What Type of Person Are You?

Who are you?  Are you an impulsive person who acts before you think?  You see something then you grab it.  Or are you the person you’ll ponder something until it seems like you’re being forced to make a decision.  It would seem like the ideal would be to be somewhere in the middle with a sense of balance in your emotions.
This is holiday time, so retailers are counting on the impulsive side of you.  The part of you that does, I want it.  I must have it and I want it now.  Retailers aren’t looking for the person who takes 6 months to make a decision.
I worked in a grocery store for more than 6 years.  They base the layout of the grocery store on impulse shoppers and capitalizing on that emotion.
Your inbox gets flooded with sales offers.  50% off your purchase.  For the impulse person, it can be a challenge to see how much you can save.
The other type of person, he or she ponders the same purchase day after day, week after week.  Until they’re finally ready to make that purchase.  You can drive those around you crazy while you make your decision.
You don’t really want to be either type of person in this case.  You want a balanced approach.  You want to educate yourself to make the decision and then make the decision.  This could take a few hours or a few days depending on the decision.
What do you need to do to feel confident in your decision?  There’s a reason why experts tell you to sleep on it.  Let it sit for a couple of days and come back to it.
Decisions that take too long to make, may never happen.  Decisions that are made impulsively can lead to an accumulation of things you don’t need.
Decisions are important.  They have the possibility to changing the course of your life, but it’s important to make one.
What decision do you need to make right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Normally this is the time of year where the holiday season kicks into full swing! We’ve had Thanksgiving and Black Friday.  In my household, the Christmas decorations have gone up.
Christmas parties are on the calendar.  It’s time to celebrate with our friends and family.  But this year, everything’s different.  The regular traditions you’ve always known aren’t happening.  Every day the COVID numbers go up more.  You’ve had to make hard decisions about your values.  Is it safe to spend time around all your family?  Is it safe to travel home?
There are so many questions and very few answers.  The one area that it seems to point back to is what do you value?  Do you value stuff over the people in your life?  Sometimes the little things can mean a lot more than you thought, like getting a homemade card or a lollipop from a child.  Those gestures can take on a different meaning, especially this year.
For a long time, I accumulated lots of stuff (clothes, movies, music, and books).  I would rush out on Tuesday to buy the newest release.  I didn’t know it at the time, but I was trying to fill a void with things.  Over the years I’ve been working at removing the void.  I still have stuff to get rid of, but that’s for another post.
2020 has forced me to examine what do I value?  I had to cut a lot of expenses that seemed like they brought me value.  And for a time, they did.  I had outgrown them and was having trouble cutting the cord.  Others, I thought things would change and I might be able to keep them while everything got sorted out.  Some hard choices have been made.
There are still hard choices to make.  Some get pushed back because we aren’t ready to make, others get pushed in our face until we make it.
You have the right to choose what you value.  You’re the only one who can make it.  It’s not an easy time for so many people in the world.  It’s easy to lose sight of what’s important.  This holiday season remember what you value.  It may look different than before but’s not any less important.
 What do you value this holiday season?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Forward March!

Have you been waiting for the energy to feel right to move forward?  This is the time to start taking action.  You’ve had the opportunity to get clarity on your plans.  You’ve been learning lessons.  You’ve even experienced some situations a couple of times now, but most of us haven’t felt like we can move forward.  There was always something that held you back.
All the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) are now out of retrograde.  Pluto is also moving direct again.  Only Uranus and Neptune are still in retrograde.
With Mars now moving direct you can start to put your plans into place.  You can make headway with all those things that you’ve been wanting to do.
So much of this year has felt like our lives are on pause.  COVID has put a damper on the ways that we celebrate and has changed our everyday lives.  We can’t do things the way we did.  Our holidays are going to be different.  Nothing is what it was, but we finally have the opportunity to move forward if we choose.  You have the choice.  The choice doesn’t mean that you can stall what’s happening around you, but you can decide to move forward or stay still.  I wish I could say that you can move back in time, but life doesn’t work that way.
Whether you move forward today, tomorrow, next week or next month doesn’t make a lot of difference, but forward momentum is good.  I know that change can feel terrifying at times.  There are big changes I’m still making in my own life.  Fear is coming to the surface.  But remember the only way to overcome fear is to face it.  You have to face it head-on for it to lose its own power.
So, this week face your fears and move forward in some area of your life.  Even if it seems small.
Where are you moving forward?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What Have You Learned?

It’s October!  The kids have gone back to school.  Here in New England, the leaves have changed color.  Although there seems to be more on the ground than we usually have this time of year.  The air conditioners have come out and fall is here.

