Have you…

Have you learned the lessons that you’ve been meant to learn this year?  In the last week, the planets Mercury and Jupiter have gone direct, but we’re still in their shadows, plus the shadows of Pluto and Saturn, which turned direct earlier this month.
The planets have been revealing secrets and lessons that we’re meant to learn.  Have you changed the way that you react, or are you planning on moving forward in a different way?  Are you going to pursue a new path?  Have you been rethinking the patterns of your life or that of your family?
There isn’t one lesson to learn in life.  A new one can be revealed to you each day.  But just because you may have changed, doesn’t mean that the people around you have.  There may still be pieces of the puzzle to be revealed.  Information is always coming.  You don’t yet know everything that you need to know, but you have enough to start.
Start working through the information and the lessons provided.   What’s the first step to take?  That first step could take you a while to work through.  Take all the time you need unless you have a deadline.  The universe will reveal what you need to know when you need to know it.  You don’t need all the pieces to start.
When you work with a blank canvas, you don’t know what the result is going to be.  You just start.  Start painting and work towards a product.
What lessons have you learned this year?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Can You Only See It This Way?

Do you have a set dream or vision that you can only see happen in a specific way?  It’s time to introduce some flexibility into your vision.
When you can only see one path, it makes it challenging for the universe to help things along.  Things rarely happen in the exact way we envision them.
This is a time to release your expectations.  Things don’t always happen how you expect.  What happens then?  Disappointment.  Beating yourself up.  Wondering what happened?  Where did I go wrong?  You do down this rabbit hole that can be challenging to dig yourself out of.
Letting go of expectations isn’t easy.  They seem to happen quite naturally.  Letting of anything can be complicated but may be necessary to make the result a reality. 
The process of manifestation doesn’t always work how you expect.  Emotions get in the way.  Reality gets in the way.  Other people get in the way.  The list goes on.
Cut the ties to your expectations.  In whatever way best serves you.  There is no right way.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t try to work towards your vision.  The path will begin the journey.  Follow the clues.  Follow the signs.  Trust your intuition.  And be open to what presents itself.
How are you going to release expectations? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Shh . . . It’s A Secret!

Secrets have a way of coming out, but sometimes they have to be revealed.  There are different types of secrets.  There are the types that are self-serving.  Where you want to do something, and you know you shouldn’t.  It goes against societal norms, such as an affair.  There’s also the sort, it may be self-serving to a degree but you’re not ready to share.  You have the intention of the secret one day being revealed, but you need some time before it is.
What type of secret are you hiding?  Everyone has secrets.  I can guarantee that you have one right now.  Your life isn’t an open book, you’re allowed to keep things to yourself.  The question is why is it a secret?
It’s the intent that matters sometimes more than the secret itself.  Although I wouldn’t encourage that logic if an affair is involved.
Why am I discussing secrets?  Things have recently become clear to you. You may want to keep it to yourself while you put the pieces together.  You aren’t quite ready to confide in someone else.  You’re afraid of what they might say or you don’t know what to do.
You are allowed to have your reasons.  There is nothing wrong with keeping it to yourself and working through the pieces, but be aware secrets tend to be revealed at some point.  It can come out when you least expect it. 
That could have just happened to you within the last few weeks or could be to come.  Be prepared for what happens when the secret does come out.  Your world and the one around you can change in an instant.
Information is rising to the surface.  All will be revealed.  It doesn’t always happen the way you plan.  Be aware.
What do you want to keep a secret? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Just Release

Over the course of the last few weeks, something has been revealed to you.  You’re receiving clarity on something.  You’re going to start working toward a goal soon, but before you do, look at what’s rising to the surface.
Emotions are coming up.  You may feel confused, sad, guilt, fear, or any number of other emotions.  You may feel a lot of emotion at once or could even just feel numb.  You’re at a point where the emotion needs to be addressed and released.
You’re shifting and changing.  It’s what 2021 is all about.  Your life isn’t going to be the same and there can be a grieving process for what might not have gone entirely as planned.  You had your sights set on it, but it just didn’t work that way.
It’s ok.  Sometimes you just need to let it unfold as it’s meant to.  It doesn’t always go as planned.  You have a tendency to want to avoid pain.  You’re not alone in this.
It’s important to step into the pain.  You shouldn’t try to ignore it.  It’s like a wave.  In order to ride a wave, you have to go into it.
You can’t avoid the emotions.  No matter how hard you try.  If you try to ignore the pain, it could catch up with you.  You want to release the pain.  Release the past.  Move into the next chapter with a little less baggage.
As you move through this time, give yourself the space you need.  You may be tired, sleep.  You may not want to speak to anyone, don’t.
Things will start moving soon, so process.  Feel whatever rises to the surface.  It will all be ok.
What’s rising to the surface? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s An Evolution!

