Life On Repeat!

It’s Groundhog Day!  Wait, no it’s only October, it just seems like it.  Wake up and do the same thing day after day.  People react the same way, angry at the world.  How are you doing?
This is a time to heal the emotional wounds that are within you.  You can’t do this process for others, only they can do that.  But some days you have felt like a person’s punching bag.  People are acting out their frustrations, some quite literally, they are hollering at stores and restaurants when they don’t get their way.  They are right and know they’re right, there’s no room for conversation.
This is a time where everyone seems to be on edge.  The energy is quite high.  You may have entered a conversation meaning well but ended up involved in something you hadn’t anticipated.
The only person whose actions you can control is your own.  The best advice is to work on yourself.  Be as kind as you can.  There is never enough kindness.  Don’t take your stuff out on others and when you do, apologize.  Apologies are always appreciated.
Turn off the news and social media if it’s too much.  If you do decide to enter the fray, check the sources.  Be sure the information is right and not just an opinion that fits your point of view.
There’s a lot of work to be done.  You can pull yourself out of the vortex of Groundhog Day by making changes.  Small changes add up.  You don’t have to do what you’ve always done just because you’ve always done it.
Life is an experience that is meant to be lived.  You never know what’s going to happen next, no matter how much you want to.  No one and I repeat no one, is always right.  We’re meant to listen to other’s opinions and compromise in relationships.
Be kind even when you don’t feel like it.  You could make someone else’s bad day a little nicer.  It’s time to change our patterns.
What patterns do you need to change? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s A Time To Heal!

There’s been so much going on energetically.  What are you to do?  You’re being given information and guidance, the key is to listen and begin to heal.
Healing can occur on three different levels: the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual.  When you’re encountering an issue, you never know which plane the problem is on.  The key is to locate the issue, the plane then begin your work using whatever modality works for you.  Reiki and trauma work tend to be what works best for me, but you could be different.
If you can catch an issue early before it has settled and has time to cause physical problems, the better off you are.  It’s important to remember that most things don’t happen overnight, illness and healing included.
The universe has been giving you guidance.  Bringing secrets to the surface and revealing information.  What you do is up to you?  But you’re not mean to sit with that information forever.  You’re supposed to do something with it.  Why not begin the process of healing yourself?
Healing is a process.  It’s like an onion.  You’re going to encounter layer upon layer before you get to the core of the issue.  It took time to get you to this point and it will take you time to “heal” it.
It’s ok to take breaks along the way.  Healing doesn’t happen all at once and doesn’t always make sense, but it’s one of the most important gifts that you’ll ever give yourself.  The gift of healing gives you a better you.
What do you need to heal? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Growth Hurts!

Life seems like a challenge right now.  If it doesn’t hurt, you’re not doing it right.  Now is a time to grow and expand.  Growth hurts!
Think back to when you were a kid.  When you grew taller, you would be tired.   You would sleep more and eat more, but eventually everything would even out.
Growth in life is the same way.  It hurts.  You exercise for the first time, and it hurts the next day.  Each time you work a new muscle group, it hurts again.
When you’re expanding your knowledge base, there’s bound to be pain involved.  That doesn’t mean that you should run though, the universe will always find you.  The next time the lesson will be a little more complex.
It seems you may want things to stay the same, but that’s just not possible.  Or maybe you want someone to do the hard work for you.  That’s not an option either.
You came here to experience life.  Growth is a natural part of life.  You don’t just go from Point A to Point E, you must go through Points B, C, and D before you get there.
Even when you think you have tackled this lesson, there could be another layer to work through.  No matter how much you want to, life is a process, and it doesn’t always happen overnight.  The things that you desire the most you must work for.
Growth is hard, but on the other side of each obstacle.  It could be everything you’ve ever wanted.  Seeds don’t grow overnight.  It can take months or even years to get the desired result.  Keep working on it, you will get there and one day you will be in awe of how much you’ve grown.
What are you looking to grow? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Can You Only See It This Way?

