New Beginnings

This week may be a bit more chaotic than last week as we are getting close to the Lunar Eclipse on March 25 and it’s time to step into that energy.  This week we enter Aries season and the new astrological year.  It’s time for new beginnings and maybe even an energetic push to take steps that need to be taken.

The Sun in Pisces Conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on March 17 at 7:22 am EST.  It’s the last opportunity to relax and have some fun.  Connect with your spiritual self and find what it is that you truly believe in or maybe even who you would like to be in an ideal world.

The Sun enters Aries on March 19 at 11:06 pm EST.  It’s time for the astrological new year, new beginnings, and Spring!  The Aries energy wants to begin anew.  This is a great time to pick up a project that you may have dropped along the way or start something from scratch.  Plant some seeds and all of them to grow over the coming months.

Mercury in Aries Conjuncts Chiron in Aries on March 20 at 1:27 PM EST.  Be careful of speaking from a wounded place.  This is a time when you might not think about what it is that you want to say and words may just come flying out of your mouth.  Try to take a moment to think before you speak.  It could save you a lot of problems later on.

Venus in Pisces Conjunct Saturn in Pisces on March 21 at 7:09 PM EST. Saturn has some information to pass along to Venus.  Venus would just like to dream and drift, but Saturn has some work to do.  There could be a conflict about what you know you should do and what it is that you really want to do.

Mars enters Pisces on March 22 at 7:47 PM EST.  Mars just wants to have fun.  Mars doesn’t want to work.  This may be a time when it’s easiest to work on projects in pieces.  In 15-minute increments, you can get a lot done.  Try not to be too hard on yourself if things don’t go exactly as planned. What new beginnings are in the works for you?   Let me know.  

Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

You’re On An Adventure

It can be really easy when life just seems tough and you wonder which shoe is going to drop next to remember that life is an adventure and that’s why you’re here.  After the challenges of the last few weeks, this week is a reminder to be optimistic and try new things.

It can be easy to think that you have it all figured out and then life throws you a curveball.  You may even wonder if you knew anything at all.  Everyone has been there at one time or another.  Approach your adventure with an open mind and see where it leads you.
The  Aries energy of beginnings and adventure will figure heavily into this week’s energy.  Mercury in Aries will Conjunct Chiron in Aries on March 26 at 2:58 pm.  Has there been something that you’ve wanted to say and you haven’t been able to say it?  This may be the time to start a new conversation.  Mercury in Aries then has a conversation with Jupiter on March 28 at 2;50 am.  Try something new.  Learn something new.  Jupiter likes to go big, so this may be the time for you to go big.
Venus in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on March 30 at 6:26 pm.  What do you love?  What do you value?  There may be a sudden epiphany here that a direction you’ve been headed in may not have been totally right for you.  It’s ok to change directions in life, it happens to all of us. 
Life doesn’t always take you in a straight line.  Something that you think should take a few moments can take years.  There is no right or wrong on this journey.  There is only you and what are you learning.  Take a new step this week.
What adventure are you going to take?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Turning A Corner

It’s nearing the end of February.  Change is in the air.  The end of a chapter is upon you.  How you choose to end that chapter is entirely upon you.  Do you turn left or do you go right?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but the answer could determine the beginning of your next chapter.

Venus leaves the sign of Pisces and enters Aries on February 20 at 2:56 am.  Venus has completed her annual cycle through the signs and is ready to begin again.  She’s eager and spontaneous.  She’s ready to get going.  What’s next?
Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on February 21 at 5:22 pm.  Uranus in Taurus has been changing our collective landscape.  You can see this transformation at the grocery store.  What products are currently in short supply?  It can be different each time you go.  Mercury in Aquarius is bringing a sense of challenge to Uranus in Taurus.  How do you see the future?  Can it be a better place for everyone?  What do you need to feel safe and secure in a new environment?
The month of March will shift with sign changes of Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Pluto, and Mars.  That’s a lot of energy-shifting gears.  With both Saturn and Pluto changing signs, chapters will be ending and beginning.  A new area of your life will be highlighted.  A new corner is right around the horizon.  Do you leap now or do you leap later?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but sometimes if you wait to take the leap, the universe will give you a shove. 
It's not fun when the universe has to push you.  Your ending is often more dramatic than it needed to be, but the universe needed to get your attention somehow.  Try to take the leap on your own.  It’s time to turn the corner.
What are you ending and beginning?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Is it Time for Optimism?

Last week was a doozy of a week that didn’t seem to let up.  There was an intensity to it that might have made you long for a break.  It makes you want to ask is it done yet?  It might not be over, but there’s a little bit of optimism shining through.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is currently drifting through Pisces, the sign of the dreamer and romantic. On March 5 Jupiter formed a conjunction with the Sun in Pisces.  Jupiter is going to expand the dreamy, romantic, optimistic nature of Pisces.  This aspect may instill a more confident feeling that leads you to believe that maybe you can move beyond the past and begin to create something new.  There’s an opportunity for growth here if you decide to seize it.