Fall is a time for reflection.  To look at what you’ve accomplished and what you still need to do.  Maybe you need to sort through your clothes and get rid of those that no longer fit.  Or maybe it’s time to start thinking about a bigger project.  Either way, it’s the time of year to ponder these projects.  The projects don’t need to only include those that can be seen in your outer world.  Inner projects can be tackled as well.  We’re still in the astrological portal for a few more weeks where we can do things over.  If we don’t like how something turned out, we can do it differently.  This isn’t necessarily the time to move forward on those new projects, but to figure out what they are.  Maybe you’re not happy with your job.  Or you want to be in a new relationship.  The new is coming, but first, how did you end up in this place?  You may not be sure. That’s ok.  Sometimes we know and don’t like the answer. The truth is if you accept it, you can change it.

Reflecting on our lives is hard.  Sometimes we do, do, do we don’t have time to reflect.  Reflection is important.  It doesn’t have to take weeks, months, or years.

It can be something as simple as deciding that you don’t like where you ended up.  How did you end up here?  Write down some ideas and put the list down.  More ideas will come to you.  Add them to the list.  You’ll know then the time is right to formulate your plan to move forward.

You may have already started the process without realizing it.  With our lives having shifted since March, what we value may have become clear.  It’s time to live our lives based on those values.

What have you learned during your time of reflection?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Real and Raw

Vulnerability.  A word that can absolutely terrify the best of us with its meaning. The idea of letting people see beyond the mask to the core of who we are, can create massive amounts of fear within the seemingly strong.

To open up and tell someone what we’ve been keeping to ourselves.  To reveal our shame, our guilt, our fears and be real can be challenging to say the least.  It could be one of the hardest things to do.  To walk up to someone and say how you feel, takes a tremendous amount of courage.  To say this no longer works for me.  To truly take a stand and be raw.  It’s ok to be afraid in the moment, but don’t let the fear stop you from taking the action.

Stand in your own power.  If someone else doesn’t agree, know that you spoke your truth.  If didn’t go the way you hoped, but it will be ok.  DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT abuse your power or force someone else to see things your way.  There is way too much of that in our world right now.  Others have a right to stand for their own principles.  Be kind in the moment.  You can be sad or frustrated later.  You should not take out those emotions on others.  If you have it’s ok.  You can do it differently next time.  You can apologize for your actions.

Each one of us needs to learn to stand strong in who we are.  If you already do, great, but remember it’s a practice.  You have to continue.  You have to do the work.  It’s easier to see the negative, than the positive.  It’s easier to lash out than to see our own shortcomings.

But always remember to be true to you.  If you can be real and vulnerable, do.  You can truly make an impact.

How are you being real and vulnerable today?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Hope & Faith

Hope is what leads you to make those challenging and sometimes difficult changes.  It’s what makes you strive for a better life.  It’s what makes you work through your triggers to get to your dreams.

The last few months have challenged hope to what may seem like the breaking point.  I just want things to be the way they were!  I want things to be normal!  Trying to balance the line between what is and what could be, can lead you to topple to the ground.

I hate to say this, but 2020 isn’t done with us yet.  We’re in a period of time that doesn’t happen often.  Thank goodness!  Could even be a once in a lifetime event.  But maybe not.  Either way we’re being forced to work on our issues.  Sometimes hope has taken a backseat.

In the coming months, you will need hope and faith more than ever.  The challenges and frustrations aren’t quite ready to go away.  You haven’t learned what you need to learn quite yet.

Oh, but haven’t I been through enough?  Unfortunately, the answer is no.  You are meant to step up.  You’re meant to make a difference.  There is so much more out there for you.  It’s time to tap into your hopes and dreams.  There may be times where all seems lost, and there could be more of those days to come.

Never lose hope!  It’s the thing that keeps you going.  It’s what will one day get you over the threshold and walk into your dreams.  Hope is everything, even when all seems lost.

What do you hope for?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I’m So Tired

Have you been finding it hard to get up in the morning?  Or you could be finding yourself thinking, I’m so tired of this story.  Or maybe you’re literally falling asleep.

The energy of what you’ve been doing that may no longer work for you is starting to wear you down.  It’s time for something new and different, but sometimes you don’t know how to get there or are afraid to try.
Maybe you’ve noticed that you’ve run this movie before, and you can change the ending this time.  It’s an old story that you just want to stop.  You didn’t like the film the last time it was on and you certainly don’t like it now.

The universe is trying to get your attention.  You can change.  You can have a different ending.  You can shift your journey to a new path.  You’re being reminded that this story no longer works for you.  But how do you change the script?

It’s challenging when we’re right in the middle of the story to see our options.  We don’t like it, but what else can we do?  Sometimes you just must leap into alternative storylines.  Give it a try!  Maybe it will work.  Maybe it won’t, but you don’t know if you don’t at least try.

Maybe you’ve been doubting your intuition, and something happens that you can’t ignore.  It feels right, but you believe it can’t be right.  It just can’t be.  Ask someone else what they think.  You could totally surprise yourself.  You don’t know if you don’t ask.

One of my teachers said to respond to life’s questions with, “I don’t know”.  Our patterns can become a part of us, where we think we know what will happen.  When you learn what someone else thinks, you could be completely surprised by the response.