Do you have a set dream or vision that you can only see happen in a specific way?  It’s time to introduce some flexibility into your vision.
When you can only see one path, it makes it challenging for the universe to help things along.  Things rarely happen in the exact way we envision them.
This is a time to release your expectations.  Things don’t always happen how you expect.  What happens then?  Disappointment.  Beating yourself up.  Wondering what happened?  Where did I go wrong?  You do down this rabbit hole that can be challenging to dig yourself out of.
Letting go of expectations isn’t easy.  They seem to happen quite naturally.  Letting of anything can be complicated but may be necessary to make the result a reality. 
The process of manifestation doesn’t always work how you expect.  Emotions get in the way.  Reality gets in the way.  Other people get in the way.  The list goes on.
Cut the ties to your expectations.  In whatever way best serves you.  There is no right way.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t try to work towards your vision.  The path will begin the journey.  Follow the clues.  Follow the signs.  Trust your intuition.  And be open to what presents itself.
How are you going to release expectations? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Which Way Do I Go?

Does it feel like 2021 has been all about making decisions?  It has.  You’re creating a new foundation for your life.  For that new creation to occur decisions must be made.
When you build a house or move into a house, lots of decisions must be made before you get to the finished product.  You’re still in process.  Not only are you in process, but all the outer planets are now retrograde, so decisions that you thought you’d made may come back up for reconsideration.
If you want your life to turn out differently, you must do things differently.  That can be a challenge to come to terms with.  You tend to want things to magically change.  You want your Prince Charming to show up one day and take all your troubles away.  It would be nice, but life isn’t like that.  Life presents you with challenges and difficulties to help you grow and evolve.
Today isn’t meant to be the same as yesterday.  This is your opportunity to reconsider your past.  What has it taught you and how have you reached where you are right now? 
If you are the same person at the end of 2021 as you were at the beginning, you’re doing something wrong.  What can you do differently?  It may seem like one small change can’t make a difference, but it could be enough to get the ball rolling.
It often seems like life is all about the result.  This is the dream, and it looks like this when it’s more about how do I reach the dream?  Be careful of being too dependent on the outcome.  You can beat your head against a wall for years, towards a specific outcome that might not happen.  Allow room for manifestation and magic to happen.  Miracles can happen, but you need to loosen up and allow them room.
What do you want your future to look like?  What steps can you take and what does the process look like?  It’s time to start.  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Are You Different?

Are you different from who you were last year or even last month?  That’s one question to ask, but the other is are you different from who you thought you’d be?
For so many of you, different can have a negative connotation.  I know it did for me.  Different was a bad word.  Who wants to be different?  Especially when all you want is to just fit in.  You want the kids around you to like you and be your friend.  Would you have changed who you were so that you could be friends with those people?  If you said no way, good for you, for standing up for yourself.  I wasn’t like that.  I desperately wanted to fit in.  I reached a point where I had shifted who I was so many times that I didn’t know who I was.
I know who I am now.  But for several years, I didn’t want to be different.  I didn’t want to stand out. I just wanted to blend into the background.  I wanted people to like me and within reason, I would be who you wanted me to be.  I could be a different person to each person I would meet.  Does this sound like you?
You may ask what made me change?  One day I woke up and had no idea who I was.  That scared me.  How could I have reached that point?  I began my journey of self-discovery.  Who was I?
I looked for methods to tell me who I was.  I had spent years listening to people who said you should loosen up and just go with the flow.  Ok, I’ll try.  You should know how to do this.  Ok, I’ll learn.
Deep down there seemed to be a sense of shame that I wasn’t the person I was expected to be.  I figured that other people, especially older people, knew more than I did.  I’ll give you a hint, they might know more in some areas of life, but not all. 
Are you different?  It’s great if you are.  You’re not meant to be like everyone else.  You’re meant to be you and I’m meant to be me.  You have permission to be whoever you want to be.  It’s your choice, but the easiest way to navigate through the journey of life is to just be.
Are you different?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s An Evolution!

Have you been evolving lately?  If not, how can you evolve?  This year is about rebuilding the structure of your life.  January 2022 is not meant to look the same as January 2021.  It’s supposed to be different.
Change can be hard.  Especially when you’re not ready.  Is there a way you can get ready?  Maybe take it in small pieces.  Or maybe you need someone to help push you past the fear.  Fear can stop you in your tracks and keep you from growing.  Life is easier when you know what to expect.  But sometimes you just need a little push.  A push that moves you from your head into action.
I needed one a couple of weeks ago.  I’ve been preparing to bring in-person Reiki sessions to a hair salon that I work at.  I had all the pieces ready.  I just needed to pick a date.  My boss and I were having a conversation and told me just to pick one.  I sat down and picked a date that gave me some time to get everything aligned, but it’s in the books.
The only way to get past fear is to do it.  While I’m in preparation mode, I’ve also been working on ways to combine Reiki and astrology.  I’m taking some medical astrology classes.  It will probably take me until the end of the year to fully combine it, but I’ve started.  I have a plan to grow, and my business is evolving.  I’m evolving.
You may find yourself in a place that you never pictured.  It’s ok.  I’m right there with you.  You could love how it turns out, but you’ll never know if you don’t try.  You have to begin somewhere.
How are you evolving?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What Are You Looking to Grow?

