September 25


Helping Hand

The world can change overnight.  You may think you know your life's direction and then something happens.  Something that you knew might happen but didn’t see coming.  It’s always nice in those moments to have someone beside you holding your hand.
The Venusian energy of Libra is being felt.  Even though Mercury has retrograded back into the sign of Virgo, Venus herself is moving into the sign of Libra on September 29 at 3:49 am.  The Sun in Libra and Venus in Libra are also making their presence known in Opposition to Jupiter in Aries.  The Sun Opposes Jupiter in Aries on September 26 at 3:33 pm and Venus in Libra Opposes Jupiter in Aries on October 1 at 2:12 pm. 
What is important?  Is it the relationship to others or to the self?  You can’t do it all alone.  For some, it may seem like it’s all about the self.  Aries is the I AM.  Who are you?  But Libra is the other.  You cannot exist in life as a solitary being.  Sometimes you have to reach out.  This is one of those times.  Whether it’s to ask for yourself or to give help to others, or both.  Life means more with relationships in it. Who do you want to be?  How do you want to be known?  With these oppositions, we’re being nudged to remember the boundary between the two.  You can help others without giving up who you are.  You can be yourself without having to separate yourself from the world. 
When you have the opportunity, it’s important to lend a hand.  The world needs more kindness.  Each one of us needs a little help now and then.  Accept it and give it when you can.
How can you give or receive help? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Aries, Boundaries, Change, Help, Jupiter, Kindness, Libra, Mercury, Other, Self, Venus, Virgo

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