Being tired is an indicator.  It’s time to let go.  Say you don’t know want to see what happens.  Yes, giving up control can be terrifying at first, but after some time it can be liberating.  Try something different, even if it’s taking a different route to the grocery store.  See what happens.

What are you tired about?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Ask For Help?

Asking for help, what is that?  I’m sure you’re a person who considers themselves to be fairly independent.  A person who can do things on their own.  However, there comes a point in time when you have to reach out to someone else to help you.

You’re not meant to walk through life on your own.  You’re supposed to have people accompany you on life’s journey.  You have friends and family.  Some of them would love to help you.

Maybe in the past you’ve asked for help and were turned down.  At that point you decided to go it alone.  Maybe you asked the wrong person or it wasn’t the right time.  It can be hard to say why a person doesn’t come to your aid.  But, there are times when you can be overwhelmed by what others are willing to do for you.  Their generosity will fill your heart to the brim.

Through life’s journey, we’re mean to work together.  Looking at society right now, it may not seem that way, but we have a collective lesson to learn.  One of them is we can’t do it all ourselves.  With daycares and schools closed, there were a lot of parents who need help. Some people have been laid off from their jobs and haven’t been able to collect unemployment benefits.  Those people could use help.  Are you one of those people?  Or maybe you need help in another way.  Maybe your car broke down and you need a ride to work or just need someone to listen.  It could be any number of problems.

Allow someone to help you this week. Help someone else this week.  A little kindness goes a long way especially when we’re feeling overwhelmed by life and want to stay in bed.

How can you help yourself or others this week?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I Want You to Like Me!

Do you change who you are based upon the people you’re around?  Do you go along with what others want because you don’t want them to dislike you?

We talk about these areas a lot in relation to teenagers and peer pressure.  But that type of pressure is just as prevalent in us as adults as it was when we were younger. 

As a teenager it may have been smoking or drinking alcohol to fit in, but as adults we may shift who we are for someone to like us or even love us.  We can even completely lose our sense of identity.  One day we wake up and don’t recognize our lives.  We begin to question how did we get here?

Or maybe the person that you shared your life with, showed you who they were.  Brief glimpses, but you were in love and that was what mattered.  It could have been a friend.  You idealized who they were.  You never saw who they really were.

There are so many reasons why.  When we can finally see without the blinders there is a sense of shock.  You try and process the information.  You reveal what happened to your friends and family.  Some will say they knew it all along.  Is that helpful?  Others will sit with you in the pain and move you forward. 

The past month has been full of revelations.  A sense of clarity.  Maybe we aren’t as enlightened as we thought, but we can still resonate at a higher vibration. We can still move forward. 

There have been truths coming out.  We can’t ignore them anymore.  Whether those truths are a part of our personal lives or something on a more global scale.  Seemingly bad things can be revealed to us.  The question is how do you respond?  Do you react from an emotional standpoint?  Or one that is well thought out. Those of us that speak from a reactionary place can cause damage whether we mean to or not.  We aren’t speaking from a place that is for our highest good.

Take some time this week and those coming to think before you respond.  What’s more important?  Is it what someone else likes or that you like yourself?  It can be hard to answer because we can desperately want both.

We must start somewhere.  The most important thing is to love yourself.  You can always find different friends or life partners, but you can never escape you.  Value who you are.  Treat yourself well.  Don’t bend who you are to meet anyone else’s expectations.  Loving yourself is the start of a better path forward and to all of life’s craziness.

Have you changed who you are for someone else?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Becoming You

What if you aren’t who you thought you were?  Unfortunately, traumatic events can make us not want to be hurt again, so we start to hold a part of ourselves back.  We don’t show who we are and allow our authentic self to shine through.

Having spent a good portion of the last 9 years or so working through trauma has now led me to the point of I thought I knew who I was but there’s more.  I was looking at pictures and I found one from about the age of 4 that has always spoken to me.  What is it about that one picture?  I’m starting to think it’s my authentic self speaking to me.  Helping me.  Guiding me back to the person I’m meant to be.

Nothing that I’ve done has been for not.  It has led me to this point.  I could say the same thing to you.  Everything that you’ve done has led you to this point.  The question is what do you do next?  Do you continue to play it safe or step up?  How do you move forward?

Becoming who you were meant to be is challenging.  We can doubt ourselves and not know which way to go.  So what do we do?  There are variations for each of us.  I tend to take the big picture and break it down into small pieces.  You may jump right in.  Neither one is right nor wrong.  It’s all about who we are.

All these energies are forcing us to review our story.  Who have we been and who do we want to become?  Who are we?  What do we value?  Does our day-to-day life demonstrate what we value?  Maybe you’re reviewing this list of questions and decide that you’re good.  That’s great!  You’ve probably done a lot of work on yourself to reach that place, but what if you’re not?  Becoming the person you’re meant to be can present it’s own challenges, but when you finally know who you are, there’s nothing better.

Who do you want to be? Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
