What’s your re?

It’s summertime and with the signs of Mercury and Venus being in the Leo and the Sun about to join them it should be a time of fun, but Venus is about to go retrograde, what could that look like for you?

Mercury in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus on July 17 at 8:49 am.  Fun and creativity meet growth.  Jupiter is here to remind you that it’s not all fun and games and it’s time to get moving and meet your goals.

On July 20 at 4:39 pm, Mars in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces.  Saturn in Pisces is trying to dissolve something in your life that isn’t working and Mars in Virgo might just be working to put that same thing into place.  Make sure it’s something that you really want before you put a lot of time and effort into it. 

The Sun in Cancer Opposes Pluto in Capricorn on July 21 at 11:53 pm.  Since 2008, Pluto in Capricorn has been transforming an area of your life.  Pluto is back to make sure that things are going the way they should.  The Sun in Cancer is checking to see how you feel about this.  Do you have the support that you need?  It’s ok to be nostalgic and wish for the old times, but sometimes you have to accept that the old days aren’t coming back and it’s time to move on.

On July 22 at 9:33 pm, Venus stations retrograde.  Venus is going to be retrograde until September 3.  This could be a great time to examine what you love.  Does it bring you joy?  Is your heart in it?  All of these are good questions to revisit while Venus is in retrograde. A few hours later at 9;50 pm, the Sun enters Leo.  The Sun wants to have fun and be inspired but could get stuck on the dramatic and the personal issues.  Be confident and optimistic.  Things will turn out how they’re supposed to, but not always how you expect them to.

What are you revisiting?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Practicality vs. Creativity

Hope you got some time to rest last week and maybe even figure out what’s important to you.  There are two sign changes this week, so the energy is shifting.

Mars enters the sign of Virgo on July 10 at 7:40 am.  The planet of action is entering the sign of perfectionism, industriousness, diligence, and practicality.  You may be finding it challenging to get things done while Mars is in the sign of Virgo, you may have to double and check everything to make sure that it is just right.  It could also keep you from being impulsive with your actions and make sure this next step is one that you want to take.

Also on July 10 at 4:48 pm., Mercury in Cancer Opposes Pluto in Capricorn.  The ideas coming to fruition might have to take a backburner to whether or not they are structurally sound.  That’s ok, write those ideas down anyways you may come up with a solution at a later time.

Mercury enters the sign of Leo a few hours later on July 11 at 12:11 am.  Your thoughts might be more creative or you may feel more confident while Mercury is in the sign of Leo. Harness the power of the sun and let it help guide your thoughts to be more optimistic and fun.

The Sun in Cancer Squares Chiron in Aries on July 12 at 8:06 am.  Get out of your head and get in touch with your emotions.  Your emotions are trying to tell you something, but you’re spending so much time trying to be right or striving for the next thing that you might be losing something important in the process.  Dig down.  Cry if you need to.  Crying is a great way to release pent-up energy and expel it from your body. 

Which is it for you?  Practicality or creativity?  Maybe even a little of both.  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What’s Important?

Happy Independence Day!  Enjoy some time off with family and friends and a little reminder about what’s important in life.  It can be so easy to get lost in day-to-day activities, but those aren’t what you remember at the end of the day.  It may be a seemingly tiny thing to you that makes all the difference in the world to someone else.

With all the hustle and bustle and high intensity of the last few years, a basic philosophy of being kind to others seems to be missing as part of daily society.  There’s such a concern with being right that being kind has been lost.  Venus in Leo is all about connecting to the heart and will Square Uranus in Taurus on July 2 at 10:34 am.  Uranus in Taurus is working on helping you to grow.  Maybe it’s more important to grow something that is meaningful and to be happy and fulfilled, than it is to have all the money or tangible items in the world.  It can be so easy to strive for riches and get things, but at the end of your life, you can’t take any of those things with you. Many people are starting new chapters in their lives, you may even be one of them.  Do something that will bring you happiness.  Happiness and love are two of the most important things that you can have in your life and their effects can be widespread.  A little bit of joy can go a long way to changing the world.

