of February and the dawning of March are here.  What does that mean?  Big changes are coming, but first it's time for spontaneity and healing.

March 2 is going to be a big day.  It begins with a conjunction between Venus in Aries and Jupiter in Aries at 12:36 am. Like was talked about last week, Venus in Aries is impulsive and prefers an immediate response.  Jupiter will expand that energy and make it bigger.  It could be a big start to something new or you may have to reign in yourself or those around you to keep in check.
At 9;34 am, Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius.  Saturn is checking in with Mercury one last time before it moves into Pisces.  Is there something that needs to be said about your future?  Do you need to think a little bit more about your new plans before they go into place? 
Mercury enters the sign of Pisces at 5:52 pm.  It’s time for Mercury to get in touch with his intuitive side.  Look for your artistic or creative side to take over or maybe you need to feel what someone else is thinking.  These are areas where Mercury in Pisces thrives. 
On March 3 at 12:48 pm, Venus in Aries will conjunct Chiron in Aries.  Is there something about yourself that you need to heal in order to move forward in your plans?  This is a great time to use the Pisces energy to connect with your inner voice and the Aries energy to start something new.
What do you need to initiate or heal in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Dream A Little Dream

The Sun is in Aquarius until February 18.  It’s the time of year when you can let your idealism shine and be in a state of mind that is more logical and scientific.  You can detach yourself a little bit from the anticipated outcomes.  On February 3 at 9:50 pm, the Sun in Aquarius will Square Uranus in Taurus.  The Sun will have a conflict with the planet of awakenings in the sign of stability and practicality.
The Sun is currently in an Air sign and wants to be intellectual, but Uranus is in an Earth sign and is focused on more worldly matters.  Which sign will win?  Only time will tell.
Venus in Pisces meets Mars in Gemini on February 4 at 10:29 pm.   Venus loves being in the sign of Pisces.  She can romanticize and dream, but Mars is still in the sign of Gemini.  Mars is trying to take action but is having difficulty in the sign of Gemini.  It has to fight a sense of duality and communicativeness when all it wants to do is go.  Mars is still finding that it may have to do things twice in order to accomplish its goals, but it’s getting closer all the time.  One day you could wake up and have taken steps little by little, you could be on the precipice of a new life.
What is your dream?  You must have one.  What do you want your life to look like in 5, 10, or 15 years?  All of your dreams don’t have to happen overnight, they can happen in stages, but it’s important to dream.
What is your dream?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

I Like To Move It

Are you ready?  It’s time to move forward on whatever you’ve been working on.  The last of the planets, Uranus, stations direct this week on January 22 at 5:59 pm.  For about the next 90 days, there will be no retrograde planets in the sky.  So, is something still holding you back from taking that step?
Uranus in Taurus has been demonstrating to you what is of value to you and it’s about to shift course.  It’s going to revisit the steps that you’ve been taking since late August.  How can that item or items in your life become something that is of value to you.? What do you value?  If you’re unsure it could all of a sudden become clear to you.
Also on January 22 at 5:13 pm, Venus in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius.  Venus is checking in with Saturn one last time for the next 30 years.  How are the rules stopping you from something that you love?  Is there a way around those limitations?  Do you need to get out of your head and speak from your heart?  Only you truly know the answers to these questions, but it may be time to stop second-guessing yourself and see where it leads.
Venus will enter the sign of Pisces on January 26 at 9:33 pm.  Venus is going to stop overthinking and start to feel.  This may be your chance to enter your heart space and let it show you what you want.  Pisces can also be the sign of romanticizing and daydreaming, so keep that in mind as you make decisions.
What are you moving forward on?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Dreams vs. Illusions

