How Do You Love Yourself?

What’s been coming up for you?  As Mercury Retrograde nears its conclusion, something has been revealed to you.  What are you going to do about that information?

Venus in Aries Conjuncts Chiron in Aries on April 21 at 7:49 am EST.  The planet of love is in Aries and is telling you something about how you love yourself, but it’s talking with Chiron about your wounds.  Your inner child might need some love.  Can you provide yourself with the love that you give to everyone else?  The answer is yes, even if it isn’t always easy to accept yourself for who you are, even with all of those “buts” running your head.  I could love myself if I weighed less, if I looked different, or if I was more like (insert name), or any other programming that may be running right now.  It’s not true.  You’re lovable just as you are and it’s ok to accept that.

Mercury stations to go direct on April 25 at 8:54 am EST.  Thank goodness!  Some of the confusion will begin to dissipate.  You can take the information that’s been revealed to you and begin to process it.  Maybe even act on it. 

The eclipse on April 8 brought a lot to the surface for you and everyone else.  It’s not all going to be resolved immediately.  Take your time and think it through.  Take some time and do something for you.  You deserve it.

How do you love yourself?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time For Radical Change

Just when you thought the Eclipse energy had passed, there’s more big energy this week.  The Eclipse portal doesn’t officially end for another couple of weeks, but there is another huge aspect this week, that happens once every 12 years.

Mercury in Aries Conjuncts Chiron in Aries on April 15 at 11:23 am EST. It’s time for Mercury and Chiron to have another chat.  Mercury and Chiron had one conversation about your inner wounding, but it’s time for a follow-up.  Have you done anything with the information that was provided to you on March 20?  This doesn’t mean that you must have the issue already resolved, but have you pondered it all?  Have you taken steps to change how your wound impacts you?  If you haven’t, now it’s time to listen to what Chiron is telling you and start making steps to adjust.

The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 19 at 10:00 am EST. It’s time to shine a light on people and things of value.  What do you value?  What’s important to you?  It should show up in the ways that you spend your time.  If it doesn’t, it may be time to make some adjustments. 

Jupiter in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on April 20 at 10:27 pm EST. This is the HUGE aspect this week.  Jupiter and Uranus make a conjunction every 12 years and this time it’s in the sign of Taurus, what you value.  When Uranus is involved it can be a sudden surprise or shift.  Be prepared that Jupiter and Uranus have something to say.  It could be something radically different from what you might expect.  It could be time for something exciting or a new adventure or it could also be the end of something that’s no longer serving you.  Be open to the experience.  Being open can be challenging for the sign of Taurus, but you never know what could happen if you don’t try.

What radical changes are happening in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Healing work can be a challenge, but this week you should experience a breakthrough. The Solar Eclipse in Aries dominates the energy for the week, but there is more involved than just the Sun and the Moon.

The Solar Eclipse with the Sun and the Moon both being in Aries occurs on April 8 at 2:21 pm EST.  I’m sure you already have it marked on your calendar.  It has been discussed on social media platforms and news outlets for weeks.  Eclipses can be markers of life events.  Are you on the right path or have you strayed from your intended course?  Either way, this week, you could experience a breakthrough of some sort because just moments after the eclipse, the Sun will conjunct Chiron (also known as the wounded healer) at 2:28 pm EST.  Your breakthrough will be about what you’ve been working on healing from.  We’re talking Aries keywords here, so it could be something about your independence, leadership, the need to be self-reliant, or other topics that relate to yourself. Aries is the “I Am”.  How do you define who you are?  The action steps don’t all have to happen right now, but the information is ready to be revealed.

Mars in Pisces Conjuncts Saturn in Pisces on April 10 at 4:36 pm EST.  Pisces is often known for its ability to drift and dream, but this may be a moment where you feel like you can overcome anything.  You feel brave and have a sense of fearlessness.  Take steps that have been holding you back.  This may be in relationship to something that was revealed as part of the eclipse or a new part of your story.  There are no rights or wrongs on this journey that is called life, but there are twists, turns, and plenty of lessons.  Take a stand from what might be holding you back.

The Sun in Aries takes the information that was revealed a few days ago and starts communication with Mercury in Aries on April 11 at 7:03 pm EST.  It’s time to start to think and think big.  The time for action isn’t quite yet since Mercury is retrograde, but what’s your dream?  You may have an idea, but can you make the idea bigger?  This isn’t the time for practicality and whether it can be accomplished quite yet.  This is the time just for the idea.