Mercury in Cancer will Square Chiron in Aries on July 6 at 12:28 am.  There may be some emotional processing that takes place.  Mercury has been revealing things and still is this week.  Pay attention to the little things, they may seem insignificant but could send you in a new direction.  Be careful not to get too stuck in your head.  It can be hard to say the words, but those words could be significant.

What’s important to you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time for Family

It’s officially summer and with Mercury entering the sign of Cancer this week, it's time for family and some fertile ideas.

The week begins with Mercury in Gemini Squaring Neptune in Pisces on June 25 at 6:36 pm.  The confusion over your ideas remains.  It can be challenging to get clear, but the fog will dissipate later in the week.

Mars in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on June 26 at 5:23 am.  Mars in Leo wants to focus on you and Uranus in Taurus is still working on getting you to grow and it may even come in unexpected ways.  Which side wins?  It could be that you win in both ways, but you need to be open to ideas, which can be challenging when you have a fixed idea of what you want and how it should look.

Mercury enters the sign of Cancer on June 26 at 8:24 pm.  Your thoughts will be more about family, but Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the moon changes signs every 2 and a half days.  By the end of its time in Cancer, Mercury could have lots of ideas.  Then you just need to find the best way to implement them.

Neptune stations to go retrograde on June 30 at 5:07 am.  It’s time to look back over your spiritual path.  What adjustments do you need to make?  The time for reviewing and revising is now.

The Sun in Cancer conjuncts Mercury in Cancer on July 1 at 1:06 am.  The Sun is shining a spotlight on the Cancer areas of your life: family being a big part of it.  Enjoy some time with family and spend some time in the water.  Cancer loves the water.

Are you making time for family? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

The Simple Things

The Sun is getting ready to change signs, but it may just confuse matters a little bit before it does.  When your thinking becomes clear again it may be time to embrace the simple things.

The Sun in Gemini Squares Neptune in Pisces on June 18 at 11:54 pm.  Your focus could be cloudy.  Things just don’t seem to make sense.  Take time out from thinking and do something physical instead.

Cancer season begins on June 21 at 10:58 am.  It’s the official start of summer.  Lending a helping hand to your neighbor, spend some time at home, and be considerate to those around you.  Those are positive ways to spend Cancer season, but you may also feel needy, moody, or nostalgic.  It’s ok.  Cancer is ruled by the moon, so wait a couple of days and your mood can shift right around. 

With all of the dramatic energies of the past few years, it can be easy to look past the simple things.  This is a time to look at what you want.  Sometimes home and family are all that you need, whether it be in the traditional sense or in another form. This isn’t to say that the intense energies are over.  They’re still there, but this isn’t the week to focus on them.  This is a week to just be and appreciate what you have. 

Are you embracing the simple things? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Talk It Out

Things in the sky are about to get a little bit chatty as the Sun changes signs this week.  The Sun entered the sign of Gemini on May 21 at 3:09 am.  Do you notice the difference?

Gemini is the sign of duality.  You may notice that things happen in twos.  It is also a sign that not only like to talk it out but to learn something new.  This can be a great month to take a new class or meet up with friends.
Mars in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus, which just changed signs last week, on May 23 at 1:13 am.  Mars in Leo is ready to go.  Maybe do something that is for them and only them, but Taurus isn’t ready yet.  Taurus doesn’t want to make changes and wants things to remain the same, but you’re meant to grow something new with Jupiter being in Taurus, so don’t say no quite yet.  Think about it.  Weigh the pros and cons.  You may just decide to give it a try.
On May 24 at 7:39 pm, Venus in Cancer Squares Chiron in Aries.  Venus is getting in touch with her maternal side, while Chiron is ready to be a warrior and maybe even go to battle.  Who will win?  It’s all up to you.
Be careful this week of people trying to bring you into their dramas.  It could be a good week to set boundaries or even say that you need time to think about something and walk away.  Take time to think it over and deal with it at another time.  Sometimes decisions are better made when you aren’t emotional or have a little bit more perspective.  You may need another opinion.  Allow yourself to talk it out with someone else, but remember you don’t have to do what they may suggest.
What do you need to talk about?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Did You Have An Awakening?