What are you dreaming about right now?  Are you seeing it clearly or is it a little bit foggy and out of focus?  It may be hard to tell this week with the Sun in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on December 14 at 12:10 p.m.
Sagittarius is the sign of enthusiasm, hope, and optimism, but can also be the sign of being frank, outspoken, and exaggeration.  Pisces is the sign of compassion, mysticism, and spirituality, but can also be the sign of illusions, escapism, and deception.  Those two signs are creating conflict this week.
If you are able to take the struggle of last week and look beyond the illusion and frustration, you may start to see the bigger picture of what you want.  Squares are an opportunity to show you what you truly want.  You don’t discover what you want when everything in your life is going perfectly.  You tend to find out what is important to you when life isn’t going your way.  It’s human nature to want what you don’t have and to overlook what you do. 
You may feel overly optimistic and that you can solve anything.  If you decide to explore, remember to take it slow and examine whether it is something that you truly want or you just think you want.  The old adage of being careful what you wish for could be an issue right now.  Think about it.  Sleep on it.  Don’t act impulsively.  If you do act impulsively, you could either regret your actions or have to make another decision later.  Mars is still retrograde in Gemini.  There’s a good possibility of having to take action twice.
Dreams are an important part of life.  Just make sure that you really want it, before you go after it.
What are you dreaming about?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

The Struggle

You’ve been wanting to make a choice or go in a new direction, but you just don’t seem to be able to move forward.  That’s the struggle this week.  I want to do this, but I’m not sure.
The week kicks off with Venus in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on December 4 at 2:12 am, and then a couple of days later on December 6 at 2:05 am, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Jupiter in Pisces.  Neptune stationed to go direct on December 3, so you’re still feeling the effects of that planetary station.  The fog that Neptune can create is trying to clear, but it’s just not quite ready.  Mercury and Venus are still trying to make decisions.  The Sun in Sagittarius will oppose Mars in Gemini on December 8 at 12:42 am.  Remember Mars is still retrograde until January, so it’s not quite ready to take action, and Gemini is an air sign.  There are things to think about first. 
Venus in Sagittarius will then square Jupiter in Pisces on December 9 at 7:55 am.  Jupiter is going to expand the energy and make the choice bigger.  Can you see what you need to do now?  If not, it’s ok.  You may not be ready yet.
There are two sign changes this week.  Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6 at 5:08 pm and Venus enters Capricorn on December 9 at 10:54 pm.  The energy of Capricorn will bring some patience, practicality, and initiating energy to your environment.  What is the responsible thing to do will enter into the equation?
The making of possibly life-altering decisions is never easy.  The struggle of making that choice is quite real. It may seem at times like you’re the only one and that others just don’t understand.  Some people may not, but there are others that do.  Others have been there, made the big decision, and survived to tell the tale.  When you have to make this choice it can seem all-consuming, but when you finally allow yourself to make a choice, whether it’s good or bad, there can be a freedom that you’ve made the choice and are ready.  Be patient with yourself and know that when you are ready, you will make the choice.  The struggle will not have been in vain.
What choice are you struggling with?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Hope you had a nice break from the regular daily rhythm.  Whether you spent it with family, friends, or tackling items on your holiday to-do list.  It’s the to-do list that’s going to present you with some issues this week.
Mars is still retrograde in the sign of Gemini.  Gemini normally has at least two choices and with it being in retrograde, you may have four, six, or eight choices.  This week Mercury opposes Mars on November 29 at 3:30 pm and Venus opposes it on December 1 at 12:28 am.  It’s a week of negotiating between those choices.  Do you want this or do you want that? 
Mercury in Sagittarius can be known for its frankness, so there could also be some bruised egos amongst others as you’re negotiating these options.  It’s important to gather as much information as you possibly can to make an informed choice.  With Sagittarius energy, it can be really easy to be impatient and think that you know better.  Let that Gemini energy of curiosity out.  Ask questions.  It’s important to not jump to conclusions.
Mercury in Sagittarius will also square Neptune in Pisces on December 1 at 8:08 pm.  You may not be seeing things as clearly as you should in order to make a choice, but Neptune will station direct on December 3 at 7:15 pm.  Another planet is moving forward, and more pieces will come together.
Have some patience and remember that negotiations are essential right now.  You might not get everything you want, but you could come close if you can be open to the possibilities.
What are you negotiating for right now?Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Deep Dive Into the Shadow

