February 27


Transformation Through Destruction

Are you in the process of transforming your life?  You’re not alone.  Pluto, the planet and transformation, destruction, and rebirth is still in Capricorn, where it’s been since 2008, but is really making its presence known. 

In January of 2020, Saturn and Pluto had a conjunction, which many say began the world that we’re now living in.  COVID -19 changed your life as you knew it.  The repercussions of that aspect have been with us for more than 2 years, but Pluto isn’t done.

On February 20, the United States began the first of its 3 Pluto Returns (there’s debate as to whether this happens now or later).  The next Pluto Returns take place on July 11 and December 28 at 27 degrees Capricorn. One of the keywords for Capricorn is structures.  Pluto in Capricorn has been transforming our structures personally and globally, but things are about to get kicked up a notch.

Venus, Mars, and Capricorn form a triple conjunction in Capricorn on March 3.  Major revisions are starting to take place.  Fears, insecurities, and shadows are rising to the surface.  It’s time for you to face your feelings about where you need to make changes.  These energies may be deeply rooted and will most likely be uncomfortable.  Rebirth isn’t meant to be easy.  You’re being asked to grow into the person that you’re meant to be.  This is a time for you to question the direction of your life.  Where are you going?  What do you want it to look like?

Take this Plutonian energy and channel it into rebuilding your life.  Use the energy to your advantage.  It’s never easy to change or to look at the dark side of life, but when you do light begins to emerge.  You can’t have light without the dark. 

Because there are 3 passes of Pluto this year, you have an opportunity to do it gradually.  The transformation doesn’t have to happen overnight.  You can take some time and ponder it, but with Mars being involved, it wants you to start moving.  The time is now.  Start doing the work if you haven’t already.  Use your imagination to create your dreams. 

What are you transforming?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Fear, Power, Shadows, Transformation

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