What was your breakthrough?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Bring Me A Higher Love

Oh no, the dreaded Mercury retrograde begins this week!  And it begins right in the middle of two eclipses with the second to occur on April 8.  What does that mean?  

Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Aries on April 1 at 6:14 pm EST. It may seem like a big giant April Fool’s joke, but it’s that time of year when technology goes haywire and it’s time to take a pause and revisit past communications.  Communications in Aries tend to be a little on the impulsive side, so it’s good to remember to think before you speak.  Remember once you’ve said it, you can’t take it back.  Because this Mercury retrograde is between the two eclipses, you could be revisiting something from the past that will help to create your new beginning. The new beginning is in the not-too-distant future, but sometimes you have to clean up and declutter to allow something new to come in.

Venus in Pisces Conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on April 3 at 9:10 am EST. Neptune is often thought to be a higher form of Venus.  With Venus being in Pisces a sign it loves and Neptune being in Pisces a sign it rules, this is a special day.  Neptune is nearing the later degrees of its stay in Pisces and will enter Aries in 2025.  It’s so easy to get bogged down with the daily responsibilities of life. Fear tends to take over and rule the roost, but it doesn’t have to.  Take a moment and think about how can I approach this from a place of love.  Nobody’s saying that this is an easy practice to take, but if you make it a practice, it could just change your life.

Venus enters Aries on April 5 at 12:00 am EST.  Love is going to become impulsive, but it could also have a new beginning.  Aries is the start of the astrological year and it’s a time for new opportunities and beginnings.  You could take the lessons of yesterday and start to implement a new practice, but remember you have to take action.  If you don’t take action, it’s just a thought.  Venus in Aries could help you to take that step that you have been hesitant to take.  Also, Venus in Aries loves to do something for themselves.  Love yourself enough to do something for yourself.

This is still an intense period of energy.  Take the lessons of Mercury Retrograde and Venus this week.  Rest, relax, and love yourself in the highest way possible.

What can you do to approach life from a place of love? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Warrior Goddess

This week starts with a bang and ends with a whimper.  You may already be feeling the intense energies that are coming your way.  The first of 2 eclipses is on Monday and as normal with eclipses, you could be in for a wild ride.

The Lunar Eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis is the only aspect that I will discuss this week.  The rest of the aspects are lunar and technically a lunar eclipse is a lunar aspect as well, but this eclipse has significant meaning to it.  Part of the meaning will be dependent on where in your chart this eclipse happens.

The Lunar Eclipse occurs on March 25 at 3:00 am EST.  Because this Lunar Eclipse is on the Aries-Libra axis it is about power dynamics.  The power between yourself and the other significant relationships in your life.  It is the masculine energies vs the feminine energies.  It is the beginning and the end.  Libra energy is seeking balance in life, but this eclipse is more about the Aries energy.  It’s about the beginning and power.

We live in a male-dominant culture.  It wasn’t always this way, but that’s for another time.  I’m going to be a little political for a moment.  Societally we are being shown the effects of our male-dominant culture.  How is this culture working for you?  Let’s focus exclusively on women though.  Women have been expected to cater to the needs of men to the point where women weren’t even allowed to vote until 1920 and women couldn’t have a credit card until the early 1970s.  Women seemed to be on a trajectory where we were gaining rights and in 2016, the United States almost had a female president and leader.  But patriarchy did not go quietly into that good night.  Instead, another man entered the White House, and not just any man, but a man with an agenda.  He is exposing the underbelly of the patriarchy.  Since 2016, women seem to be losing ground.  Women have lost the right in some states to have a say over whether they want an abortion and our own right to make our own healthcare decisions could be next. 

Aries is all about power and the warrior.  This is the time for women to step up and be noticed.  I know it’s not easy.  I have hidden any number of times and occasionally need the push to get out of my own way.  Think about the power dynamics in your own life.  Does one person have all the power or is it a balance between two people or a group of people?  Look closely at these relationships.  Do you want to stay, or do you want to go?  Free yourself from what is no longer serving you and start the process of beginning again.  I understand that it’s terrifying to start from scratch, but something that has helped me to make decisions is what do I have left to lose.  Most of the time what I have feared has already come true if I’m being honest with myself.

