What Am I Going to Do?

It’s time to pause the posts of the Map of Consciousness for at least a week and focus on something that most everyone is feeling right now, anxiety and fear.

People like to be in control of their own lives.  They like to have an idea of what is going to happen from day to day.  They like certainty.

As we live in times of a pandemic, there is very little certainty or control.  New information is being reported throughout the day.  How are we supposed to keep calm?

While I believe that we make choices in our life, I also think that some things are fated.  I believe this may be one of those times.  For a long time, our culture has been all about me and what do I want.  You could see it in the grocery stores last week with people fighting for the last pack of toilet paper.  We aren’t meant to live our lives focused on only ourselves.  We are meant to be concerned for our neighbors and have compassion for our fellow citizens.  We are all hurting.

We are meant to shift right now.  Shifting isn’t comfortable.  Some of the anxiety you’re experiencing could be due to this.  Maybe you’re an empath and can feel other’s emotions.  Just going to the grocery store was an exercise in not picking up other’s emotions.  Or maybe you’re just trying to make it through the day with some sense of normalcy.

This is a time for us to come together, but your emotions will follow you wherever you go.  You can’t run.  You can’t hide.  It’s ok to be afraid or anxious, but you need to move through these emotions.  You don’t want them to become a part of you.  Negative emotions are said to weaken the body which can make you more likely to get sick.

So, what do you do?  You need to find what works for you.  It could be meditation, reading a book, going outside, or having a dance party.

My ability to quiet the mind started when I practiced regular Reiki sessions.  First by having other people conduct them for me and now practicing them on myself and others.  I also regularly turn off the TV.  I get the news that I need and then give myself time to process it.  In the evenings, I’ve been reading books.  I’ve been rereading books that I’ve loved over the years such as Harry Potter, Jane Austen and Twilight.  Books that can take me to another world and allow my imagination to soar.

What are you doing to help with your anxiety? Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I Can Do This!

Courage.  The 9th level of Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness.  It vibrates at a level of 200 within the body.  It’s the area where you truly start to feel empowered and excited.  Energy is building within your body and you can start to see the big picture.  You can see the possibilities.

What does being empowered mean to you?  I had never really thought about what that meant to me until last year.  For so many years I had felt like things happened to other people, but they didn’t happen to me.  There were periods of time where I could be positive and start to feel like they were shifting and then something else would fall apart.

There were parts of my life where it felt like I had made my choices and I needed to carry them forward.  I had decided in my 20’s that I was going to be a Paralegal.  I started out as a Legal Assistant and would look for ways that I could move that dream forward.  I found Immigration law which seemed to fit well with my interests and hobbies, but I was stuck as a Legal Assistant and couldn’t find get to the title of Paralegal. I had to find the courage to apply for other jobs.  By the end of 2011, I had begun to realize that path and it became a question of how do I continue to develop.

With the election of a new president in 2016, I couldn’t have foreseen all the changes that would take place in Immigration law.  I figured that unless laws were passed, things would remain the same, but they didn’t.  All the things that I loved about working in Immigration started to evaporate.  But what could I do?  I had made my choice.  I started to become interested in metaphysics and received my certificates in Reiki, but I questioned whether I could do that for a living.

As 2018 ended, I knew my life was about to change.  The question was how long did I have.  The answer is 3 weeks.  I talked with a friend of mine who happens to be a psychic and she was able to help me determine that I could start a business as a coach, but I couldn’t quite figure out all the pieces.  I applied to a couple of places to help while I put the pieces together, so I could leave my current job on my terms.  Just over a week later, I was terminated from my position.  I decided to take time to think I did the obvious first and looked through job listings.  I looked in other fields that might contain some of what I had enjoyed from working in immigration, but I couldn’t shake the conversations I’d had with my friend about starting a business.  What do I do?  I stumbled across a Facebook Live between Colette Baron-Reid and Crystal Andrus Morrisette.  I learned about empowerment coaching and all the pieces seemed to come together.  For the first time in a long time I acted from a place of courage and took a leap.

Taking the leap didn’t mean that my past insecurities disappeared.  I started working with a coach and doing the coursework and I started to feel better.  It felt like anything was possible.  Another insecurity would come up for me to work through, I kept going.  At the end of April, it will be a year since I launched my business, a day that was terrifying and exciting at the same time.  Is it perfect, no, but I am so much happier than I’ve ever been.  I feel like myself.  I feel that I’m on my path and I have the courage to keep trying.  I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t had the courage to say yes, I can do this.

