
It’s time for the next eclipse!  It happens on May 16, 2022 at 12:14 AM EST.  This Lunar Eclipse happens under the Full Moon in Scorpio.  What do you need to release?
The North Node is in Taurus, you’re meant to examine what do you value and if it isn’t something that you value or it doesn’t bring you joy, then with this Full Moon in Scorpio it’s time that it’s released.  Of course, this doesn’t mean that you throw away everything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy.  But something was revealed to you under the New Moon in Taurus.  Something that you’re working on right now.  What is preventing you from moving ahead?  It could be an emotional block or baggage from your past.  This is the perfect time to do some shadow work and release what no longer serves you.
It's easy to get stuck in the day-to-day activity of life and think that a better life is for other people and doesn’t apply to you.  Or maybe it’s just too hard to get there so why bother.  There’s no sense in lying, making change is never easy.  It’s so much easier to be in the routine of life, but does it help to make you a better person.  Does it bring value to your life?
It’s never easy to walk the path less traveled.  Your family and friends may question your judgment, but you know in  your heart what is right for you.  It’s time to step into your self and value who you are and not just what everyone else expects you to be.  You can easily get lost when you’re trying to be someone else.  Release those expectations and start to walk your path.  It may get emotional, but it’s only temporary.  You can do this.  You’re meant to grow.  You’re meant to become a better person.  Release what no longer serves you and plant the seeds to become who you want to be.
What do you need to release?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Fight the Good Fight

We’re still in Eclipse season. It’s already been a doozy energy wise and it’s about to get cranked up another notch.  On May 10, Jupiter will move out of the dreamy-drifty sign of Pisces into the sign of Aries, the warrior.  Also on May 10, Mercury will begin its retrograde period until June 3.
Jupiter in Aries is full of energy, it’s idealistic and impulsive, but it can also be arrogant.  Jupiter wants us to expand into the unknown, look beyond what’s comfortable and learn something new.  This is a great time to tap into Jupiter’s love of higher learning.
Mercury in Gemini is a quick, trickster energy that is telling secrets.  Retrogrades want you to look back at any issues from the past.  Review what’s happened.  Did it happen the way that it was supposed to?  Could you do something different?  Retrogrades aren’t typically the time to begin the change, but to examine what could you do to move forward.
It’s quite the energetic hotbed that we’re in.  You may be presented with an issue that thought you already dealt with and realize that you only dealt with one piece of it, or you just thought you did.  Our shadows are presented in cycles.  Just one layer is gone, the next pops to the surface to be faced.  Healing work is never done.
The second eclipse of the season arrives on May 16 and you’re being pushed to realize what doesn’t work for you any longer.  Are you ready to let it go?  The North Node in Taurus wants you to learn new things and grow.  With the Sun still being in Taurus, you’re being provided with some stability as you start to fight the fight.  The question with Jupiter in Aries is what type of warrior are you?  The type that does it with honor or one that’s hot headed.  It may not always seem like you have a choice, but you do. 
It can be easy to feel the heat of the moment and act impulsively but take a deep breath before taking action.  What is your ultimate goal?  Act from that place when at all possible.
What are you fighting for?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time for Growth

