Curveball Coming!

Did you get a curveball thrown your way?  Something that you completely didn’t expect.  Or maybe something that you’ve been trying to avoid, and you received some news about.
It can be upsetting or challenging to get some news, and other times you’re jumping for joy that it happened.  Either option can change your life for better or worse.  Sometimes what you need is to take a step back and gain a little perspective.  Or maybe you’re being triggered and meant to confront it, so you can address it and become more empowered in your life.
Triggers are a challenge.  They’re meant to teach you something, but at that moment all you can do is think or feel what’s happening.
You don’t want to deal with it right now.  It’s not the time.  It’s not the place.  You have other things to do.  There are a number of reasons why.  Life will normally trigger you at the worst possible moment.  A conversation that will leave you emotional right before you need to be somewhere.  A difficult moment right in front of your co-workers.
You don’t want to show emotion in these moments.  You don’t want to seem defeated, angry, or name an emotion, but you’re meant to feel the emotion.  The emotion is what will help you to process the trigger.
Give yourself time to process the trigger, develop an action plan and gain some perspective.  Confronting your triggers is the only way for you to truly become empowered.
Triggers aren’t mean to be an annoyance, they just happen that way.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  If you choose to ignore your trigger, that’s ok too, but it will come back.  Until you confront it, it will always return.  And the next thing it will be a little more annoying.
What are you being triggered by?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


One of the most challenging things you might ever do is to learn to surrender.  You have a tendency to want to control.  To control how something happens.  Eek!  You get an idea in your head.  You may even try to force it to happen in the way you’ve seen.  But unfortunately, that’s not how things work.  You’re meant to do some work to bring that something to fruition, but the unfolding isn’t up to you. What a bummer!  You can do, do, do all you want, and somethings just won’t happen no matter what you do.   It could be you’re trying too hard or not hard enough.  Like that makes any sense.
There’s a balance that you need to learn to walk.  The only thing you can control is yourself.  You can’t force someone else to change, no matter how much you want to.  You can’t control how someone else feels.  You can’t make something happen when you want it to.  It would be easier if it didn’t.
There’s a plan for you.  Things in your life don’t always operate on your timetable.  You need to learn to surrender.  Now you may be thinking how do I do that?  Each person is a little different.  Ultimately like anything else the more you work on yourself, the more things will start to fall into place, and you won’t want to control the outcome anymore.
Surrendering is a practice.  It’s a place within yourself that is confident.  One that knows that things will happen as they’re meant to.  One day you may do well, the next might be more challenging.  The practice isn’t always easy.  It’s something that you work towards.  You learn to work through your fears, your desires, and your pride to open up and allow courage to enter your life.
Have the courage to surrender to your dreams.  Work on yourself.  Feel comfortable within yourself.  What you want will come, it may not be in the package you envisioned or happen how you would like, but it will come if you can step back and surrender.
What do you need to surrender?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s Time To…

What do you want 2021 to look like?  A lot of the structures in your life were demolished in 2020.  You can build something new.  Something different.  Are you ready?
It’s so easy to get stuck in the mindset of poor me.  Things never seem to work out for me.  But you don’t have to live there.  You can create something new.  Something different.  You can build a life that you love.
Maybe you’ll be one of the fortunate ones and with a snap of your fingers, it will be different.  But let me tell you a secret, it rarely happens that way.  You must process your old life first.  How did you end up where you are?  It’s not an easy process.  There’s a reason that people stay the way they are.  It requires work and effort.  How bad do you want it?
Are you willing to take the leap?  Are you willing to put in the work?  It would be easier if things did just magically happen.  You must demonstrate how badly you want it. 
The lessons that you’ve experienced have made you who you are.  You lived through them for a reason.  They’re part of your life’s journey, but you don’t have to stay there.
We can get guidance from our intuition, oracle/tarot cards, astrology, numerology, etc., but ultimately you have the final say over how your life turns out. It’s yours to live as you wish.  So, what are you going to do?
Every change starts with a small step.  You can do this if you want to.
It’s never easy to move past your fear or swallow your pride, but there’s so much joy on the other side knowing that you did something that terrified you and it turned out ok.
A leap of faith is challenging, but you must have hope.  Be optimistic that your world can be better.  It can be what you want it to be, the effort is up to you.
Do you ever have a thought that doesn’t leave?  A thought that says you should do this.  Start there.  You don’t have to change everything overnight.  Work through the pain and see what lies on the other side on your timetable.
What effort are you willing to put into changing your life?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Wait! Before you Speak…

