October 3


Life On Repeat!

It’s Groundhog Day!  Wait, no it’s only October, it just seems like it.  Wake up and do the same thing day after day.  People react the same way, angry at the world.  How are you doing?
This is a time to heal the emotional wounds that are within you.  You can’t do this process for others, only they can do that.  But some days you have felt like a person’s punching bag.  People are acting out their frustrations, some quite literally, they are hollering at stores and restaurants when they don’t get their way.  They are right and know they’re right, there’s no room for conversation.
This is a time where everyone seems to be on edge.  The energy is quite high.  You may have entered a conversation meaning well but ended up involved in something you hadn’t anticipated.
The only person whose actions you can control is your own.  The best advice is to work on yourself.  Be as kind as you can.  There is never enough kindness.  Don’t take your stuff out on others and when you do, apologize.  Apologies are always appreciated.
Turn off the news and social media if it’s too much.  If you do decide to enter the fray, check the sources.  Be sure the information is right and not just an opinion that fits your point of view.
There’s a lot of work to be done.  You can pull yourself out of the vortex of Groundhog Day by making changes.  Small changes add up.  You don’t have to do what you’ve always done just because you’ve always done it.
Life is an experience that is meant to be lived.  You never know what’s going to happen next, no matter how much you want to.  No one and I repeat no one, is always right.  We’re meant to listen to other’s opinions and compromise in relationships.
Be kind even when you don’t feel like it.  You could make someone else’s bad day a little nicer.  It’s time to change our patterns.
What patterns do you need to change? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Energy, Patterns

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