Are you Exhausted?

Have you just been feeling exhausted lately?  You have nothing left to give even though you have so much to do.  You’re not alone.   Unfortunately, the energy this week will leave you feeling the same way.  Exhausted, stressed and confused.  Like all things in life, this is just a chapter, and it too will be coming to a close, but first boundaries are important.

This week’s energy includes a lot of Pisces energy.  This can be a great time for creativity, but it can also make you want to escape from reality.  The world is a confusing place and you just want it to stay the same.  You want to know what’s going on.  You will, but not quite yet.
Mars in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces on March 14 at 7;39 pm.  Mars has been having some trouble getting traction and is still having to do things twice.  This square might get something moving, but it could be a challenge to want to get moving.  The next day, the Sun in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in Pisces at 7:39 pm.  This could be an opportunity to be creative and tap into your artistic side.
March 16 there’s a lot of energy, so it could be stressful and lead to your exhaustion.  Mercury in Pisces will conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 1:13 pm.  Be kind with your words.  Have compassion for your fellow humans.  People seem to be at their breaking point.  The Sun in Pisces will Square Mars in Gemini at 2:10 pm.  Mars just wants to go and get something done and may get frustrated.  Venus in Aries is Square Pluto in Capricorn at 3:59 pm.  Venus is checking in with Pluto one last time before its move into Aquarius on March 23.  Is there one last detail that you need to feel before the energy switches?  The day ends with Venus entering Taurus at 6;34 pm.  Venus will be moving into her ruling planets.  She feels at home in the safety, security, and beauty of Taurus. 
On March 17 at 12:49 am, Mercury in Pisces will Square Mars in Gemini.  Is there a conversation that needs to take place so that you can begin to move forward?
Here are some takeaways from this Gemini- Pisces energy.  Be curious.  Gemini loves to learn.  It can be challenging to do things multiple times, but know that each time will teach you something.  Pisces loves the mystical and spiritual aspects of life, but it also craves time alone.  Take some time to rest this week.  Get plenty of sleep.  Your body needs the rest, take it.  There’s nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself.
How can you take some time to rest?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Spontaneity & Healing

The last dregs of February and the dawning of March are here.  What does that mean?  Big changes are coming, but first it's time for spontaneity and healing.

March 2 is going to be a big day.  It begins with a conjunction between Venus in Aries and Jupiter in Aries at 12:36 am. Like was talked about last week, Venus in Aries is impulsive and prefers an immediate response.  Jupiter will expand that energy and make it bigger.  It could be a big start to something new or you may have to reign in yourself or those around you to keep in check.
At 9;34 am, Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius.  Saturn is checking in with Mercury one last time before it moves into Pisces.  Is there something that needs to be said about your future?  Do you need to think a little bit more about your new plans before they go into place? 
Mercury enters the sign of Pisces at 5:52 pm.  It’s time for Mercury to get in touch with his intuitive side.  Look for your artistic or creative side to take over or maybe you need to feel what someone else is thinking.  These are areas where Mercury in Pisces thrives. 
On March 3 at 12:48 pm, Venus in Aries will conjunct Chiron in Aries.  Is there something about yourself that you need to heal in order to move forward in your plans?  This is a great time to use the Pisces energy to connect with your inner voice and the Aries energy to start something new.
What do you need to initiate or heal in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Turning A Corner

It’s nearing the end of February.  Change is in the air.  The end of a chapter is upon you.  How you choose to end that chapter is entirely upon you.  Do you turn left or do you go right?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but the answer could determine the beginning of your next chapter.

Venus leaves the sign of Pisces and enters Aries on February 20 at 2:56 am.  Venus has completed her annual cycle through the signs and is ready to begin again.  She’s eager and spontaneous.  She’s ready to get going.  What’s next?
Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on February 21 at 5:22 pm.  Uranus in Taurus has been changing our collective landscape.  You can see this transformation at the grocery store.  What products are currently in short supply?  It can be different each time you go.  Mercury in Aquarius is bringing a sense of challenge to Uranus in Taurus.  How do you see the future?  Can it be a better place for everyone?  What do you need to feel safe and secure in a new environment?
The month of March will shift with sign changes of Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Pluto, and Mars.  That’s a lot of energy-shifting gears.  With both Saturn and Pluto changing signs, chapters will be ending and beginning.  A new area of your life will be highlighted.  A new corner is right around the horizon.  Do you leap now or do you leap later?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but sometimes if you wait to take the leap, the universe will give you a shove. 
It's not fun when the universe has to push you.  Your ending is often more dramatic than it needed to be, but the universe needed to get your attention somehow.  Try to take the leap on your own.  It’s time to turn the corner.
What are you ending and beginning?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