After the events in Washington, D.C. in January, there’re seems to be a lot of blame going on.  One side is saying they should be heard, there’s evidence to prove their point and the other side is saying what was said to them 4 years ago, we won let’s move on.
The major issue is that you generally like to feel that you’re right.  What you believe couldn’t possibly be wrong?  So, you start to defend your beliefs.  You go after the person whose beliefs are different and attack.  Never asking, or per chance you did ask, to see why they hold those beliefs to begin with.  In truth, we seem quite polarized, but if we had an honest discussion, we might come to see we have more in common then we thought.
In order for the people of the United States to change, we need to each be willing to look at ourselves.  To look at our beliefs.  To listen to each other and not just to listen to respond but truly listen and hear what is being said.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.  So, what is right?  That’s challenging to say in a moment such as this.  You could say that you should be more emphatic, and it might be a good place to start.  The Golden Rule, to treat others as you wish to be treated.  We’ve gotten used to being anonymous and spouting off what you believe on social media.  It’s quite different if you have to look at person and see the hurt your words have caused.
You will often pick and choose facts to fit your narrative.  It doesn’t make it any more or less true.  You should be looking for the truth in any situation.  Not simply what should be true.
Right now, the world needs a little more kindness.  A little more compassion.   If only you took the time to live in another’s shoes, might we make progress and not be so divided?  You have a choice.  Would you rather be right or understand?
Each of us needs to learn some understanding.  Maybe it’s time to take a step back.  Think about your words before tossing them about or use them as a weapon.  Think before you speak.

How can you be a little more understanding?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

What are you talking about?

Do you have the expectation that you always need to be doing something?  Or always on the go?  There seems to be that expectation of so many of us.  If you don’t resonate with this statement, congratulations you may be on your way towards achieving balance in your life.
For those of us still learning the lesson, it’s a challenging one to master.  You get time off from work and what do you do but create a mile long to do list of everything you’d like to do.  While there are some times where that works to your advantage, but other times you’re teetering on the edge of burn out and might be better served by reading a book or binge watching television.
Relaxation time isn’t something that most of us incorporate into our busy lives and why not?  We’ve been trained not to.  You’ve been taught to always be on the go.  That peace and quiet is a bad thing, which is exactly the opposite of what it is.  Peace and quiet helps to rejuvenate you.  It can also allow spirit to speak to you. 
First thing in the morning just as you’re getting up is a great time to receive messages.  Or even better when you’re taking a shower.  Now what do they have in common?  Most of the time you’re relaxed.  As you plan your schedule for 2021, make sure you spend some time to relax.  If you wake up with a headache, spend some time in solitude.  Don’t push yourself.  We all need more time to relax.
What do you do to help you relax?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What does 2021 have in store for you?

What does 2021 have waiting for you?  It’s the question that you want to know at the start of a new year, but especially after the challenge that was 2020.
As a student of astrology and numerology, I look to the cosmos for the answer.  Based on numerology, we’re looking at a 5 year (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 5).  But what does that mean?  We’re looking at a year of change.  The basic foundations of your life took a tumble in 2020.  You look at the world, so many people are on the verge of being homeless and waiting in line for food assistance.  What does that mean for them or you?  Your story hasn’t been told yet?
If you look at astrology, the planets Jupiter and Saturn told the story in 2020.  For 2021, Saturn and Uranus will be in charge.  You’re going to be looking at creating a new structure for your life.  Again, there’ll be an emphasis on change.  We had some sneak peeks at different points in the year as Jupiter and Saturn both moved into Aquarius and then retrograded back into Capricorn.  We’re finally moving forward.
We’re still at the stage where we can guess what our story will be.  Numerology and astrology can give us an idea of where the changes can happen, but nothing in this world is definite even if it seems fated.  The timing could be off.
You have to trust that the universe is there to support you.  It’s teaching you and guiding you to become the person you’re meant to be.
Your story will further unfold over the months in 2021.  What are you looking at?  Be prepared!  We’re still in the middle of the tale.  We’re on the ride.
Your life isn’t set in stone.  It’s a journey.  There are things for you to learn.  These events each contribute something to your story.
You never could have predicted the path your life would take in 2019 or 2020.  You’re intrigued by what 2021 has in store, but I want to skip to the end of the book and see what it says.  You have to trust that things will work out how they’re supposed to.
Be prepared for what 2021 has in store for you.  Hope you set some intentions on New Year’s, but it’s not too late!  Do them now.
What do you want 2021 to bring into your life?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
