December 6


What Type of Person Are You?

Who are you?  Are you an impulsive person who acts before you think?  You see something then you grab it.  Or are you the person you’ll ponder something until it seems like you’re being forced to make a decision.  It would seem like the ideal would be to be somewhere in the middle with a sense of balance in your emotions.
This is holiday time, so retailers are counting on the impulsive side of you.  The part of you that does, I want it.  I must have it and I want it now.  Retailers aren’t looking for the person who takes 6 months to make a decision.
I worked in a grocery store for more than 6 years.  They base the layout of the grocery store on impulse shoppers and capitalizing on that emotion.
Your inbox gets flooded with sales offers.  50% off your purchase.  For the impulse person, it can be a challenge to see how much you can save.
The other type of person, he or she ponders the same purchase day after day, week after week.  Until they’re finally ready to make that purchase.  You can drive those around you crazy while you make your decision.
You don’t really want to be either type of person in this case.  You want a balanced approach.  You want to educate yourself to make the decision and then make the decision.  This could take a few hours or a few days depending on the decision.
What do you need to do to feel confident in your decision?  There’s a reason why experts tell you to sleep on it.  Let it sit for a couple of days and come back to it.
Decisions that take too long to make, may never happen.  Decisions that are made impulsively can lead to an accumulation of things you don’t need.
Decisions are important.  They have the possibility to changing the course of your life, but it’s important to make one.
What decision do you need to make right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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