This eclipse has the power to make dynamic changes in your life if you’re willing to step up and take a risk.  Step into your power.  The world needs us to step up and reclaim our feminine energy.   The world needs some warrior goddesses to point the way into a new era.

Are you ready to become a feminine warrior? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

New Beginnings

This week may be a bit more chaotic than last week as we are getting close to the Lunar Eclipse on March 25 and it’s time to step into that energy.  This week we enter Aries season and the new astrological year.  It’s time for new beginnings and maybe even an energetic push to take steps that need to be taken.

The Sun in Pisces Conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on March 17 at 7:22 am EST.  It’s the last opportunity to relax and have some fun.  Connect with your spiritual self and find what it is that you truly believe in or maybe even who you would like to be in an ideal world.

The Sun enters Aries on March 19 at 11:06 pm EST.  It’s time for the astrological new year, new beginnings, and Spring!  The Aries energy wants to begin anew.  This is a great time to pick up a project that you may have dropped along the way or start something from scratch.  Plant some seeds and all of them to grow over the coming months.

Mercury in Aries Conjuncts Chiron in Aries on March 20 at 1:27 PM EST.  Be careful of speaking from a wounded place.  This is a time when you might not think about what it is that you want to say and words may just come flying out of your mouth.  Try to take a moment to think before you speak.  It could save you a lot of problems later on.

Venus in Pisces Conjunct Saturn in Pisces on March 21 at 7:09 PM EST. Saturn has some information to pass along to Venus.  Venus would just like to dream and drift, but Saturn has some work to do.  There could be a conflict about what you know you should do and what it is that you really want to do.

Mars enters Pisces on March 22 at 7:47 PM EST.  Mars just wants to have fun.  Mars doesn’t want to work.  This may be a time when it’s easiest to work on projects in pieces.  In 15-minute increments, you can get a lot done.  Try not to be too hard on yourself if things don’t go exactly as planned. What new beginnings are in the works for you?   Let me know.  

Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Change Is The Name of The Game

Hope you had a nice quiet week last week.  This week looks anything but quiet.  It’s time to get to work because change is in the air. 

Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius on February 5 at 12:10 am EST.  Mercury in Aquarius is all about thinking towards the future.  It’s time to get to the point and devise a plan.  The time for pondering and formulating ideas is coming to a close.  Mercury is ready to go, but Mercury is faced with some challenges this week that could help you reach the goal.

Venus in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on February 5 at 6:49 am EST.  Venus in Capricorn is looking to enjoy the finer things in life, but there are some wounds in yourself that you need to face.  If you can make it through the weeds on the other side, there could be something worthwhile for you waiting.

Mercury in Aquarius Conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 5 at 7:58 am EST.  Mercury is ready to get the new plan from Pluto for the next 20 years.  Mercury and Pluto will need to inform the other planets of the plan, but that process isn’t ready to be completed yet.  Remember Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn later this year first.  There’s still some transformation that needs to happen in one area of your life before the next one can begin.

The Sun in Aquarius will Square Uranus in Taurus on February 8 at 5:46 am EST.  The Sun may be shining a light on Uranus’s revolutionary ways.  You may find out some new information or you may find an unexpected way to proceed.  Either way, Uranus has something to say.  Make sure to listen.

Mercury in Aquarius Squares Jupiter in Taurus on February 10 at 8:25 am EST.  Changes are important right now, but you might have a moment where you don’t want to change.  You want everything to stay the way it’s always been.  Aquarius has a new vision.  It’s important to be open to the vision even though you might not want to listen.

What is changing in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time to Get to Work

While Pluto is now in Aquarius, you would think the work-related nature of Capricorn would start to settle out, but Mercury and Mars are still in Capricorn and Venus enters Capricorn this week.  Your structures still need to be adjusted and it’s time to get to work.

Venus enters the sign of Capricorn on January 25 at 3:50 am EST.  Venus in Capricorn loves the good things in life.  It’s interested in quality instead of quantity.  It’s how you spend your time versus what you spend it on.  Venus in Capricorn also loves to work and it’s time to get to work.  The planets in Capricorn are going to be talking to each other this week.  Venus isn’t quite ready to report yet, but she will have ideas when the time is ready.

Mars in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on January 25 at 12:15 pm EST.  Mars in Capricorn is feeling the need to move forward but your wounds are holding you back from acting.  Chiron in Aries wants to focus on you and your needs but can’t see beyond that.  Mars in Capricorn might have some ideas that could move you forward, but Chiron in Aries isn’t ready to hear it yet.