The season of Scorpio kicks into motion this week as Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all enter the sign of Scorpio.  Also, there’s a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 at 6:49 am.
Scorpio tends to be a sign that is misunderstood.  Most people don’t like exploring the darkness of life and that’s where the sign of Scorpio thrives.  Scorpio likes to explore the shadow side of life.  If you can meet your shadow and work on the triggers that arise, you can find the areas that you need to address in order to grow.
A lot happens astrologically this week, especially Sunday.  Saturn stations direct on October 23 at 12:07 am.  Saturn is still in the sign of Aquarius.  In general terms, Saturn is addressing the collective and the direction we’re headed since our structures have been dismantled.  What does the future look like?  Saturn has been revisiting the past while retrograding and is now ready to examine what it learned.
Venus will enter Scorpio on October 23 at 3:52 am.  The planet of love and beauty will drop into the underworld, where the Sun joins her a couple of hours later at 6:36 am.
Jupiter will retrograde back into Pisces on October 8 at 1:10 am.  Jupiter is still looking back and is re-examining what was going on before May 10.  It’s giving another opportunity for expansion, which won’t happen until Jupiter goes direct on November 23. 
The last of the personal planets, Mercury, will enter Scorpio on October 29 at 3:22 pm.
It can seem terrifying to confront your shadow, but the only thing to do with fear is to move through it and face it.  Otherwise your fear can control you.  It’s time to meet your shadow and follow the triggers.
What is your shadow telling you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Challenges vs. Gifts

Sometimes life is more challenging than others.  This week is dependent on your viewpoint.  There are a couple of oppositions between the planets in Aries and the planets in Libra.  This is a tug-of-war energy.  Which viewpoint will win?  The need to be impulsive or the need to think things through.
The week starts off with Venus in Libra Opposite Chiron in Aries on October 10 at 9:15 am.  Venus is how you love and Chiron is your deepest wounds and how you can heal them.  Do you have wounds around love to heal?  Everyone does.  It’s more a matter of how deep they run than if you have one.  Do you allow these wounds to control how you love, or is it a chance?  You were sent here to heal these areas of your life, it is your choice if you take the leap and work on it or if you continue to let it lead you around. 
This Mercury retrograde has shown you where you are going next.  Mercury will enter back into the sign of Libra on October 10 at 7:51 p.m.  Have you been implementing what you learned?  Mercury is ready.  Mercury is trying to find the balance between the old and the new, the challenge and gift.  Sometimes with Mercury, it's just a matter of how you think about it.  Mercury will have its first aspect back in the sign of Libra, on October 12 at 3:24 am when it opposes Jupiter in Aries.  Jupiter is going to expand the thoughts that you’ve been having, just in case you haven’t been clear.  Planets when they’re in Libra, can often second guess themselves, and make it difficult to make a choice.  Jupiter wants to make it easier for you to see where the problem lies, so you have a harder time staying put. 
Also on October 12 at 1:46 am, Mars in Gemini is squaring Neptune in Pisces.  There’s a tension between remaining in the illusion of Neptune in Pisces and seeing the duality of Mars in Gemini.  Have you noticed having to take action twice?  With Gemini placements, this is a common theme.  Once you act and then you have to act again, either because there was an error or it just didn’t go quite according to plan.
It’s important to remember that life is all about how we view it.  Do you let the challenges knock you down or get back up?  Can you see the gift in the hard times?  It’s rarely easy to see the gift at the moment, but it’s always there lurking in the background.  Diamonds don’t start out that way.  They are carbon deposits that are subject to high pressure and heat and begin to change form.  Just in case you ever need a reminder, you can be a diamond.  It’s just a matter of viewpoint,
Are you seeing life as a challenge or a gift? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