Happy Beltane!  It is officially the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.  Warmer weather in the northern hemisphere is on its way.  Beltane is the merging together of growth, fertility, and new beginnings.  When combined with the energies of yesterday’s eclipse in Taurus energy, you’re looking at a potent time.
Not only did yesterday’s eclipse involve the Sun and the Moon in Taurus, but also Venus, which rules Taurus, and Uranus, the planet of awakening and electricity were involved.  You can still feel the effects of the eclipse today and for the next couple of weeks.  It’s a time when a lot can feel possible, but it can also feel like you just want to stay home and hideaway.  You may feel quiet and reflective one moment and full of persistence the next.  You may feel the need to release the emotions that no longer serve you.  This could involve lots of tears or just being stubborn and not wanting to give in to the energy.
The universe has a plan for you, and it is revealed to us in small manageable pieces.  Pluto just went retrograde on April 29, so we’re being asked to review our darkness.  How can your darkness move you into the light?  Your shadow always has something to teach you, good or bad and Pluto in Capricorn is still transforming the structures of your life. 
The bull of Taurus isn’t exactly known to change.  It has fixed energy that doesn’t like to change unless it absolutely must, but this is one of those times where change seems to be required.  The world we live in has changed.  Like it or not, COVID has changed everything, and it isn’t over yet.  People desperately want things to go back to “normal”, but that just isn’t possible.  Life is different.  You will always know what it is like to wear a mask in a store or to even just know what COVID is.  There is no going back.  You can only go forward. 
You may resist the idea of change, but it’s required for growth.  This is a time to grow.  Just look outside your door, the planets are starting to come up out of the ground, but they’ve been taking root all winter.  There are things taking place that you aren’t privy to.  Don’t fight the energy.  If you get emotional, let the emotions happen.  There’s a reason why they’re coming up.  It can be a time of great intensity if you fight, but if you go with the flow and see what the universe has in store, you could be pleasantly surprised.
What is growing in your life?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Jump In The Deep End

The Sun moved into the sign of Taurus on April 19, so it is now the season of security, beauty, and the world around you is beginning to bloom and come to life.  The sign of Taurus is represented by the bull.  It has a fixed attitude and it isn’t looking to change unless it has to, but what if this is the time to begin to ask questions and start to do the work?
Mercury in Taurus will be Trine Pluto in Capricorn on April 28.  Within the next year in March of 2023, Pluto will move into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of innovation and forward-thinking, and leave behind the sign of our structures.  There is still a lot of work to do before this takes place and next week Pluto will station and go retrograde.  If you plan on beginning anything new, now is the time to act. 
Mercury in Taurus has been whispering secrets and asking questions of you.  What are your answers?  Now is the time to examine your inner structure.  Are you who you want to be?  Is there something that you are ready to release?  If the answer is yes, this is a perfect time. 
Shadow work is never easy, but to truly encompass the energy of Pluto, is essential.  Nothing that is truly important ever comes easily.  Mercury in Taurus is asking you, what do you value?   Ask yourself the same question.  If you look at your life, what you value should be clear.  It should be how you spend the vast majority of your time.  If your time and your values don’t align, maybe it’s time to start to shift that area of your life.
Sometimes just the idea of change can be overwhelming.  You don’t have to change everything overnight, but you have to start somewhere.  Sometimes the easiest thing is to just dive right into the deep end and get wet all at once.  Just dipping your toe in takes a lot longer to reach the same point.  Also, you don’t have to dive in alone.  Find someone in your life to either help you or hire a coach to help you. 
The road to empowerment will always take you through the landmines of Pluto, but you have to start.  Let the energy be your guide.
Who do you want to be and what do you value?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Shadow Comes to Light

The time to confront all of the information, good or bad, is about to be upon you.  The Sun in Aries is Square Pluto in Capricorn on April 18.  You may have been able to ignore your shadow side, but that doesn’t mean that it has disappeared or has miraculously resolved itself.  Like it or not you still have work to do.
Shadow work is something that never entirely ends, which is why it can drive you crazy.  Shadow work is like peeling away the layers of an onion, once one layer is gone, it's time to move on to the next.  You may not have the patience for the process to unfold, but it will help to grow and reach new heights that you never quite dreamed were possible.
Are you trying to control situations or people that you can’t quite control or have you been using power in the wrong way?  These are two possibilities about how this aspect could show up in your life.
The idea of confronting and changing something that is no longer working for you is one that may terrify you.  Sometimes the devil that you know is better than the one that you don’t.  This isn’t one of those times.  The universe wants you to succeed.  It wants you to become the person that you’re meant to be.  The only way to do that is to make changes.  Change isn’t easy, especially when it’s something that’s meaningful, but it’s the only want to get where you need to go.
The Sun in Aries loves to begin.  It’s a perfect time to start the process if you haven’t already.  If you have started the process, give yourself a big pat on the back and keep going.  This isn’t the time to stop now.
What is your shadow telling you?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Feelings of Isolation

