Be Confident

The Sun is Leo and it’s the height of summer.   The Sun wants to be at its most confident and have fun, but there are a couple of reminders this week.  What does confidence mean to you?

The Sun in Leo conjuncts Venus in Leo on August 13 at 7:16 am.  Venus is retrograding back through Leo.  It’s asking us to take a look back at what you love and value.  Do you love yourself?  Are you confident in who you are?  If not, why not?  These are great questions to ask yourself and start examining the answers if you haven’t already.  It’s hard to expect someone else to love you if you can’t love yourself.  You don’t have to be perfect, but can you be confident in the person that’s looking back at you in the mirror?

On August 15 at 10:35 pm, the Sun in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus.  You may have a sudden epiphany about what you value and why. This could be a continuation of the work you began earlier in the week.  You may receive answers about what steps you need to take or what you need to work on so that you can be more confident in who you are.  There’s nothing more important than valuing yourself and what you can contribute to your life and the world at large.

Are you confident in who you are?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Is It About Me?

How was last week?  Was it intense or did things finally start to settle down?  Just when you think you have your direction figured out, sometimes you have to make a U-turn and go in a different direction.  This may be one of those weeks. 

Chiron stations to go retrograde on July 23 at 8:42 am.  Chiron is in Aries and still examining the I Am.  Who are you?  Chiron is often your deepest wound.  This is a great time to dig into the wound and peel it apart, but will you take the time or will you just brush off the work?   The more you try to avoid the problem, the bigger it will get.  There is no escaping your wound, you will have to confront it at some time.  It may be better to do it now.

Mercury in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on July 23 at 5:39 pm.  The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all now in Leo and would like to be playful and have fun, but there is work to be done first.  If you haven’t done the work, you may be feeling a little sorry for yourself.  The problems that you’re facing couldn’t possibly be your fault.  You’re determined and right.  Is being right worth it?

On July 27 at 11:16 am, Mercury in Leo Conjuncts Venus in Leo.  Have you thought a little bit more about what you want to do?  Your heart is steering you in a new direction.  Being right isn’t everything.  You may not have seen the path clearly and have made mistakes, but mistakes make you human.  It can be difficult to let it go, but it could be in your best interest to do so and start again.  The choice is yours and only yours.  Only you can change your life and the universe is giving you a push.  Take the push.

What is the universe trying to tell you about your new direction?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What’s Important?

Happy Independence Day!  Enjoy some time off with family and friends and a little reminder about what’s important in life.  It can be so easy to get lost in day-to-day activities, but those aren’t what you remember at the end of the day.  It may be a seemingly tiny thing to you that makes all the difference in the world to someone else.

With all the hustle and bustle and high intensity of the last few years, a basic philosophy of being kind to others seems to be missing as part of daily society.  There’s such a concern with being right that being kind has been lost.  Venus in Leo is all about connecting to the heart and will Square Uranus in Taurus on July 2 at 10:34 am.  Uranus in Taurus is working on helping you to grow.  Maybe it’s more important to grow something that is meaningful and to be happy and fulfilled, than it is to have all the money or tangible items in the world.  It can be so easy to strive for riches and get things, but at the end of your life, you can’t take any of those things with you. Many people are starting new chapters in their lives, you may even be one of them.  Do something that will bring you happiness.  Happiness and love are two of the most important things that you can have in your life and their effects can be widespread.  A little bit of joy can go a long way to changing the world.

Mercury in Cancer will Square Chiron in Aries on July 6 at 12:28 am.  There may be some emotional processing that takes place.  Mercury has been revealing things and still is this week.  Pay attention to the little things, they may seem insignificant but could send you in a new direction.  Be careful not to get too stuck in your head.  It can be hard to say the words, but those words could be significant.

What’s important to you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time for Family

It’s officially summer and with Mercury entering the sign of Cancer this week, it's time for family and some fertile ideas.

The week begins with Mercury in Gemini Squaring Neptune in Pisces on June 25 at 6:36 pm.  The confusion over your ideas remains.  It can be challenging to get clear, but the fog will dissipate later in the week.

Mars in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on June 26 at 5:23 am.  Mars in Leo wants to focus on you and Uranus in Taurus is still working on getting you to grow and it may even come in unexpected ways.  Which side wins?  It could be that you win in both ways, but you need to be open to ideas, which can be challenging when you have a fixed idea of what you want and how it should look.

