January 7


Changes in Communication

Mercury went direct a week ago, so hopefully the technology glitches have started to calm down for you, but Mercury still has things in store for you this week and it’s still in the shadow trying to get back to where it was before it went retrograde.

Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces on January 8 at 8;24 pm EST. Communications may be a little bit foggy.  You know what you want to say, but you can’t find the words, or things aren’t coming quite how you meant them to.  Take a moment to respond if you need the time.

Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn on January 13 at 9:49 pm EST.  Mercury is ready to get to work.  The goals that you’ve been pondering, Mercury is ready to start arranging them into do-able tasks.  Your communications will become clear and thorough.

This week will feature two different styles of communication.  One that is more fiery and the other that is more down-to-earth.  One is impulsive and the other that thinks everything through.

Which communication style do you have this week?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Capricorn, Communicate, Communication, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Sagittarius

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