August 28


Make Sure To Think

Make sure to think before you act this week, especially on September 2, when Mercury in Libra Opposes Jupiter in Aries at 6;49 pm.
Mercury in Libra would rather not make a decision and Jupiter in Aries has a tendency to act impulsively and think about the consequences later on.  Because of these placements, it’s even more important than normal to take some time before responding. 
There’s a tendency in the world today to act first and ask questions later, but what if this is one of those times where you should do the opposite?  The world around you is changing and you are meant to change with it.  Maybe the way that you think and act is meant to change along with it.  This point of Mercury in Libra, will be revisited 2 more times over the coming weeks because Mercury is going retrograde on September 9.  Are you noticing any issues that are coming to the surface?  This could be part of your Mercury retrograde story this season.
Your stories provide you with clues about what you’re meant to be working on right now.  There’s your own personal story in addition to the collective communities’ story.  Those two stories may tie closely together or they could be completely different, but if you look at the world around you, you may see that people have a tendency to act impulsively, especially on social media.  People will comment with whatever comes into their head whether or not they have all the facts. 
Thinking about something before reacting doesn’t make you weak, it’s part of what helps you to become a more enlightened person.  To see whether what someone else is saying has any truth or is it triggering you in the moment?  Why is what that person is saying triggering you?  Can you do anything to change the story?  Make sure that you think before responding this week, it could save you from having some major headaches later.
What story is rising to the surface that you need to think about?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Aries, Change, Community, Impulsive, Jupiter, Libra, Mercury, Retrograde, Stories, Story, Think, Trigger

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