I Like To Move It

Are you ready?  It’s time to move forward on whatever you’ve been working on.  The last of the planets, Uranus, stations direct this week on January 22 at 5:59 pm.  For about the next 90 days, there will be no retrograde planets in the sky.  So, is something still holding you back from taking that step?
Uranus in Taurus has been demonstrating to you what is of value to you and it’s about to shift course.  It’s going to revisit the steps that you’ve been taking since late August.  How can that item or items in your life become something that is of value to you.? What do you value?  If you’re unsure it could all of a sudden become clear to you.
Also on January 22 at 5:13 pm, Venus in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius.  Venus is checking in with Saturn one last time for the next 30 years.  How are the rules stopping you from something that you love?  Is there a way around those limitations?  Do you need to get out of your head and speak from your heart?  Only you truly know the answers to these questions, but it may be time to stop second-guessing yourself and see where it leads.
Venus will enter the sign of Pisces on January 26 at 9:33 pm.  Venus is going to stop overthinking and start to feel.  This may be your chance to enter your heart space and let it show you what you want.  Pisces can also be the sign of romanticizing and daydreaming, so keep that in mind as you make decisions.
What are you moving forward on?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Green Means Go

The energy doesn’t always work in your favor.  You may want something to happen and you want it to happen now, but the universe has applied the brake.  No matter what you seem to do nothing is moving forward, but there will start to be some motion again as Mars will station to go direct on January 12 at 3:56 pm.
Mars has been retrograde in the sign of Gemini since the end of October.  The planet of action and competition has been restless, social, and expressive.  Because of the airy nature of Mars, it seems like there’s just been a lot of talk and not much is happening.  It has been difficult to just get done what you need to and any changes that you wanted to make were put on the back burner until a better time.  Well, that time is coming. 
Mars will start retracing its steps and going back over those ideas and start to come up with a plan to go forward.  Mars will join the ranks of the other direct planets and once Mercury stations retrograde on January 18, it will be full steam ahead and you’re ready to go.
Review what you’ve been working on and decide whether you want to move forward or if the plan needs a little more time to percolate.  There’s nothing wrong with taking a little time to think it over, but sooner or later, you have to just go. 
Venus in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus on January 14 at 8:22 pm.  Spend some time with your friends or community, there may just be an aha moment that takes things in a new direction.
What are you ready to move forward with?     Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

New Year, New You

Wow!  It’s another year already.  Time seems to fly sometimes.  There have been lots of changes over the last few years and 2023 will be no exception.  You had some time last week to reflect on the past year.  Now, what do you want to do with that information?  If you aren’t already making changes, are you ready to make them now?
The first transit of 2023 starts just after midnight at 12:25 am, when Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing our lives' structures since 2009 and is getting ready to move into the sign of Aquarius in a few months.  Venus is checking in one more time.  Does she have anything to contribute to making your structure more beautiful?
On January 2 at 11:02 am, the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries.  Are you ready to take action on changing the structure of your wounds from the past?  It’s never easy to address your wounds, but it is essential to your capacity to grow.  To truly become empowered, you have to go back and address the underbelly of your life.  It’s easier to just keep going.  You think it will just go away if you ignore it, but has it truly gone away?  If you’re honest with yourself, it’s still there, isn’t it?  Your biggest fears are still there waiting for you to address them.  Maybe it’s time to look at them differently.
Also on January 2 at 9:09 pm, Venus enters the sign of Aquarius.  Venus wants to explore the collective and examine it in a different way.  Can your life be beautiful in a different way than it was before?  Can you look at it from a new perspective and see the whole picture?  What’s the end result that you’re striving for?
The Sun in Capricorn is also revisiting a previous conversation with Mercury when it conjuncts it again on January 7 at 7:57 am.  What were you thinking about in early to mid-December?  That conversation is going to be revisited
Each year has new energy and this one is no exception.  You’re another year and another year wiser, but who are you?  If you don’t already know, maybe this is the year to start that exploration.
Who do you want to be at the end of 2023?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What the ****!!!!

