Changes in Communication

Mercury went direct a week ago, so hopefully the technology glitches have started to calm down for you, but Mercury still has things in store for you this week and it’s still in the shadow trying to get back to where it was before it went retrograde.

Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces on January 8 at 8;24 pm EST.  Communications may be a little bit foggy.  You know what you want to say, but you can’t find the words, or things aren’t coming quite how you meant them to.  Take a moment to respond if you need the time.

Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn on January 13 at 9:49 pm EST.  Mercury is ready to get to work.  The goals that you’ve been pondering, Mercury is ready to start arranging them into do-able tasks.  Your communications will become clear and thorough.

This week will feature two different styles of communication.  One that is more fiery and the other that is more down-to-earth.  One is impulsive and the other that thinks everything through.

Which communication style do you have this week?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Open Minded?

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday!  Were you able to give gratitude for what’s important in your life?  This is a week to try and be open-minded, even though the aspects may be working against you.

This week is all about communication.  First Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on November 27 at 8:27 AM EST.  It’s a good thing Thanksgiving has passed and hopefully, your family has gone to their own homes, because this could be a time for the ideological divide.  It’s seen every day in the United States. This is a day to try and avoid the debates that could arise regarding religion, philosophy, etc.  Try and have an open mind if people approach you with ideas.  If you need time to think about an issue so that you don’t react impulsively, take it.  The debate probably isn’t going to take you where you want, so take a time out instead.

Mercury enters Capricorn on December 1 at 9;31 AM EST.  Communication will become less fiery and more grounded.  Communication will be more methodical and realistic.  Maybe even shy or reserved.  Take this time to review any conversations that weren’t held earlier in the week.  Try again.  It doesn’t hurt to revisit any conversation and maybe even come to a resolution.

Can you be open-minded this week?      Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Find the Positive

There has been so much going on, that at times it’s a challenge to just keep up.  There’s only one non-lunar aspect, this week, but it will be important to take the time to process your thoughts before speaking and try to find a positive way to respond.

Mercury in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces on August 1 at 10:18 pm.  This can be a time of poor communication skills, frustration, and sadness.  There may also be the possibility of misinterpreting what you hear or being too critical of others.  It’s easy to jump to conclusions, but it’s important to take the time and listen.  Finding the positive in a bad situation can be tricky and could take some time.

Take some time to respond this week.  Find a way to be kind in your responses.  Being mean doesn’t normally get you what you want.  You may have to explore your own past and come to terms with your part in a situation.  It’s easy to lash out at others and blame them for your problems, but if you can examine the situation, you may be able to learn something important and get to a better place. 

It would have been easier for me to blame my getting fired completely on my prior employer and say it was all their fault, but the truth is that I was no longer happy there.  I had reached the end of that path and was ready to start a new one, but I was stuck in my old way of thinking.  I couldn’t see it.  The universe helped me to close out that chapter of my life and open up a new one.  This isn’t to say that I didn’t go through a range of emotions as I processed the event, believe me, I did, but within a few weeks, I was able to see the positives.  Look for the positives and it can help to change your thinking.

Do you need help finding the positive?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Talk It Out

Things in the sky are about to get a little bit chatty as the Sun changes signs this week.  The Sun entered the sign of Gemini on May 21 at 3:09 am.  Do you notice the difference?

Gemini is the sign of duality.  You may notice that things happen in twos.  It is also a sign that not only like to talk it out but to learn something new.  This can be a great month to take a new class or meet up with friends.
Mars in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus, which just changed signs last week, on May 23 at 1:13 am.  Mars in Leo is ready to go.  Maybe do something that is for them and only them, but Taurus isn’t ready yet.  Taurus doesn’t want to make changes and wants things to remain the same, but you’re meant to grow something new with Jupiter being in Taurus, so don’t say no quite yet.  Think about it.  Weigh the pros and cons.  You may just decide to give it a try.
On May 24 at 7:39 pm, Venus in Cancer Squares Chiron in Aries.  Venus is getting in touch with her maternal side, while Chiron is ready to be a warrior and maybe even go to battle.  Who will win?  It’s all up to you.
Be careful this week of people trying to bring you into their dramas.  It could be a good week to set boundaries or even say that you need time to think about something and walk away.  Take time to think it over and deal with it at another time.  Sometimes decisions are better made when you aren’t emotional or have a little bit more perspective.  You may need another opinion.  Allow yourself to talk it out with someone else, but remember you don’t have to do what they may suggest.
What do you need to talk about?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Forward Motion