Have you been evolving lately?  If not, how can you evolve?  This year is about rebuilding the structure of your life.  January 2022 is not meant to look the same as January 2021.  It’s supposed to be different.
Change can be hard.  Especially when you’re not ready.  Is there a way you can get ready?  Maybe take it in small pieces.  Or maybe you need someone to help push you past the fear.  Fear can stop you in your tracks and keep you from growing.  Life is easier when you know what to expect.  But sometimes you just need a little push.  A push that moves you from your head into action.
I needed one a couple of weeks ago.  I’ve been preparing to bring in-person Reiki sessions to a hair salon that I work at.  I had all the pieces ready.  I just needed to pick a date.  My boss and I were having a conversation and told me just to pick one.  I sat down and picked a date that gave me some time to get everything aligned, but it’s in the books.
The only way to get past fear is to do it.  While I’m in preparation mode, I’ve also been working on ways to combine Reiki and astrology.  I’m taking some medical astrology classes.  It will probably take me until the end of the year to fully combine it, but I’ve started.  I have a plan to grow, and my business is evolving.  I’m evolving.
You may find yourself in a place that you never pictured.  It’s ok.  I’m right there with you.  You could love how it turns out, but you’ll never know if you don’t try.  You have to begin somewhere.
How are you evolving?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What’s Your Soul Plan?

What’s your soul plan?  You know that you have one, but it might not always be clear.  It can appear to bend and weave as your life fluctuates.
You entered this life with a purpose.  It would be fantastic if you entered the world already knowing it is, but none of us do.  It’s something that unfolds before us.  Those seemingly random events that appear out of nowhere or a person who happens upon your path to point you in a new direction.  That’s your soul speaking to you.
You can get lost in the day-to-day events of life.  You can get stuck and afraid to make a change that you know that you should.  It could be changing jobs, breaking up with someone, starting something, or any number of things.
Your life has a plan, how it unfolds is your choice, to an extent.  You can take risks and listen as your soul speaks to you or just ignore the voice in your head and keep doing what you’ve been doing.  Know this, if you choose option number 2, it can catch up with you. 
For many years, I was of the mindset that if I ignore it enough, it would just magically go away.  It never did.  The problem would change a little, typically get worse.  I left jobs because they didn’t fit my goals anymore.  I wanted to grow and that wasn’t part of the business plan.
It always involved a lot of tears at home and the pain of coming to the decision that it was time to leave.  My most recent endeavor of leaving a job was different.  I had changed and grown.  I no longer fit the career I had chosen.  I had trouble seeing that it was time to move on.  I had helped set up the business, part of me had helped create the model.  I knew that the vision that we had, in the beginning, didn’t line up with what it was becoming, but I thought maybe it would change, or I was looking at it the wrong way.  It wasn’t going to.  The decision was made for me.
Once I reflected, I was able to see the opportunity for what it was.  It’s never easy.  The what-ifs can pop up randomly, but this is part of my journey.
What does your soul’s journey look like?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Happiness Is….

What is the definition of happiness to you?  According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the definition of happiness is “a state of well-being and contentment, joy.”  But what does that mean to you?
Happiness is something that you strive for.  You want to be happy in your life, but what do you mean when you break it down?  You may not even know the answer yourself.  It can be harder than you may think to define.
Once you’ve defined what happiness means to you, how do you get there?  The next obstacle.  Part of the reason why so many people are unhappy is we don’t know how to get there.  You keep trying over and over again.  You may get close, but it can seem to slip right through your fingers.
It can be hard to believe that happiness is just as much a state of being as sadness.  Sadness just seems to creep up on you and take over, but can happiness do the same?  It can if you allow it.  That can be a hard concept to grasp.  Happiness is a state of being.  If you want to be happy, then work towards being happy.  It can be done, but it may take some effort.  The negative some days seem so much easier to believe the positive.  Happiness is the same way.
How badly do you want it?  Sit down and make a list of all the things that make you happy.  Once you’ve done that see if you come up with any common themes. Take those common themes and see if you can develop a game plan to bring a little more happiness into your life.  If any time of year can bring more happiness, it’s summer.
Work from your list each day.  It’s all about creating a pattern.  Bring in the emotions you want and create them in your life. 
How are you going to create happiness in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time To Transform