This has the possibility to be one of those weeks, especially if you have placements in Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.  The line from Jurassic Park, “hold on to your butt” comes to mind.  The Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Scorpio, are traveling in a pack at the moment and are interacting with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus this week, plus we have a Lunar Eclipse on November 8.
Venus in Scorpio kicks off the week squaring Saturn in Aquarius on November 7 at 2:34 am.  How are your passions conflicted by the limitations of the collective?  Both are fixed energies but are different in their approaches.  Scorpio has a deep and intense energy, while Aquarius is more logical and scientific.  How can those two energies find a way forward? 
On November 8, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Moon in Taurus Opposite Sun in Scorpio) at 6:02 am.  Not only is it an Eclipse, but here in the United States, it’s Election Day.  How is the process of releasing what no longer serves you going?  Are you making progress?  The universe wants you to grow and will do whatever it can to get your attention.  The process of death and rebirth is happening.  The process of dying and growing can both be painful.  Life isn’t meant to be easy.  You are here to learn.  What are you being shown?
A few hours later the Sun in Scorpio is Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio at 11:42 am.  They are reporting to each other on how this process is going and coming up with a plan for the rest of the week.  At 9:40 pm, Mercury in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus, and then on November 9 at 3:26 am, the Sun will Oppose Uranus.  Are you being awakened to a new reality?
Just a note on the election.  What do you value?  What is the most important to you?  The tensions in the sky (Squares and Oppositions) have two different points of view.  This has been evident this Election season and will definitely be evident on Election Day.  Have some patience for this process to unfold because things aren’t going to be known right away. 
We revisit the energy from the beginning of the week when Mercury in Scorpio Squares Saturn in Aquarius on November 10 at 2:52 am and then the Sun Squares Saturn on November 11 at 3:04 am.  How does the tension in the way that you communicate change and what are you being shown?  The Sun is trying to tell you something.  Can you see it and what can you do about it?
What are these tensions teaching you?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Deep Dive Into the Shadow

The season of Scorpio kicks into motion this week as Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all enter the sign of Scorpio.  Also, there’s a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 at 6:49 am.
Scorpio tends to be a sign that is misunderstood.  Most people don’t like exploring the darkness of life and that’s where the sign of Scorpio thrives.  Scorpio likes to explore the shadow side of life.  If you can meet your shadow and work on the triggers that arise, you can find the areas that you need to address in order to grow.
A lot happens astrologically this week, especially Sunday.  Saturn stations direct on October 23 at 12:07 am.  Saturn is still in the sign of Aquarius.  In general terms, Saturn is addressing the collective and the direction we’re headed since our structures have been dismantled.  What does the future look like?  Saturn has been revisiting the past while retrograding and is now ready to examine what it learned.
Venus will enter Scorpio on October 23 at 3:52 am.  The planet of love and beauty will drop into the underworld, where the Sun joins her a couple of hours later at 6:36 am.
Jupiter will retrograde back into Pisces on October 8 at 1:10 am.  Jupiter is still looking back and is re-examining what was going on before May 10.  It’s giving another opportunity for expansion, which won’t happen until Jupiter goes direct on November 23. 
The last of the personal planets, Mercury, will enter Scorpio on October 29 at 3:22 pm.
It can seem terrifying to confront your shadow, but the only thing to do with fear is to move through it and face it.  Otherwise your fear can control you.  It’s time to meet your shadow and follow the triggers.
What is your shadow telling you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Forward Motion

Finally!  Mercury retrograde is coming to a close and will station direct on October 2 at 5:07 AM.  Technology glitches and communications will begin to right themselves.  However, Mercury isn’t the only planet stationing direct this week.  Pluto will station direct on October 8 at 5:56 pm.
For the past few weeks, everything has felt like it’s been at a standstill while you’ve been revisited from your past.  What did your past reveal to you?  Are you headed in a new direction or are you still unhappy with the direction that your life has taken?  If you’re still not sure, don’t worry.  When the planets station either retrograde or direct, the energy becomes more intense. 
The North Node in Taurus is still asking you to grow and will be until July 2023.  Change is afoot and sometimes no matter how much you fight it, it’s easier to just go with the flow.  You won’t always know how things will turn out when you start them.  Sometimes you just have to take a chance. 
Mercury is back in Virgo until October 10.  Mercury is being analytical and practical right now.  Mercury doesn’t want to make any mistakes.  But life is all about the mistakes.  It’s how you handle them, that matters.
Pluto has been retrograde since April 29, 2022.  Pluto is the underworld or the shadow, but it’s also the power of transformation.  It’s how you can become empowered in your life.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing the structures of your world and the world around you.  Pluto moved into Capricorn in November 2008 and will give you a sneak peek from March 24, 2023 to June 12, 2023 of Pluto in Aquarius.  It will enter Aquarius for an extended stay on September 3, 2024.  The collective is headed into these final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn.  It’s important that you lay the foundation now for the next phase of your life. 
You’re being pushed to make progress.  It’s time to start taking steps.  You have the option to go one step at a time, but it’s time for forward motion.
What do you taking steps on? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