The New Moon in Pisces on March 2 has opened an opportunity to shift and have a new beginning.  Pisces is not without its sentimentality and emotionality but could create a sense of awareness and connection that could be lacking from the day-to-day hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Optimism may seem like a fantasy land to some people, especially with everything that has happened in the last few weeks or even years.  Optimism is the sense that there’s the opportunity for you, your friends, your family, the world, etc. to move in a positive direction.  There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of optimism, especially when it can feel like everything is falling apart.  Optimism can help you to get up in the morning and have some hope.  There are times when hope and faith are all that you have.

Allow the Pisces energy to come into your life and escape into the world of your dreams.  Are you being pointed in a direction?  Do you have the courage to walk through this portal and forgive yourself for your past mistakes?  Are you willing to create something new?  The opportunity is being presented; do you seize it?  The choice is yours alone to make.

Are you feeling a sense of optimism?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Putting The Pieces Together

Mercury stationed to go direct on February 3 in the sign of Capricorn.  What does that mean?  For the past few years, the structures that you’ve built have been turned on their head and you’ve been working to build new ones, but nothing has really seemed to go anywhere.  There’s been this feeling of either I know what I want to do, but I don’t have the energy to put it into motion yet or I need some more information before I can go ahead.  Which category do you fall under?

All of the planets are now direct in the heavens, so you have the energy to start moving things forward, but you don’t quite have all of the pieces yet that you need.  There’s still some more information to be revealed before things start to come together.

I started my business in 2019 and over the last couple of years have been revamping my logo, which I unveiled at the beginning of this year, and what it is that I do, but I’ve felt like I don’t have all of the pieces yet to implement it.  SoulHeart Intuitive Coaching started as one idea and has slowly been taking shape into something a little different.  I will still offer Reiki and Coaching, but I’ve been working towards adding more Astrology and Numerology into my sessions.  What shape does that take?  I can’t quite tell you yet.  I’m hoping that between now and the end of April, that vision will begin to come together. 

Is there something that you’ve been working on that’s similar?  You have a vision, but don’t quite know how it fits.  What’s the puzzle that you’re trying to put together look like?  All should start to come together soon.  Have some patience and don’t give up. 

Are things beginning to move forward?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Do You Need Help?

Asking for help is never easy. Especially when you are the independent, self-sufficient type. 2021 seemed to have an energy, where you would come up with ideas, and either didn’t feel like working on it or the help just never came.  Look at the amount of help-wanted signs out there.
Until January 14, 2022, the Sun in Capricorn. The Sun in Capricorn is all about putting in the work and a need to achieve. While you may be feeling that drive right now and it is important to do the work, it’s also important to remember that you can’t do it all yourself.
There are some heavy expectations in society of being able to do it all yourself, especially for us women. You’re expected to work a full-time job, rear the children, and take care of the household.  There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Somethings got to give and way too often, it’s you.  There isn’t time for you to take care of yourself and think about what you want.  What do you want?
It’s a new year and a new energy.  Things can be different in 2022. While we still have some of the same parameters as last year, there is still a pandemic out there that seems to be getting worse, it doesn’t mean that you can’t slow down.  Mars is in Sagittarius until January 24, 2022. There’s a sense of hope and optimism that you will be able to get everything done, but Mars in Sagittarius isn’t known for its follow-through.  People with that placement tend to have multiple things going on once, will begin a lot of projects, and then not finish them. This isn’t a time to beat yourself up for what you don’t finish, but maybe another person’s perspective can provide you with the clarity that you need to finish.  Or you’re not meant to finish the project.  Maybe you’re the visionary, and by speaking with someone that person knows exactly what needs to be implemented.
There’s a stigma that’s attached to asking for help or getting an opinion.  Don’t let your pride get in the way of accomplishing something that is meaningful to you, just because you don’t have all the answers.
What do you need help with?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Ready or Not?

Ready or not here it comes?  2021 has been all about change.  There’s no going back to the way your life was.  Your life is going to be different moving forward.  How your life will be different is up to you.
2021 has given you the opportunity to build a new structure for your life.  You can see what the universe has had in store for you by looking at the world around you.  It would be nice if things could stay the way they were, but that’s not how life works.  It’s constantly evolving and changing.  You’re meant to evolve.  You’re not meant to stay in one place, although wouldn’t it be nice if you could?
What does 2022 have in store for you?  That’s unknown at this point.  What is known is that 2022 is a continuation of what you began in 2020 and 2021.  You’re meant to become a better and more authentic you.  There’s no more living based on what other people expect of you.  If you’re not happy, the universe is going to make it more and more difficult for you to stay stuck.  When you’re stuck, typically it’s because you’re fearful.  Fearful of what you may ask.  It could be any number of things.  You’re the only one with the answer to that question. If you don’t know, then ask for some guidance.  The universe will give you a little nudge in the right direction. 
The hardest part sometimes is to ask for help.  Whether it’s asking for help from your family and friends or even just the universe.  To let things unfold as they’re meant to.  You can’t push, no matter how hard you want something to happen, it can’t be forced.  There could be any number of reasons why, but you have to trust that what is meant for you cannot pass you by.  Take some time this week and start working on what you want your 2022 to look like.  Do you want a new job or someone to share it with?  Start to visualize that life and let the universe help guide you.  It will give you directions along the way, just follow the steps and begin 2022 with the intention of welcoming in what’s in your highest and best good.
What do you want 2022 to look like?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Which Way Do I Go?

