September 13


Real and Raw

Vulnerability.  A word that can absolutely terrify the best of us with its meaning. The idea of letting people see beyond the mask to the core of who we are, can create massive amounts of fear within the seemingly strong.

To open up and tell someone what we’ve been keeping to ourselves.  To reveal our shame, our guilt, our fears and be real can be challenging to say the least.  It could be one of the hardest things to do.  To walk up to someone and say how you feel, takes a tremendous amount of courage.  To say this no longer works for me.  To truly take a stand and be raw.  It’s ok to be afraid in the moment, but don’t let the fear stop you from taking the action.

Stand in your own power.  If someone else doesn’t agree, know that you spoke your truth.  If didn’t go the way you hoped, but it will be ok.  DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT abuse your power or force someone else to see things your way.  There is way too much of that in our world right now.  Others have a right to stand for their own principles.  Be kind in the moment.  You can be sad or frustrated later.  You should not take out those emotions on others.  If you have it’s ok.  You can do it differently next time.  You can apologize for your actions.

Each one of us needs to learn to stand strong in who we are.  If you already do, great, but remember it’s a practice.  You have to continue.  You have to do the work.  It’s easier to see the negative, than the positive.  It’s easier to lash out than to see our own shortcomings.

But always remember to be true to you.  If you can be real and vulnerable, do.  You can truly make an impact.

How are you being real and vulnerable today?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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