During these times of COVID, there have been many people that have felt isolated.  Are you one of them?  Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign of the Hermit in Tarot.  I’m sure you’ve felt like a Hermit at some point during COVID.  On March 28, the planet of love and beauty (Venus in Aquarius) will be conjunct the planet of rules and restrictions (Saturn in Aquarius), so be careful of the feelings of isolation and sadness.

If you do feel alone and sad, allow yourself to feel it.  It’s such a challenge to feel the deep negative emotions that come along in life, but there are times when you’re meant to truly experience them.  This may be one of those times.  You’re being asked to start a new and leave the old world behind.  You may be experiencing grief for who or what you’ve lost.

Don’t skip over the hard feelings just because they are hard.  Be careful of projecting these deep feelings onto others and being critical of them.  Most of the time when we’re being critical of others, there is a sense of that critique within ourselves that we don’t always recognize.  Proceed with caution.  Think things through.  If there’s one thing that the sign of Aquarius is known for is its intellect.  Use that to your advantage and think before you speak. 

It may seem like the world has moved on from COVID.  Proceed with caution.  There are still things left to learn.  The world is still extremely divided and we’re often lashing out at one another.  We’re on the precipice of war in Ukraine and Russia. 

Venus and Saturn are having a conversation this week.  It may not go the way that you hope, but there’s always another day to do things differently, but allow yourself to be sad and to grieve if you need to.

Are you feeling alone?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Is it Time for Optimism?

Last week was a doozy of a week that didn’t seem to let up.  There was an intensity to it that might have made you long for a break.  It makes you want to ask is it done yet?  It might not be over, but there’s a little bit of optimism shining through.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is currently drifting through Pisces, the sign of the dreamer and romantic. On March 5 Jupiter formed a conjunction with the Sun in Pisces.  Jupiter is going to expand the dreamy, romantic, optimistic nature of Pisces.  This aspect may instill a more confident feeling that leads you to believe that maybe you can move beyond the past and begin to create something new.  There’s an opportunity for growth here if you decide to seize it.

The New Moon in Pisces on March 2 has opened an opportunity to shift and have a new beginning.  Pisces is not without its sentimentality and emotionality but could create a sense of awareness and connection that could be lacking from the day-to-day hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Optimism may seem like a fantasy land to some people, especially with everything that has happened in the last few weeks or even years.  Optimism is the sense that there’s the opportunity for you, your friends, your family, the world, etc. to move in a positive direction.  There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of optimism, especially when it can feel like everything is falling apart.  Optimism can help you to get up in the morning and have some hope.  There are times when hope and faith are all that you have.

Allow the Pisces energy to come into your life and escape into the world of your dreams.  Are you being pointed in a direction?  Do you have the courage to walk through this portal and forgive yourself for your past mistakes?  Are you willing to create something new?  The opportunity is being presented; do you seize it?  The choice is yours alone to make.

Are you feeling a sense of optimism?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Transformation Through Destruction

Are you in the process of transforming your life?  You’re not alone.  Pluto, the planet and transformation, destruction, and rebirth is still in Capricorn, where it’s been since 2008, but is really making its presence known. 

In January of 2020, Saturn and Pluto had a conjunction, which many say began the world that we’re now living in.  COVID -19 changed your life as you knew it.  The repercussions of that aspect have been with us for more than 2 years, but Pluto isn’t done.

On February 20, the United States began the first of its 3 Pluto Returns (there’s debate as to whether this happens now or later).  The next Pluto Returns take place on July 11 and December 28 at 27 degrees Capricorn. One of the keywords for Capricorn is structures.  Pluto in Capricorn has been transforming our structures personally and globally, but things are about to get kicked up a notch.

