October 9


Challenges vs. Gifts

Sometimes life is more challenging than others.  This week is dependent on your viewpoint.  There are a couple of oppositions between the planets in Aries and the planets in Libra.  This is a tug-of-war energy.  Which viewpoint will win?  The need to be impulsive or the need to think things through.
The week starts off with Venus in Libra Opposite Chiron in Aries on October 10 at 9:15 am.  Venus is how you love and Chiron is your deepest wounds and how you can heal them.  Do you have wounds around love to heal?  Everyone does.  It’s more a matter of how deep they run than if you have one.  Do you allow these wounds to control how you love, or is it a chance?  You were sent here to heal these areas of your life, it is your choice if you take the leap and work on it or if you continue to let it lead you around. 
This Mercury retrograde has shown you where you are going next.  Mercury will enter back into the sign of Libra on October 10 at 7:51 p.m.  Have you been implementing what you learned?  Mercury is ready.  Mercury is trying to find the balance between the old and the new, the challenge and gift.  Sometimes with Mercury, it's just a matter of how you think about it.  Mercury will have its first aspect back in the sign of Libra, on October 12 at 3:24 am when it opposes Jupiter in Aries.  Jupiter is going to expand the thoughts that you’ve been having, just in case you haven’t been clear.  Planets when they’re in Libra, can often second guess themselves, and make it difficult to make a choice.  Jupiter wants to make it easier for you to see where the problem lies, so you have a harder time staying put. 
Also on October 12 at 1:46 am, Mars in Gemini is squaring Neptune in Pisces.  There’s a tension between remaining in the illusion of Neptune in Pisces and seeing the duality of Mars in Gemini.  Have you noticed having to take action twice?  With Gemini placements, this is a common theme.  Once you act and then you have to act again, either because there was an error or it just didn’t go quite according to plan.
It’s important to remember that life is all about how we view it.  Do you let the challenges knock you down or get back up?  Can you see the gift in the hard times?  It’s rarely easy to see the gift at the moment, but it’s always there lurking in the background.  Diamonds don’t start out that way.  They are carbon deposits that are subject to high pressure and heat and begin to change form.  Just in case you ever need a reminder, you can be a diamond.  It’s just a matter of viewpoint,
Are you seeing life as a challenge or a gift? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Aries, Balance, Challenges, Change, Chiron, Duality, Gemini, Gifts, Jupiter, Libra, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Retrograde, Tension, Venus, Viewpoint

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