September 20


Review and Revise

We’re officially in another retrograde season!  Not sure whether that’s good news or bad news for you, it’s hard to tell.  You’re heading back into the past, whether you plan to or not, with an opportunity to make adjustments.

How have things been for the last 6 months?  Have you found yourself grieving or angry?  Are you sad or just don’t know what to do with yourself?  You’re not alone, no matter what you feel. All of us are there with you.  Even though we each have own little twist and it’s not exactly the same.  No one’s life is the same as another’s, but we can find similarities.  We can be kind and sympathetic to each other.  During the last 6 months there has been a lot of that missing from the world.

There are so many people who believe their way is the right way.  Are you one of them?  It’s ok if you are, but maybe it’s time to look at a different perspective.  Is it possible that there could be another way to look at it?  Just because you’ve always done something a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s the only way.  You have an opportunity to change how you look at things and see them from a new perspective, or even just listen to an opinion that’s different then yours.  No need to unfriend someone on Facebook just because you don’t agree with what they think.

There could be another side to the story than the one you’ve already heard.  It would be nice if everyone interpreted life’s events exactly as they happen, but we don’t.  Everything is interpreted through a lens.  That lens will have a bias and opinions based on past experiences.

We have the chance as individuals and the greater collective to look at our past, both recent and ancestrally to look at who we are.  How did we get here?  Do we like who we are?  If we don’t love who we are, then maybe it’s time to make some adjustments.

This is the perfect time to start the process and it’s a process.  It won’t happen overnight.  There will be adjustments along the way.  Nothing in life is perfect.  Especially us.

You have work to do, just as everyone around you does.  I certainly do.  I’m right here with you.  I’m in the trenches with you doing the work.  I’m learning to live my path, just as you are, and become a more empowered person.  This is your chance.  Seize it!

What do you need to review and revise in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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