New Year, New You

Wow!  It’s another year already.  Time seems to fly sometimes.  There have been lots of changes over the last few years and 2023 will be no exception.  You had some time last week to reflect on the past year.  Now, what do you want to do with that information?  If you aren’t already making changes, are you ready to make them now?
The first transit of 2023 starts just after midnight at 12:25 am, when Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing our lives' structures since 2009 and is getting ready to move into the sign of Aquarius in a few months.  Venus is checking in one more time.  Does she have anything to contribute to making your structure more beautiful?
On January 2 at 11:02 am, the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries.  Are you ready to take action on changing the structure of your wounds from the past?  It’s never easy to address your wounds, but it is essential to your capacity to grow.  To truly become empowered, you have to go back and address the underbelly of your life.  It’s easier to just keep going.  You think it will just go away if you ignore it, but has it truly gone away?  If you’re honest with yourself, it’s still there, isn’t it?  Your biggest fears are still there waiting for you to address them.  Maybe it’s time to look at them differently.
Also on January 2 at 9:09 pm, Venus enters the sign of Aquarius.  Venus wants to explore the collective and examine it in a different way.  Can your life be beautiful in a different way than it was before?  Can you look at it from a new perspective and see the whole picture?  What’s the end result that you’re striving for?
The Sun in Capricorn is also revisiting a previous conversation with Mercury when it conjuncts it again on January 7 at 7:57 am.  What were you thinking about in early to mid-December?  That conversation is going to be revisited
Each year has new energy and this one is no exception.  You’re another year and another year wiser, but who are you?  If you don’t already know, maybe this is the year to start that exploration.
Who do you want to be at the end of 2023?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Impulsivity vs. Patience

There will be two sign changes this week, which will demonstrate the tension between acting impulsively and having the patience to gather information before leaping to conclusions.
Jupiter will re-enter the sign of Aries on December 20 at 9:32 am.  Aries is the sign of spontaneity, idealism, directness, and independence.  The Sun will enter Capricorn on December 21 at 4:48 pm.  Capricorn is the sign of patience, realism, practicality, and efficiency.  The Sun in Capricorn will then Square Jupiter in Aries a couple of hours later at 7:50 pm creating tension between the two signs.
Which energy do you need to rely on to get you what you want?  Both energies have their uses, but you can’t react both impulsively and patiently at the same time.  It’s just not possible, but the energy between the two could force you to react differently than you previously have. 
It’s the week leading up to Christmas.  If you enter a store, you will most likely see this energy in full swing.  Those people who are finishing up their shopping.  They have just a few more items left to get and then they can enjoy the holidays vs. those people who haven’t started yet.  The people who haven’t started yet may be looking for whatever item they can find on the shelves.
As an adult, I don’t tend to act impulsively often and in terms of Christmas shopping, I plot and plan. I’m normally done shopping right around Thanksgiving.  Now I will mention that I don’t have as many items to purchase as some other people.  My father has improved a lot over the years, but growing up he had one person to buy for, my mom.  So on Christmas Eve, I would climb in the car and we would go to Bradlee’s and see what we could find that my mother might want.  Not an ideal situation, but it's one with which many of you are probably familiar.  The energy was always crazy in the stores on Christmas Eve.  The energy was the same way in the grocery store when I worked there as a teenager.  People race around to get every last item that they need before the stores close. 
This is the energy that you’re going to see all around you.  Those people who are thinking methodically.  What steps do they need to take to achieve the desired result?  And those people who are just grabbing whatever they can find. 
Are you acting impulsively or thinking methodically?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Challenges vs. Gifts