Mercury in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on January 26 at 9:49 am EST.  Mercury is ready to have a conversation with Chiron about what it needs to get to work.  Some new ideas might be presented that Mercury can report back to Mars later in the week.

The Sun in Aquarius Squares Jupiter in Taurus on January 27 at 2:18 am EST.  The Sun in Aquarius wants to focus on freedom and the community at large, but Jupiter in Taurus is still looking at the planting of the seeds.  The tension between the two might start to propel you forward.

Uranus stations direct on January 27 at 2:35 am EST.  Uranus is looking back through everything that it’s been examining since August 28.  What has Uranus revealed to you about growth, money, and values since August 28?  Have you come to any epiphanies?  There’s still time for you to come to terms with everything that you’ve learned.  Uranus won’t leave its retrograde shadow until May 12.

Mercury in Capricorn Conjuncts Mars in Capricorn on January 27 at 9:59 am EST.  Mercury and Mars are having a conversation about what needs to be done to get to work.  They’re commenting on their earlier discussions with Chiron in Aries.  What can be done so that you move forward and do the work that Capricorn wants to do?

What are you being led to start working on?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Pure Imagination

Happy 2024!  The first day of 2024 provides us with an opportunity to imagine, but very quickly will shift and it’s time to get to work.

Venus in Sagittarius Squares Saturn in Pisces on January 1 at 8:26 am EST.  Let your imagination wander.  Venus in Sagittarius has faith that things will work out and Pisces wants to dream.  Saturn may try and restrict those dreams, but think big.   “There’s no life I know To compare with pure imagination…”  If you could be or do anything you want to, what would it be?  You have options and choices.  You don’t have to do the same thing that you’ve always done.  Break free from the past and start 2024 off on a high note.

Mercury stations direct on January 1 at 10:08 pm EST.  What have your ghosts revealed to you over the past few weeks?  Important information has been revealed to you.  It’s now time to take that information and put it to practical use.  There is still time over the next two weeks while Mercury reaches its pre-retrograde point for you to make decisions.

Mars enters the sign of Capricorn on January 4 at 9:58 am EST.  Mars is ready to get to work.  Take your dreams and the information that has been revealed to you and start putting in the work to see if you can make it a reality.  You may need to be open to different options.  You may have dreamed of it this way, but if you tweak it just a little bit it could work in this way.  Is that acceptable to you?

The Sun in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on January 6 at 3:35 am EST.  There is something that’s holding you back.  You want it to work out, but something from your past is resistant.  Is it fear or some other past trauma?  See if you can figure out what is trying to hold you back.  Then see if you can easily move past it or if you need to clear that belief first.

“There’s no life I know To compare with pure imagination…”  What are you dreaming of?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

I Wish You Hope and Cheer

The holiday season is officially here for those who celebrate Christmas!  It’s time to eat lots of great food and socialize.  The energy is on your side.

There are mainly lunar aspects and no stressful aspects, so the holidays should be happy and cheerful.  Chiron in Aries stations direct on December 26 at 10:10 pm EST.  It’s time to take what you have learned about your wounding and put it into effect.

Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces on December 27 at 10:28 am EST.  It may be difficult to talk about your hopes and wishes for the future, but have faith.  The energy this week supports looking back at what dreams you’ve accomplished and what you haven’t.  It’s time for clarity, not necessarily action, just yet.

Mercury in Sagittarius Conjuncts Mars in Sagittarius on December 27 at 7:31 pm EST.  Mercury is going to fill in Mars on your moment or moments of clarity.  So that Mars can begin to take steps and move forward.

Mars in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces on December 28 at 5:16 pm EST.  Mars checks in with Neptune to make sure there aren’t any additional dreams that need to be examined.  This is the last call before Mars starts to implement plans.

Venus moves into Sagittarius on December 29 at 3:24 pm EST.  It’s time to be happy and cheerful.  The year is drawing to a close, is there one last adventure you want to take to close out the year?  Venus is ready!

Jupiter in Taurus stations direct on December 30 at 9:40 pm.  What steps have you taken towards growth this year?  Is there anything else you'd like to accomplish?  There’s still time before the calendar switches to a new year.

What is making you hopeful and cheerful this holiday season?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?