Venus, Mars, and Capricorn form a triple conjunction in Capricorn on March 3.  Major revisions are starting to take place.  Fears, insecurities, and shadows are rising to the surface.  It’s time for you to face your feelings about where you need to make changes.  These energies may be deeply rooted and will most likely be uncomfortable.  Rebirth isn’t meant to be easy.  You’re being asked to grow into the person that you’re meant to be.  This is a time for you to question the direction of your life.  Where are you going?  What do you want it to look like?

Take this Plutonian energy and channel it into rebuilding your life.  Use the energy to your advantage.  It’s never easy to change or to look at the dark side of life, but when you do light begins to emerge.  You can’t have light without the dark. 

Because there are 3 passes of Pluto this year, you have an opportunity to do it gradually.  The transformation doesn’t have to happen overnight.  You can take some time and ponder it, but with Mars being involved, it wants you to start moving.  The time is now.  Start doing the work if you haven’t already.  Use your imagination to create your dreams. 

What are you transforming?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Beat Of Your Own Drum

More planets have moved into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of originality and uniqueness.  Mercury moved into Aquarius on February 14 and the sun has been in Aquarius since January 19.  Saturn had already moved into Aquarius in December 2020.  So, what does this mean?  You’re being asked to accept yourself for who you are and be yourself.

Now that can be easier said than done, but it’s doable.  Are you the type of person who has spent time trying to be someone else, only to no longer know who you are, or do you know who you are, but don’t really like that person?  There could be other types here, but let’s stick with these two for simplicity purposes.

I was one of the former, I had spent so much time trying to be who other people thought I should be that I had lost sight of who I was.  Someone who says, “oh you shouldn’t be that way,” so I would try to conform myself into that expectation.  Let me tell you, it takes a lot of energy trying to be someone that you’re not.  Just because I wasn’t like them, didn’t mean there was something wrong with me.  In fact, it was exactly the opposite.  I had something that I could offer the world as I am, that nobody else could offer, but I had to be willing to let that person out and roam free.  I used astrology, energy, and trauma work to help me unravel the puzzle of who I truly am and learn to accept me.  Now 10 years into this work, I love the person that I’ve become and can’t imagine being someone else. 

Now for the other type, you know who you are but don’t really like that person.  You’re not alone.  My question for you, is why don’t you like that person?  There are many answers to this question and none of them are wrong.  Your response to this question is the key to start moving you down the path of loving who you are.  Your uniqueness is what makes you who you are.  Everything else revolves around that. 

You have an opportunity to love who you are, not who you could one day become, but who you are right now.  Loving yourself is a process.   It doesn’t come easy and it doesn’t come overnight.  Especially as women, we’re often taught that we should meld into a mold.  We should be everything to everyone else but aren’t taught to love or care for ourselves.  The time to love yourself is now.  The time to accept yourself is now.  There isn’t another person like you and won’t be astrologically for another 25,000 years or so. Step into your authentic self and you can begin a whole new phase of your life.

Who are you?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Are you ready to make a change in direction?  It’s full steam ahead.  The planetary energies are all direct.  Secrets and information have been revealed.  Now what do you do?  Do you change or remain the same?

Ultimately you have a choice to make.  If you decide to remain the same, the energy will be more difficult.  Something in your life needs to change.  It could be just a small tweak or it could be major, but the time to begin is coming.

There’s been a lot of stick energy the last few weeks.  I’m not ready to start that, but all of a sudden, there was a shift and it’s time for a plan.  Time to start.

You may be able to slowly work your way into your plan.  You have time to figure it out, but the time to begin is now.

There’s still a stellium (3 or more planets) of Capricorn in the sky.  You’re still rebuilding your structure.  What do you want your new life to look like?

Begin the visioning process and start laying the groundwork of what’s to come.  When the energy wants you to move and you fight it, it becomes more and more difficult to continue what you’ve been doing.

Are you ready to change?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