What would Courage have you do?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I Wish Things Were Different

Here in the United States, we are officially in holiday season.  We just had Thanksgiving and Christmas is a few weeks away.  I love the festive nature of this time of year.  I have always loved driving at night and seeing Christmas lights decorating people’s homes.  There is hope held in those lights.  Hope that things can change. 

Are there also stresses?  Absolutely!  But many of those stresses appear because we’re trying to be someone we’re not.  We’re trying to buy more than we can afford.  We’re visiting with family and friends that have differing opinions.  We want people to think the same way we do.  But that isn’t possible.  The people in our lives don’t have our life experiences.  Therefore, they can’t see things the same way.  These stresses in our lives can become a little easier if we accept things for how they are. 

Don’t get me wrong there is always hope in life, but there so many times that we wish someone else was different.  The problem is that we can’t change other people we can only change ourselves. 

There have been more times than I can count that I wanted someone or something to be different.  I wanted the situation to magically change without having to do things differently.  I’m sure you’ve been there.  My life began to shift when I started to change me.  The biggest thing that I had to do was accept me as I am.  I spent most of my life comparing myself to other people.  I didn’t look like they did.  I acted differently than they did.  I wasn’t in the same place in my life.

I spent so long focusing on how I was different not realizing those differences made me who I am.  I had to accept myself as the unique person I am.  Those differences made me special and eventually started me on to a new path.  There’s a flip side as well.  I had to accept others as they were and not who I thought they should be.  I could either ask why someone didn’t like me or ask why does it bother me that they don’t?  I had to accept that their opinions were as valid as my own.

What do you need to accept in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What Are You Trying to Tell Me?

Is there something in your life that Spirit seems to use repeatedly to get your attention?  For me, Spirit seems to use my car.

The first time I had a psychic reading my grandfather used my car to get my attention and deliver me a message.  This week Spirit used my car again.  I have a 2011 Subaru Impreza.  I LOVE my car.  It was time to get my car inspected, but it also needed an oil change, there was a service recall and my rear brake light was out.  Most of what I needed done was covered by the dealership for free, but the rear brake light had me a little concerned.  It could be as simple as a bulb or it could be a more in-depth fix.  I asked Spirit to not have it cost more than I had made from helping at the Enlightenment Expo.  It ended up being a bulb, simple fix and inexpensive, but when I set up my manifestation, I forgot to ask Spirit to have my car pass inspection.

Several months ago, I was driving back from a friend’s house and was stopped at an intersection.  The car in front of me turned right.  I looked left and right and left again.  I stepped on the gas to turn right and bam.  The car that I thought had turned right had turned and stopped.  It had been sitting right in my blind spot.  It got out and it didn’t look like any damage had been done to his car and mine appeared to be minimal.  The next day I looked, my front bumper had cracked, but it still didn’t look bad.  What I hadn’t realized until my car was being inspected was that my passenger side headlight assembly had broken and the bottom of it was missing.  Plus, my cracked bumper wasn’t passable.  Both needed to be fixed for my car to pass inspection and I needed to get the repairs done soon.  My brakes were currently passable, but if I waited too much longer, the brake pads would need to be replaced too.  The total cost for repairs would be more than $1,000.  What do I do? My manifestation was limited because I focused on what I thought was wrong.  It was going to cost me a lot more than I had made.  I know nothing about cars.  The service advisor said to call them back and let them know how I wished to proceed.  They would need to order the parts.

While I was at the dealership, I was reading Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo.  One of her recommendations was to say that when making a decision repeat “Everything Is Figureoutable”.  I repeated that mantra as I drove back.  I decided to speak with my parents.  My paternal grandfather was an auto mechanic and my dad had worked with him for a little bit.  My dad searched the internet and found I could a new headlight assembly for $131 as opposed to the $328 it was going to cost me at the dealership, plus he could install it, which would have cost another $128.  He started watching YouTube videos on hot to repair a cracked bumper.  I purchased the new headlight assembly and it was delivered the next day.

I only drove my car to and from my part-time job and set aside 2 days in my schedule so that he could do the repairs.  I set the intention that it would only take a day. 

