Have You Seen the Shift?

Have you noticed a change in the energy since January 20?  I certainly have.  I feel like it’s time for me to move forward.  I want to take action and I don’t seem to be standing in my way.  There are only lunar aspects this week, but there is one that I want to address.

The Moon in Scorpio will Square Pluto in Aquarius on February 1 at 4:23 pm EST.  This is one of the first aspects Pluto has made after moving back into Aquarius.  The Moon in Scorpio has an intensity to it.  Nothing is felt just at the surface, everything is felt to the deepest and darkest depths.  Pluto is also the darkness that dwells within you and how you transform it.  Pluto transits are never easy, but if you have done the work, it is easier and your previous hard work may be rewarded.

Water and air combine, they can make ice, something that those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are all too familiar with this time of year.  This may be a time when the progress that you have been making seems to have stopped.  You’re frozen in place.  Don’t worry, lunar transits typically start to pass within a few days and then you can continue to experience the new energy.  Aquarius is concerned about the collective good.  So how can each of us make this world a little bit better?

Have you seen the energy shift?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Did You Have An Awakening?

Last week a chapter in your life ended and a new one is beginning.  Was there a trickle effect where the information slowly came to you or did you have a moment where it just happened?  Either way is possible and leads the way into this week.  You’re going to take that moment and move it forward.

Venus enters the sign of Cancer this week on May 7 at 10:25 am.  You may feel more sensitive and emotional or you could be very needy and moody.  One is the light side of Cancer and one is the dark side.  Venus enjoys being in Cancer.  This could be an opportunity for you to feel the effects of what has taken place.  Get in touch with your emotions.  Hear what they have to tell you and use it to your advantage.

The Sun in Taurus will conjunct Uranus in Taurus on May 9 at 3:36 pm.  Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, may just rattle your sense of safety and security.  You may have already been feeling off-center from the revelations of the eclipse and Uranus may just shake things up a little more.  What are you supposed to do?  Try and sit with the emotions that are coming up.  Is it fear coming up?  What does all of this mean?  What will happen now?  Take deep breaths until you can think clearly.  It’s easy to make impulsive decisions that you may regret later.  Be in the moment and see what comes to you and what direction you want to go.

Don’t worry if nothing big changes in your life.  You may already be on the right path and only needed some minor course corrections.  You may also see changes over the next 6 months to a year.  Eclipse energy doesn’t always happen the day of, but can unfold over time.

What is awakening in your life?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

The Energy Shifts

This week another planet goes retrograde and there’s another Eclipse. You will feel the energy shift and it’s trying to send you in a new direction.  What you do with the shift and the direction it sends you is up to you.

Pluto stations to go retrograde in the sign of Aquarius on May 1 at 1:09 pm.  Pluto will be retrograde until October 10 and will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn in June.  It’s going to be time to re-examine the darkness of Pluto.  Are there still shadows that you need to look at.  You have a couple of opportunities to look at what you’ve been working on since 2008.  Look at the world since 2008, so much has changed.  Has it changed for the better?  Depends on how you look at it, but I think most would agree that the dark side of people has been exposed.  There’s no going back and hiding under a rock, but there is the option to do the work and see if the world can be a little bit better.  The work is never easy, but it’s the only way to truly grow as a person and as a community.  Which path do you want to take?

The Sun in Taurus conjuncts Mercury in Taurus on May 1 at 7:28 pm.  What do you value?  The sun and Mercury are shining a light on those things that you value.  Is what you value, how you spend the majority of your time?  If it isn’t, do you need to make some changes to either your values or how you spend your time?  The choice is yours.

Venus in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces on May 4 at 1:40 pm.  Venus is looking to have a conversation about your spiritual side.  Are you looking to engage in that conversation or are you looking to avoid it altogether?

The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio is on May 5 at 1:34 pm.  This is the last eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio access and then the nodal access will shift this summer.  This is the end point for something that began about 18 months ago.  A chapter is ending.  How you respond to the end of this chapter is up to you.  The end could be big or it could be small, it depends on you.  Have you done the work or have you been insisting that nothing is wrong? 

Remember to take some time for yourself this week.  Do something fun or relaxing.  When the energy shifts are big it can be challenging to get a good night’s rest.  Do your best and remember to be kind.  Everyone else is experiencing the same energy as you, but in maybe a slightly different way.  The world could use a little more kindness.

What is the energy shifting in your life?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Productive Until You Aren’t

Mercury changes signs this week and communication should become clear and concise, but will it?

Mercury moves into the sign of Taurus on April 3 at 12:22 pm.  Taurus is the sign of calm, stability, and patience, but if you look at the shadow side of Taurus it can also be materialistic, possessive, and stubborn.  Taurus isn’t represented by the bull for no reason at all.  So communication should become clear and concise while it resides in the sign of Taurus, but will it?  Taurus can be a determined sign but will that work to your advantage?
Mercury has its first aspect after switching signs a couple of hours later.  Mercury will square Pluto in Aquarius at 2:55 pm.  This is Mercury and Pluto’s first meeting since both planets changed signs.  They’re coming up with a new game plan.  Once the plan and your focus have been decided, Mercury will begin to distribute the plan to all of the other planets.  Aquarius is a sign that is focused on the community and technology, but it can also be one that is forward-thinking.  What are you thinking ahead towards?
The last significant aspect of the week is the Sun in Aries Conjunct Chiron in Aries on April 5 at 6:18 pm.  The Sun in warrior mode meets the wounded healer.  What healing do you still need to focus on?  There is something that you still need to heal in order to move forward with your goals in life.  This is the time to examine those inner wounds and see if you can make a little progress in healing them.
Remember this week that it can seem like your life should be this way.  Everything could be lining up one moment, and your plan is off the rails the next.  It’s ok.  Life’s journey isn’t a straight line, there are twists and turns.  Go with the flow and see what happens as a result, but keep in mind that productivity is still important.  You want to accomplish things!  Don’t stop when you’re just about to cross the finish line.
What are you being productive on? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time for Energy Shifts

There are 4 planetary sign changes coming this week, so be prepared for the energy shifts.  The astrological new year and spring also both officially arrive this week.  Yay!  Are you ready for spring?

Two planets will enter the sign of Aries, Mercury, and the Sun.  Mercury goes first on March 19 at 12:24 am.  Be ready for your conversations and thinking to take on a new tone.  They have the potential to be more energetic, quick, and direct, but they can also be more impatient and aggressive.  The Sun will enter the sign of Aries on March 20 at 5:24 pm.  The Sun will bring a new beginning.  If you’ve been thinking about being a pioneer, this is a great time to initiate something new.
Pluto will test the waters in the sign of Aquarius starting on March 23 at 8:13 am.  Aquarius is an air sign that prefers the logical and scientific side of thinking.  It can also be idealistic, independent, and objective.  Aquarius also governs technology and community.  Technology and community may become part of the societal focus until it shifts next in 2043 (Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn from June 11 to January 20).
Finally, Mars leaves the sign of Gemini where it has been since August, and enters the sign of Cancer on March 25 at 7:45 am.  Mars will tap into his supportive side until July 1.  You may want to spend more time working on domestic matters or being more nurturing.   
Remember this is a lot of energy, so take some time out for yourself.  Rest and relax.  It can be tempting to be impulsive, especially with the Aries energy, but if you need a time out, take it.  Remember to take care of yourself first.
How are these energy shifts impacting you?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?