Finally!  Mercury retrograde is coming to a close and will station direct on October 2 at 5:07 AM.  Technology glitches and communications will begin to right themselves.  However, Mercury isn’t the only planet stationing direct this week.  Pluto will station direct on October 8 at 5:56 pm.
For the past few weeks, everything has felt like it’s been at a standstill while you’ve been revisited from your past.  What did your past reveal to you?  Are you headed in a new direction or are you still unhappy with the direction that your life has taken?  If you’re still not sure, don’t worry.  When the planets station either retrograde or direct, the energy becomes more intense. 
The North Node in Taurus is still asking you to grow and will be until July 2023.  Change is afoot and sometimes no matter how much you fight it, it’s easier to just go with the flow.  You won’t always know how things will turn out when you start them.  Sometimes you just have to take a chance. 
Mercury is back in Virgo until October 10.  Mercury is being analytical and practical right now.  Mercury doesn’t want to make any mistakes.  But life is all about the mistakes.  It’s how you handle them, that matters.
Pluto has been retrograde since April 29, 2022.  Pluto is the underworld or the shadow, but it’s also the power of transformation.  It’s how you can become empowered in your life.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing the structures of your world and the world around you.  Pluto moved into Capricorn in November 2008 and will give you a sneak peek from March 24, 2023 to June 12, 2023 of Pluto in Aquarius.  It will enter Aquarius for an extended stay on September 3, 2024.  The collective is headed into these final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn.  It’s important that you lay the foundation now for the next phase of your life. 
You’re being pushed to make progress.  It’s time to start taking steps.  You have the option to go one step at a time, but it’s time for forward motion.
What do you taking steps on? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Mind Games

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of mind games and right now, it feels like you’re involved in one great big mind game with the universe.  Mercury in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn on July 18 at 3:01 am.  And the Sun is opposite Pluto in Capricorn on July 19 at 9:39 pm.  The good news is that Mercury will enter Leo on July 19 at 8:35 pm and start to provide you with some mental clarity.
But for now, mind games are all around.  It would be easier if people could just come out and say what they’re thinking, but that’s not the case for most people.  The way each person communicates is different.  Some of us skate across the surface, just say whatever comes into our heads, or dives deep and wants to uncover every psychological element of what you said.
However, mind games can make even the most mundane of communication challenging.  Not only are you having to figure out why they said, or did what they did, but why.  Is there an underlying element to their words?  With Pluto involved, there’s always a wound or an opportunity for transformation and rebirth, but you have to deal with the wound first.  So before you get too frustrated or angry, try to look at the situation for a different perspective.  Why did that happen?  Does it have to do with you, or does it have to do with them?  What can you learn from this moment?  
Once Mercury moves into Leo, things will become clear and then you can move forward, but until then, try and fit the pieces together.  You’re being shown this mind game for a reason.  Mind games are never easy, but they provide us with an opportunity if you can take a time out and look at it from a different perspective.
What mind game is the universe presenting you with right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time For Yourself

It’s time for big shifts this coming week.   The Summer Solstice occurs on June 21, the longest day of the year and the official beginning of summer, plus the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer at 5:14 am EST.
Around the world, rituals are still performed to welcome the Summer Solstice.  These rituals are meant to thank the sun for its continuing to bring light and to request continued abundance. 
Cancer season represents a time of nurturing and sensitivity.  It’s the time of year when you might take time off and maybe even do something for yourself and not just go go go.  School is out for the summer and there’s some time for flexibility in your schedule.
Venus will enter Gemini the next day on June 22 at 8:34 pm EST.  She will move out of a sign that she rules into one that is all about communication and being social.  Maybe it’s time for spending some time with your loved ones, friends and family. 
A good question to ask yourself this Cancer season, is what can you do for yourself?  It’s so easy to focus all your attention on the people around you and lose track of what you need.  Cancer is also known to sacrifice itself for the needs of others.  Don’t lose yourself in the process.  It’s way too easy to let that happen.
Venus in Gemini can be inquisitive and searching.  If you’re looking to change things up, this can be a great time.  Cancer is willing to start something new and Gemini is adaptable.  You can take all the secrets that have been revealed and start to implement some inner growth.
What are you looking to nurture? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