Mercury enters the sign of Cancer on June 26 at 8:24 pm.  Your thoughts will be more about family, but Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the moon changes signs every 2 and a half days.  By the end of its time in Cancer, Mercury could have lots of ideas.  Then you just need to find the best way to implement them.

Neptune stations to go retrograde on June 30 at 5:07 am.  It’s time to look back over your spiritual path.  What adjustments do you need to make?  The time for reviewing and revising is now.

The Sun in Cancer conjuncts Mercury in Cancer on July 1 at 1:06 am.  The Sun is shining a spotlight on the Cancer areas of your life: family being a big part of it.  Enjoy some time with family and spend some time in the water.  Cancer loves the water.

Are you making time for family? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Heart vs. Power

Did you take time to rest last week? Ready or not, here comes another energy wave, and time it’s mostly about what’s in your heart.

Mercury in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on June 4 at 3:49 pm.  You may have some big epiphany about what you value or some sort of communication that you’ve been putting off could become significant and you have to get it off your chest.

Venus enters the sign of Leo on June 5 at 9:46 am.  It’s time to think about yourself.  Venus wants to have fun and be confident, but could also like to show off and be loud.  Leo is all about the heart.  Where is your heart leading you?  With Venus entering Leo, it’s time for a look in the direction of what is your heart telling you is the right path.  You typically know if it’s time to make a change and when things aren’t quite going how you expected.  Take a step back and look at it from a heart-centered place.  Does it alter the direction you need to go?

A few hours later at 12:05 pm, Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius.  Aquarius wants to look ahead and Leo is interested in this moment.  What does your heart want vs. the power of the mind or the power of the collective?  Are you being pulled in two separate directions?  See if there’s another path, but when it comes down to it, remember that your heart doesn’t normally steer you wrong.  It’s normally your mind or fear that will get in the way.  So this week remember to live from your heart.

What’s in your heart? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Did You Have An Awakening?

Last week a chapter in your life ended and a new one is beginning.  Was there a trickle effect where the information slowly came to you or did you have a moment where it just happened?  Either way is possible and leads the way into this week.  You’re going to take that moment and move it forward.

Venus enters the sign of Cancer this week on May 7 at 10:25 am.  You may feel more sensitive and emotional or you could be very needy and moody.  One is the light side of Cancer and one is the dark side.  Venus enjoys being in Cancer.  This could be an opportunity for you to feel the effects of what has taken place.  Get in touch with your emotions.  Hear what they have to tell you and use it to your advantage.

The Sun in Taurus will conjunct Uranus in Taurus on May 9 at 3:36 pm.  Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, may just rattle your sense of safety and security.  You may have already been feeling off-center from the revelations of the eclipse and Uranus may just shake things up a little more.  What are you supposed to do?  Try and sit with the emotions that are coming up.  Is it fear coming up?  What does all of this mean?  What will happen now?  Take deep breaths until you can think clearly.  It’s easy to make impulsive decisions that you may regret later.  Be in the moment and see what comes to you and what direction you want to go.

Don’t worry if nothing big changes in your life.  You may already be on the right path and only needed some minor course corrections.  You may also see changes over the next 6 months to a year.  Eclipse energy doesn’t always happen the day of, but can unfold over time.

What is awakening in your life?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

You’re On An Adventure

It can be really easy when life just seems tough and you wonder which shoe is going to drop next to remember that life is an adventure and that’s why you’re here.  After the challenges of the last few weeks, this week is a reminder to be optimistic and try new things.

It can be easy to think that you have it all figured out and then life throws you a curveball.  You may even wonder if you knew anything at all.  Everyone has been there at one time or another.  Approach your adventure with an open mind and see where it leads you.
The  Aries energy of beginnings and adventure will figure heavily into this week’s energy.  Mercury in Aries will Conjunct Chiron in Aries on March 26 at 2:58 pm.  Has there been something that you’ve wanted to say and you haven’t been able to say it?  This may be the time to start a new conversation.  Mercury in Aries then has a conversation with Jupiter on March 28 at 2;50 am.  Try something new.  Learn something new.  Jupiter likes to go big, so this may be the time for you to go big.
Venus in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on March 30 at 6:26 pm.  What do you love?  What do you value?  There may be a sudden epiphany here that a direction you’ve been headed in may not have been totally right for you.  It’s ok to change directions in life, it happens to all of us. 
Life doesn’t always take you in a straight line.  Something that you think should take a few moments can take years.  There is no right or wrong on this journey.  There is only you and what are you learning.  Take a new step this week.
What adventure are you going to take?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Turning A Corner

