What’s your re?

It’s summertime and with the signs of Mercury and Venus being in the Leo and the Sun about to join them it should be a time of fun, but Venus is about to go retrograde, what could that look like for you?

Mercury in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus on July 17 at 8:49 am.  Fun and creativity meet growth.  Jupiter is here to remind you that it’s not all fun and games and it’s time to get moving and meet your goals.

On July 20 at 4:39 pm, Mars in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces.  Saturn in Pisces is trying to dissolve something in your life that isn’t working and Mars in Virgo might just be working to put that same thing into place.  Make sure it’s something that you really want before you put a lot of time and effort into it. 

The Sun in Cancer Opposes Pluto in Capricorn on July 21 at 11:53 pm.  Since 2008, Pluto in Capricorn has been transforming an area of your life.  Pluto is back to make sure that things are going the way they should.  The Sun in Cancer is checking to see how you feel about this.  Do you have the support that you need?  It’s ok to be nostalgic and wish for the old times, but sometimes you have to accept that the old days aren’t coming back and it’s time to move on.

On July 22 at 9:33 pm, Venus stations retrograde.  Venus is going to be retrograde until September 3.  This could be a great time to examine what you love.  Does it bring you joy?  Is your heart in it?  All of these are good questions to revisit while Venus is in retrograde. A few hours later at 9;50 pm, the Sun enters Leo.  The Sun wants to have fun and be inspired but could get stuck on the dramatic and the personal issues.  Be confident and optimistic.  Things will turn out how they’re supposed to, but not always how you expect them to.

What are you revisiting?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Revisiting the Past

What did your heart teach you last week?  Those lessons will come in handy as you experience some intense energies this week.  Two planets change signs and one planet stations to go retrograde.  Let’s get ready to revisit the past.

On March 23 Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius.  The energy began to shift and change and Pluto began to transform a new area of your life.  On May 1, Pluto was stationed to go retrograde and has been working its way back into Capricorn, which it will re-enter on June 11 at 5:47 am.  Pluto will have this dance between Capricorn and Aquarius well into 2024, November to be exact.  You may be longing for Pluto’s impact upon one area of your life to be over.  Pluto transits can be some of the longest and most challenging, but once it’s done your life will be forever different and it could be for the better.

Mercury enters the sign of Gemini on June 11 at 6;27 am.  Mercury loves being in the sign of Gemini.  It’s time to be curious and social.  Also, keep in mind that Gemini is the sign of duality and there are two sides to every story.   Things can also happen in sets of twos. June 11 is a big day and there’s one more major transit for the day when Venus in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus at 11;40 am.  Venus just wants to have a little fun, but Jupiter is ready to grow something.  Try to find a way to be in the moment on the 11th if possible.  With all of this big energy, it can be easy to get wound up and emotional.  Being aware of the energy is half the battle.

Mercury in Gemini will Square Saturn in Pisces on June 15 at 12:09 pm.  You may have some difficulty deciding if you want to be social or just be left alone to your own devices and stay home.  Whatever you decide, it’s ok.  Just go with the flow.

Saturn stations to go retrograde on June 17 at 1:27 pm.  Saturn is getting ready to revisit some of the issues that have been rising to the surface since Saturn entered Pisces on March 7.  Revisiting the past isn’t always easy, but there is a reason in this case.  There’s something that needs to be looked at differently.  You’re being given the opportunity.  Will you take it?

What are you revisiting from your past? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Forward Motion

Finally!  Mercury retrograde is coming to a close and will station direct on October 2 at 5:07 AM.  Technology glitches and communications will begin to right themselves.  However, Mercury isn’t the only planet stationing direct this week.  Pluto will station direct on October 8 at 5:56 pm.
For the past few weeks, everything has felt like it’s been at a standstill while you’ve been revisited from your past.  What did your past reveal to you?  Are you headed in a new direction or are you still unhappy with the direction that your life has taken?  If you’re still not sure, don’t worry.  When the planets station either retrograde or direct, the energy becomes more intense. 
The North Node in Taurus is still asking you to grow and will be until July 2023.  Change is afoot and sometimes no matter how much you fight it, it’s easier to just go with the flow.  You won’t always know how things will turn out when you start them.  Sometimes you just have to take a chance. 
Mercury is back in Virgo until October 10.  Mercury is being analytical and practical right now.  Mercury doesn’t want to make any mistakes.  But life is all about the mistakes.  It’s how you handle them, that matters.
Pluto has been retrograde since April 29, 2022.  Pluto is the underworld or the shadow, but it’s also the power of transformation.  It’s how you can become empowered in your life.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing the structures of your world and the world around you.  Pluto moved into Capricorn in November 2008 and will give you a sneak peek from March 24, 2023 to June 12, 2023 of Pluto in Aquarius.  It will enter Aquarius for an extended stay on September 3, 2024.  The collective is headed into these final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn.  It’s important that you lay the foundation now for the next phase of your life. 
You’re being pushed to make progress.  It’s time to start taking steps.  You have the option to go one step at a time, but it’s time for forward motion.
What do you taking steps on? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