Last week a chapter in your life ended and a new one is beginning.  Was there a trickle effect where the information slowly came to you or did you have a moment where it just happened?  Either way is possible and leads the way into this week.  You’re going to take that moment and move it forward.

Venus enters the sign of Cancer this week on May 7 at 10:25 am.  You may feel more sensitive and emotional or you could be very needy and moody.  One is the light side of Cancer and one is the dark side.  Venus enjoys being in Cancer.  This could be an opportunity for you to feel the effects of what has taken place.  Get in touch with your emotions.  Hear what they have to tell you and use it to your advantage.

The Sun in Taurus will conjunct Uranus in Taurus on May 9 at 3:36 pm.  Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, may just rattle your sense of safety and security.  You may have already been feeling off-center from the revelations of the eclipse and Uranus may just shake things up a little more.  What are you supposed to do?  Try and sit with the emotions that are coming up.  Is it fear coming up?  What does all of this mean?  What will happen now?  Take deep breaths until you can think clearly.  It’s easy to make impulsive decisions that you may regret later.  Be in the moment and see what comes to you and what direction you want to go.

Don’t worry if nothing big changes in your life.  You may already be on the right path and only needed some minor course corrections.  You may also see changes over the next 6 months to a year.  Eclipse energy doesn’t always happen the day of, but can unfold over time.

What is awakening in your life?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Are You Outside of Your Comfort Zone Yet?

How’s the eclipse energy been treating you? Last week may have been a game-changing week for you. Either way there is something that you’re supposed to be learning right now, Are you learning it? If you’re not you may be pushed outside of your comfort zone this week.

Some of us only need a little tap, others need a push and some need an all-out shove to move in a different direction. There’ve been times when I needed an all-out shove. Getting fired was a shove. I wasn’t making the decisions or changes that were required in my life. I was trying to be selective in what I changed, but I was meant to go in a different direction in a big way. I had spent a good portion of my life playing small and that was no longer an option. That doesn’t mean that I don’t still play small on occasion. Just like you, I’m a work in progress.

This week, there’s only one hard aspect that I’m going to address this week, and its when Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on April 27 at 9;34 am. This is when the universe gives you a push and maybe a shove to make a change. Step outside of your comfort zone and do something different. It’s easy to stay at home and hope that the world comes to your door, but it’s unrealistic. Change happens when you step outside. Life happens when you try something new. Life doesn’t change when you follow the same routine. You’re meant to be the best you that you can be. There will be days where you stumble and fall, but get back up and try again. Nobody gets it right on the first try. Just give it a try and see what happens.

Are you outside of your comfort zone yet? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time for Energy Shifts

There are 4 planetary sign changes coming this week, so be prepared for the energy shifts.  The astrological new year and spring also both officially arrive this week.  Yay!  Are you ready for spring?

Two planets will enter the sign of Aries, Mercury, and the Sun.  Mercury goes first on March 19 at 12:24 am.  Be ready for your conversations and thinking to take on a new tone.  They have the potential to be more energetic, quick, and direct, but they can also be more impatient and aggressive.  The Sun will enter the sign of Aries on March 20 at 5:24 pm.  The Sun will bring a new beginning.  If you’ve been thinking about being a pioneer, this is a great time to initiate something new.
Pluto will test the waters in the sign of Aquarius starting on March 23 at 8:13 am.  Aquarius is an air sign that prefers the logical and scientific side of thinking.  It can also be idealistic, independent, and objective.  Aquarius also governs technology and community.  Technology and community may become part of the societal focus until it shifts next in 2043 (Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn from June 11 to January 20).
Finally, Mars leaves the sign of Gemini where it has been since August, and enters the sign of Cancer on March 25 at 7:45 am.  Mars will tap into his supportive side until July 1.  You may want to spend more time working on domestic matters or being more nurturing.   
Remember this is a lot of energy, so take some time out for yourself.  Rest and relax.  It can be tempting to be impulsive, especially with the Aries energy, but if you need a time out, take it.  Remember to take care of yourself first.
How are these energy shifts impacting you?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?