March 12


Are you Exhausted?

Have you just been feeling exhausted lately?  You have nothing left to give even though you have so much to do.  You’re not alone.   Unfortunately, the energy this week will leave you feeling the same way.  Exhausted, stressed and confused.  Like all things in life, this is just a chapter, and it too will be coming to a close, but first boundaries are important.

This week’s energy includes a lot of Pisces energy.  This can be a great time for creativity, but it can also make you want to escape from reality.  The world is a confusing place and you just want it to stay the same.  You want to know what’s going on.  You will, but not quite yet.
Mars in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces on March 14 at 7;39 pm.  Mars has been having some trouble getting traction and is still having to do things twice.  This square might get something moving, but it could be a challenge to want to get moving.  The next day, the Sun in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in Pisces at 7:39 pm.  This could be an opportunity to be creative and tap into your artistic side.
March 16 there’s a lot of energy, so it could be stressful and lead to your exhaustion.  Mercury in Pisces will conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 1:13 pm.  Be kind with your words.  Have compassion for your fellow humans.  People seem to be at their breaking point.  The Sun in Pisces will Square Mars in Gemini at 2:10 pm.  Mars just wants to go and get something done and may get frustrated.  Venus in Aries is Square Pluto in Capricorn at 3:59 pm.  Venus is checking in with Pluto one last time before its move into Aquarius on March 23.  Is there one last detail that you need to feel before the energy switches?  The day ends with Venus entering Taurus at 6;34 pm.  Venus will be moving into her ruling planets.  She feels at home in the safety, security, and beauty of Taurus. 
On March 17 at 12:49 am, Mercury in Pisces will Square Mars in Gemini.  Is there a conversation that needs to take place so that you can begin to move forward?
Here are some takeaways from this Gemini- Pisces energy.  Be curious.  Gemini loves to learn.  It can be challenging to do things multiple times, but know that each time will teach you something.  Pisces loves the mystical and spiritual aspects of life, but it also craves time alone.  Take some time to rest this week.  Get plenty of sleep.  Your body needs the rest, take it.  There’s nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself.
How can you take some time to rest?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aries, Capricorn, Exhaustion, Gemini, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Pluto, Rest, Sun, Taurus, Venus

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