As you head into summer, what do you want your life to look like?  The sun is shining and illuminating different areas of your life.
It’s the time of year when growth tends to be easier to handle.  You may like your life the way it is, or you may still have some dreams that you’re looking to explore.
Transformation can happen when you least expect it.  It’s not always something that you’re seeking.  The last year you’ve seen a lot of things happen that you never thought you would.  The structure of your life may have crumbled down around you.
It’s time to rebuild.  Take a chance and do something that you never considered before.  Follow your dreams.  Go after it.  What’s the worst thing that can happen?
Fear has held you back for too long.  If you want change to occur, something different must happen.  Your life can’t transform when you’re gripping on to the past and won’t let go.
The past few weeks hopefully you’ve been cleaning up and letting go of the past.  Transformation wants to unfold in your life, but you need to let it.
Have you taken steps and just need to pull the trigger?  Maybe you’re still questioning whether you have to?  The answer is most likely yes.  Change can be terrifying, but once you do it, you may wonder why you let your fear hold you back and didn’t do it sooner.
Fear can hold you back and keep you from transforming you into the person you’re mean to be.  It may be challenging but take a chance and see what happens.  What you want could happen and transform your life for the better.
What are you looking to transform in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Is Your Life Supposed to Be Like This?

Was your life supposed to be this way?  Like the theme song from the TV show Friends “So no one told you life was gonna be this way; Your job’s a joke, you’re broke; Your love life’s DOA; It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear…”
Is this what your life feels like now?  Growing up you imagine a life.  Maybe you’ll be married, have kids and a house with a white picket fence.  Maybe you’ll have a successful career.  Or maybe you’ll just be happy.
When you’re growing up you rarely know how hard life is going to be some days.  The work you have to do just to jeep a roof over your head and food on the table.
Society teaches us lines about how hard life is.  “Life sucks and then you die.”  “Life isn’t easy.”  Just two of many sayings that are out there.
What I’m sure you want to know is when does life get easier?  The choice may be yours to make.  I’m sure you’re asking what does that mean?  From the time you were a small child, you started to take in messages from the world around you.  You were taught to feel shame, guilt, fear, etc.  Those messages became a part of you.  They may have even become a piece of your identity.

When you first get into the work of changing your life, it’s these messages that are often tackled.  You need to quiet the voices.  You need to eliminate the messages.  But how do you begin?
It’s a personal journey.  I began mine with Reiki.  The voices had grown overwhelming, and I wanted them to stop.  I wanted to feel good about myself.  So much had happened in my life that I couldn’t remember, but I knew that my psyche did.  How was I going to dissolve messages that I couldn’t remember?  I started to do work energetically with a practitioner.  I tried a lot of different modalities, but Reiki was and is still one of the gentlest.  It’s a great way to ease yourself into the work of transforming your life.  It didn’t just happen in one session.  Over the course of time and regular work, my life began to shift.  It’s still not perfect.  I’m still working through my fears, but Reiki is still one of my go-to forms of energy work.  So much so that I became a Reiki Master in 2019 and soon will begin doing in-person sessions.  Reiki changed my life, and it could be the start of changing yours.
What about your life hasn’t happened the way you thought?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Between Worlds

Do you know what the future looks like?  If you do, aren’t you lucky!  If not, join the club.  You may have ideas.  You may have hopes and dreams, but it’s not certain until it lands in the present.
There are times where you so badly want something to happen, that you don’t live in the present moment.  You live for creating the future.  That perspective may eventually take you where you want to go, but it can also be emotionally draining.  You’re always seeking and searching rather than being able to accept life for what it is.
The same can be said if you’re a person that lives in the past.  You may believe the best days of your life are behind you.  You miss what was instead of what is.
Living in the present can be a challenge.  Especially for those who are trying to create a better you.  The trials of life are hard.  You so desperately want to be happy and there isn’t a lot of happiness in the world.
Last year the rug was pulled out from under you, and nothing is the same.  It’s not meant to.  You’re in the rebuilding stage.  You’re creating something new, and unfortunately, it doesn’t happen overnight.  You’re going to stumble, and you may even fail along the way.
Life’s journey is never easy and it’s the in-between areas of life where you learn the most about yourself and others.
For so much of life, the in-between areas are challenging and difficult, but there’s value.  Take the in-between area for what it is.  The area where a puzzle is started.  You start putting the pieces together and one day it will be completed.
For now, it may be messy and unknown, but there’s something there to be explored.  What in-between areas of life are you exploring?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