Have you learned anything this year, but especially the past couple of months?  Secrets are being revealed.  We’re being given our marching orders.  It’s time to grow!
Why do I have to?  You don’t.  It’s your choice, but growth is part of the human experience.  When you’re comfortable, you’ve stopped growing.  The best lessons from life come from those moments when you decide to take a chance and go outside your comfort zone.
Take a gamble.  What’s the worst thing that can happen?  You try something, it doesn’t work, and you do it differently next time.  Or maybe you tell someone that you like them, and they don’t return your interest, then you can stop wondering what if and move on to someone who does.
For the past year, you’ve been holed up inside your house.  You have been facing limitations, and maybe you took chances, or maybe you didn’t.  A pandemic isn’t always the right time to take a chance, but the fog is starting to lift.
Now is the perfect time to take what you’ve been dreaming about and put those plans into action.  Some of you have been plotting the course ahead and just need to pull the trigger while others have still been dreaming, and wondering how do I get there.  You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
Take a chance.  Seize the opportunity and move forward.  Learn something new.  Experience a different way of life.  You don’t know if you don’t try.
What are you looking to grow?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Oh, The Memories!

Have a lot of memories been coming to the surface for you lately?  What have you been doing with them?  Memories are part of a larger story that you’re trying to process.  Maybe it's time for you to do things differently, or are secrets from the past being revealed?  Anything is possible.
Everything coming to the surface is providing you with information to move you forward.  Nothing happens by accident.
What ghosts are coming to the surface for you?  As I sit down to write this, I’m watching the Fire Department do a controlled burn on a house across the street.  Information that I didn’t know about that house has been coming to my attention all week.  Future plans have been coming out and plans have been made, but what about the emotional component?  That’s also been a part of the process.  I’m remembering what that house was like when I was a kid and how to relates to my memories.
I can’t change the decisions that others have made no matter how much I may want to.  Eventually, the house will become part of the memory.  The land will have a new path forward.
This is what your life is going through right now.  Some part of your past is burning to the ground.  There’s an emotional component that you need to process and plan for the next phase of your life to begin.
Memories can help guide you forward if you allow them to and not just live in the memory.  The past can be used to assist you, but for so many, it tends to stop you in your tracks and swallow you whole.  Allow your memories to move you forward.
What are your memories trying to show you?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Clean Up!

Have you been cleaning a lot recently?  Throwing things away that are broken?  Donating or selling what you no longer use?
Over the last year, people have been cleaning the house.  To the point where donation centers have put limitations and reminders on what they will and won’t take.
You may be one of the fortunate ones where cleaning up is easy.  You’ll periodically go through your belongings and toss what you don’t need anymore.  For another group of you, everything has meaning.  You can’t get rid of that, so and so owned it or so and so gave it to you.  Everything is connected to memory.  Maybe you fall somewhere in between the two extremes.
I’ve been resistant while the mass cleaning of people’s spaces has been going on.  Why might you ask?  Partly because of the amount of time that I would have to spend, but also because I didn’t have the energy to look through everything.  This past week, the energy shifted.  I knew it was time and I didn’t have any more excuses.
To manifest what you want, sometimes you must get rid of what you don’t want.  You must make space.  Making space for what you want somedays can be a challenge, but it’s necessary.
If your life is already full, do you truly have space for something new?  Only you can answer that question.  For now, I’ll continue making space a little bit at a time.  It may time longer, but there’s nothing that says I need to tackle it all at once.  I just have to do it.  Just cleaning up a part of the space, feels lighter.  There’s room opening for something new to enter.  Not sure what that might be yet, but it’s a start.  The intention is there.
Manifestation is a multi-step process.  The step that isn’t always mentioned is the decluttering process.  Yes, it is a process.  It’s not as easy as just cleaning for many.  Allow the process to unfold as it’s mean to.
Where are you in your decluttering process?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