Does it feel like 2021 has been all about making decisions?  It has.  You’re creating a new foundation for your life.  For that new creation to occur decisions must be made.
When you build a house or move into a house, lots of decisions must be made before you get to the finished product.  You’re still in process.  Not only are you in process, but all the outer planets are now retrograde, so decisions that you thought you’d made may come back up for reconsideration.
If you want your life to turn out differently, you must do things differently.  That can be a challenge to come to terms with.  You tend to want things to magically change.  You want your Prince Charming to show up one day and take all your troubles away.  It would be nice, but life isn’t like that.  Life presents you with challenges and difficulties to help you grow and evolve.
Today isn’t meant to be the same as yesterday.  This is your opportunity to reconsider your past.  What has it taught you and how have you reached where you are right now? 
If you are the same person at the end of 2021 as you were at the beginning, you’re doing something wrong.  What can you do differently?  It may seem like one small change can’t make a difference, but it could be enough to get the ball rolling.
It often seems like life is all about the result.  This is the dream, and it looks like this when it’s more about how do I reach the dream?  Be careful of being too dependent on the outcome.  You can beat your head against a wall for years, towards a specific outcome that might not happen.  Allow room for manifestation and magic to happen.  Miracles can happen, but you need to loosen up and allow them room.
What do you want your future to look like?  What steps can you take and what does the process look like?  It’s time to start.  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Oh, The Memories!

Have a lot of memories been coming to the surface for you lately?  What have you been doing with them?  Memories are part of a larger story that you’re trying to process.  Maybe it's time for you to do things differently, or are secrets from the past being revealed?  Anything is possible.
Everything coming to the surface is providing you with information to move you forward.  Nothing happens by accident.
What ghosts are coming to the surface for you?  As I sit down to write this, I’m watching the Fire Department do a controlled burn on a house across the street.  Information that I didn’t know about that house has been coming to my attention all week.  Future plans have been coming out and plans have been made, but what about the emotional component?  That’s also been a part of the process.  I’m remembering what that house was like when I was a kid and how to relates to my memories.
I can’t change the decisions that others have made no matter how much I may want to.  Eventually, the house will become part of the memory.  The land will have a new path forward.
This is what your life is going through right now.  Some part of your past is burning to the ground.  There’s an emotional component that you need to process and plan for the next phase of your life to begin.
Memories can help guide you forward if you allow them to and not just live in the memory.  The past can be used to assist you, but for so many, it tends to stop you in your tracks and swallow you whole.  Allow your memories to move you forward.
What are your memories trying to show you?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Clean Up!

Have you been cleaning a lot recently?  Throwing things away that are broken?  Donating or selling what you no longer use?
Over the last year, people have been cleaning the house.  To the point where donation centers have put limitations and reminders on what they will and won’t take.
You may be one of the fortunate ones where cleaning up is easy.  You’ll periodically go through your belongings and toss what you don’t need anymore.  For another group of you, everything has meaning.  You can’t get rid of that, so and so owned it or so and so gave it to you.  Everything is connected to memory.  Maybe you fall somewhere in between the two extremes.
I’ve been resistant while the mass cleaning of people’s spaces has been going on.  Why might you ask?  Partly because of the amount of time that I would have to spend, but also because I didn’t have the energy to look through everything.  This past week, the energy shifted.  I knew it was time and I didn’t have any more excuses.
To manifest what you want, sometimes you must get rid of what you don’t want.  You must make space.  Making space for what you want somedays can be a challenge, but it’s necessary.
If your life is already full, do you truly have space for something new?  Only you can answer that question.  For now, I’ll continue making space a little bit at a time.  It may time longer, but there’s nothing that says I need to tackle it all at once.  I just have to do it.  Just cleaning up a part of the space, feels lighter.  There’s room opening for something new to enter.  Not sure what that might be yet, but it’s a start.  The intention is there.
Manifestation is a multi-step process.  The step that isn’t always mentioned is the decluttering process.  Yes, it is a process.  It’s not as easy as just cleaning for many.  Allow the process to unfold as it’s mean to.
Where are you in your decluttering process?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