On my way home from work that Saturday I picked up some rear turn lights, but I also needed one for the front.  They couldn’t find anything for me to purchase, but they had some out of the package that I could have for free.  Score!

On Sunday my parents worked on my car.  They installed the new headlight assembly and took off the bumper.  They repaired my bumper and replaced my turn signals.  My early afternoon my car was done.  Monday morning, I went back to the dealership to see if I could get my car inspected again.

So, what did I learn?  One.  I asked for help.  I had people who wanted to help me, but I need to ask for it.  Two.  I got another opinion.  I knew this wasn’t an area that I had any experience in.  I needed to brainstorm ideas with someone else and get a different perspective on my problem.  There was another solution I needed help to find out though.  Three.  I had to trust that everything was going to work out.  The fear kept trying to creep in that my brakes were going to fail.  I had to keep resetting myself and know that everything was going to turn out ok.  Four.  I needed spiritual help.  I didn’t have an appointment at the garage, and if I tried to make one it would be two weeks before I could get back in.  I sent spiritual runners ahead to make sure everything would work out.  I needed the person that had completed the inspection to be working to complete it.  I wanted my brakes to be ok and to not need anymore work then what had been laid out.

The end of the story is that my car passed inspection a week later than expected.  The technician was there.  I followed my intuitive guidance and got it done.  It cost me less than $150 to get my car fixed as opposed to more than $1,000.  My car doesn’t look perfect.  I have red primer on the passenger side of my bumper, but it is drivable and passed inspection.  My car is 9 years old.  I don’t love it any less than I did a week ago.  It isn’t perfect, but it does get me where I need to go.  What more can you ask for?

How can you look at a challenge from a different perspective?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Why Don’t Things Go the Way I Want?

Expectations are hard.  You desperately want things to go your way.  You want them to happen in a certain manner.  Expectations are challenging because the magic lies in the unexpected.

Our lives rarely unfold how we expected.  Spirit wants things to be better than we dreamed, but we need to allow that new vision to happen.

It is difficult to get out of our head and allow something to unfold.  One method that I’ve used in getting a different perspective is from talking to psychics, mediums, astrologers, energy healers and other intuitives.  Each one that I have spoken with has assisted me in looking at an event that is happening or has happened from a new perspective. 

With the new direction my life has taken this year, I have spoken to several readers to confirm the messages that I was receiving from the universe.  While you can read for yourself, expectations can be a problem.  It is easier to read for someone else than to read for yourself.

Since I began my spiritual journey, I’ve met many readers, many of whom I’m now friends with.  Every reader is unique, but most will provide you with clarity.  The best way to find a reader is to know someone who has had readings in the past.  This will provide you with information about the services the reader provides and whether they were good.  Who would I recommend?  These people aren’t listed in any order. 

I’ve done work with bigger names, but mainly as a student.  These have been my go-to people over the years when I have need one on one sessions. 

Who helps you with getting your expectations in perspective?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Where am I?

Have you ever felt lost?  I would be surprised if you haven’t.  Everyone has felt lost at one time or another.  A time where I don’t quite know what’s wrong, but how did I end up here?  Life is a series of choices that are made and sometimes can take us so far from what was intended.  Those choices are trying to show us something, but we must be willing to pay attention.  It is challenging to try and look at things from a new perspective and see that maybe we had a hand in where we have ended up.  It is hard to admit that maybe you have been wrong.  That maybe you couldn’t see something that was right in front of you.

I first began my journey towards the spiritual side of life when I went to the Enlightenment Expo in Portland, Maine in May of 2013.  It had been suggested that I go, and I figured why not, I didn’t have other plans that day and I really could use a new direction.  I was at a job where I wasn’t happy, I didn’t have a romantic partner in my life, and nothing seemed to be going the way that I wanted.  I started to look for answers.  I started going to events and opened myself up to new ideas.  I had a numerology reading at one of them where she told me that I could be working at one sometime.  My response was, “yeah right”.  I had that conversation with two additional psychics over the years before I finally started to hear what I was being told.  Synchronicity began to flow.  I met the people I needed to meet so that I could learn to open up.  Spirit has a way of directing you even if we don’t want to hear it.

What aren’t you seeing or hearing?  Do you feel lost right now? Is there something right in front you that you can’t see?