Sometimes life is more challenging than others.  This week is dependent on your viewpoint.  There are a couple of oppositions between the planets in Aries and the planets in Libra.  This is a tug-of-war energy.  Which viewpoint will win?  The need to be impulsive or the need to think things through.
The week starts off with Venus in Libra Opposite Chiron in Aries on October 10 at 9:15 am.  Venus is how you love and Chiron is your deepest wounds and how you can heal them.  Do you have wounds around love to heal?  Everyone does.  It’s more a matter of how deep they run than if you have one.  Do you allow these wounds to control how you love, or is it a chance?  You were sent here to heal these areas of your life, it is your choice if you take the leap and work on it or if you continue to let it lead you around. 
This Mercury retrograde has shown you where you are going next.  Mercury will enter back into the sign of Libra on October 10 at 7:51 p.m.  Have you been implementing what you learned?  Mercury is ready.  Mercury is trying to find the balance between the old and the new, the challenge and gift.  Sometimes with Mercury, it's just a matter of how you think about it.  Mercury will have its first aspect back in the sign of Libra, on October 12 at 3:24 am when it opposes Jupiter in Aries.  Jupiter is going to expand the thoughts that you’ve been having, just in case you haven’t been clear.  Planets when they’re in Libra, can often second guess themselves, and make it difficult to make a choice.  Jupiter wants to make it easier for you to see where the problem lies, so you have a harder time staying put. 
Also on October 12 at 1:46 am, Mars in Gemini is squaring Neptune in Pisces.  There’s a tension between remaining in the illusion of Neptune in Pisces and seeing the duality of Mars in Gemini.  Have you noticed having to take action twice?  With Gemini placements, this is a common theme.  Once you act and then you have to act again, either because there was an error or it just didn’t go quite according to plan.
It’s important to remember that life is all about how we view it.  Do you let the challenges knock you down or get back up?  Can you see the gift in the hard times?  It’s rarely easy to see the gift at the moment, but it’s always there lurking in the background.  Diamonds don’t start out that way.  They are carbon deposits that are subject to high pressure and heat and begin to change form.  Just in case you ever need a reminder, you can be a diamond.  It’s just a matter of viewpoint,
Are you seeing life as a challenge or a gift? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Helping Hand

The world can change overnight.  You may think you know your life's direction and then something happens.  Something that you knew might happen but didn’t see coming.  It’s always nice in those moments to have someone beside you holding your hand.
The Venusian energy of Libra is being felt.  Even though Mercury has retrograded back into the sign of Virgo, Venus herself is moving into the sign of Libra on September 29 at 3:49 am.  The Sun in Libra and Venus in Libra are also making their presence known in Opposition to Jupiter in Aries.  The Sun Opposes Jupiter in Aries on September 26 at 3:33 pm and Venus in Libra Opposes Jupiter in Aries on October 1 at 2:12 pm. 
What is important?  Is it the relationship to others or to the self?  You can’t do it all alone.  For some, it may seem like it’s all about the self.  Aries is the I AM.  Who are you?  But Libra is the other.  You cannot exist in life as a solitary being.  Sometimes you have to reach out.  This is one of those times.  Whether it’s to ask for yourself or to give help to others, or both.  Life means more with relationships in it. Who do you want to be?  How do you want to be known?  With these oppositions, we’re being nudged to remember the boundary between the two.  You can help others without giving up who you are.  You can be yourself without having to separate yourself from the world. 
When you have the opportunity, it’s important to lend a hand.  The world needs more kindness.  Each one of us needs a little help now and then.  Accept it and give it when you can.
How can you give or receive help? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Make Sure To Think

Make sure to think before you act this week, especially on September 2, when Mercury in Libra Opposes Jupiter in Aries at 6;49 pm.
Mercury in Libra would rather not make a decision and Jupiter in Aries has a tendency to act impulsively and think about the consequences later on.  Because of these placements, it’s even more important than normal to take some time before responding. 
There’s a tendency in the world today to act first and ask questions later, but what if this is one of those times where you should do the opposite?  The world around you is changing and you are meant to change with it.  Maybe the way that you think and act is meant to change along with it.  This point of Mercury in Libra, will be revisited 2 more times over the coming weeks because Mercury is going retrograde on September 9.  Are you noticing any issues that are coming to the surface?  This could be part of your Mercury retrograde story this season.
Your stories provide you with clues about what you’re meant to be working on right now.  There’s your own personal story in addition to the collective communities’ story.  Those two stories may tie closely together or they could be completely different, but if you look at the world around you, you may see that people have a tendency to act impulsively, especially on social media.  People will comment with whatever comes into their head whether or not they have all the facts. 
Thinking about something before reacting doesn’t make you weak, it’s part of what helps you to become a more enlightened person.  To see whether what someone else is saying has any truth or is it triggering you in the moment?  Why is what that person is saying triggering you?  Can you do anything to change the story?  Make sure that you think before responding this week, it could save you from having some major headaches later.
What story is rising to the surface that you need to think about?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
