September 6


Hope & Faith

Hope is what leads you to make those challenging and sometimes difficult changes.  It’s what makes you strive for a better life.  It’s what makes you work through your triggers to get to your dreams.

The last few months have challenged hope to what may seem like the breaking point.  I just want things to be the way they were!  I want things to be normal!  Trying to balance the line between what is and what could be, can lead you to topple to the ground.

I hate to say this, but 2020 isn’t done with us yet.  We’re in a period of time that doesn’t happen often.  Thank goodness!  Could even be a once in a lifetime event.  But maybe not.  Either way we’re being forced to work on our issues.  Sometimes hope has taken a backseat.

In the coming months, you will need hope and faith more than ever.  The challenges and frustrations aren’t quite ready to go away.  You haven’t learned what you need to learn quite yet.

Oh, but haven’t I been through enough?  Unfortunately, the answer is no.  You are meant to step up.  You’re meant to make a difference.  There is so much more out there for you.  It’s time to tap into your hopes and dreams.  There may be times where all seems lost, and there could be more of those days to come.

Never lose hope!  It’s the thing that keeps you going.  It’s what will one day get you over the threshold and walk into your dreams.  Hope is everything, even when all seems lost.

What do you hope for?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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