It’s nearing the end of February.  Change is in the air.  The end of a chapter is upon you.  How you choose to end that chapter is entirely upon you.  Do you turn left or do you go right?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but the answer could determine the beginning of your next chapter.

Venus leaves the sign of Pisces and enters Aries on February 20 at 2:56 am.  Venus has completed her annual cycle through the signs and is ready to begin again.  She’s eager and spontaneous.  She’s ready to get going.  What’s next?
Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on February 21 at 5:22 pm.  Uranus in Taurus has been changing our collective landscape.  You can see this transformation at the grocery store.  What products are currently in short supply?  It can be different each time you go.  Mercury in Aquarius is bringing a sense of challenge to Uranus in Taurus.  How do you see the future?  Can it be a better place for everyone?  What do you need to feel safe and secure in a new environment?
The month of March will shift with sign changes of Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Pluto, and Mars.  That’s a lot of energy-shifting gears.  With both Saturn and Pluto changing signs, chapters will be ending and beginning.  A new area of your life will be highlighted.  A new corner is right around the horizon.  Do you leap now or do you leap later?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but sometimes if you wait to take the leap, the universe will give you a shove. 
It's not fun when the universe has to push you.  Your ending is often more dramatic than it needed to be, but the universe needed to get your attention somehow.  Try to take the leap on your own.  It’s time to turn the corner.
What are you ending and beginning?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Dream A Little Dream

The Sun is in Aquarius until February 18.  It’s the time of year when you can let your idealism shine and be in a state of mind that is more logical and scientific.  You can detach yourself a little bit from the anticipated outcomes.  On February 3 at 9:50 pm, the Sun in Aquarius will Square Uranus in Taurus.  The Sun will have a conflict with the planet of awakenings in the sign of stability and practicality.
The Sun is currently in an Air sign and wants to be intellectual, but Uranus is in an Earth sign and is focused on more worldly matters.  Which sign will win?  Only time will tell.
Venus in Pisces meets Mars in Gemini on February 4 at 10:29 pm.   Venus loves being in the sign of Pisces.  She can romanticize and dream, but Mars is still in the sign of Gemini.  Mars is trying to take action but is having difficulty in the sign of Gemini.  It has to fight a sense of duality and communicativeness when all it wants to do is go.  Mars is still finding that it may have to do things twice in order to accomplish its goals, but it’s getting closer all the time.  One day you could wake up and have taken steps little by little, you could be on the precipice of a new life.
What is your dream?  You must have one.  What do you want your life to look like in 5, 10, or 15 years?  All of your dreams don’t have to happen overnight, they can happen in stages, but it’s important to dream.
What is your dream?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

I Like To Move It

Are you ready?  It’s time to move forward on whatever you’ve been working on.  The last of the planets, Uranus, stations direct this week on January 22 at 5:59 pm.  For about the next 90 days, there will be no retrograde planets in the sky.  So, is something still holding you back from taking that step?
Uranus in Taurus has been demonstrating to you what is of value to you and it’s about to shift course.  It’s going to revisit the steps that you’ve been taking since late August.  How can that item or items in your life become something that is of value to you.? What do you value?  If you’re unsure it could all of a sudden become clear to you.
Also on January 22 at 5:13 pm, Venus in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius.  Venus is checking in with Saturn one last time for the next 30 years.  How are the rules stopping you from something that you love?  Is there a way around those limitations?  Do you need to get out of your head and speak from your heart?  Only you truly know the answers to these questions, but it may be time to stop second-guessing yourself and see where it leads.
Venus will enter the sign of Pisces on January 26 at 9:33 pm.  Venus is going to stop overthinking and start to feel.  This may be your chance to enter your heart space and let it show you what you want.  Pisces can also be the sign of romanticizing and daydreaming, so keep that in mind as you make decisions.
What are you moving forward on?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?
