July 3


The Feminine Warrior

Happy Independence Day!  It may not feel like there’s a whole lot to celebrate as a nation.  Our rights as women have been taken away and there are people out there who would like to take more of our rights.
It’s easy to get trapped in the negative, but it’s important to not remain there and realize that women still have power.  Females in the past have fought this same fight before and have made progress.  It can be done again.
The Sun in Cancer can be representative of the feminine.  It’s a nurturing and caring energy and on July 8 at 9:23 am it is Square Chiron in Aries.  Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer and it’s in the sign of Aries, the warrior.
There’s an opportunity here.  The battle isn’t going to be won overnight, but it can and will be fought.  There’s an opportunity for women to empower themselves.
As women, we have been shamed and made to feel guilty for making decisions that are right for us.  Why?  Because they may not be right for the masculine.  Women and their role in society for centuries had been reduced to the role of caretakers.  While that may be one part of being a woman, that isn’t all that we are.  The patriarchy has put us made us “second-class” citizens for centuries.  The time for the feminine to put herself on equal ground is now.
It's time to fight.  How do we fight?  It hasn’t been entirely revealed quite yet, but one way is to vote.  Women died for us to have the right to vote and it’s time to use it.  As a country, the United States is in its Pluto Return.  The United States’ Pluto is in Capricorn.  Capricorn is the structure.  At that time, women were the property of men and it shows in the founding documentation of our country.  And it’s not just women that were property, but people of other races.  The United States founding documentation represents rich white men.
The United States is not composed of entirely rich white men.  The United States is composed of women and men from all regions of the world and it’s time that our laws reflect that.  With the U.S.’s Pluto Return we have an opportunity to change course.  To make sure that we are heard and have a role in society that is representative of who women really are.  Women do not have to feel shame or guilt for being who they are any longer.  We can become a Feminine Warrior and have power over the things in life that are important to us. It’s time to get battle-ready!
What can you do to become a feminine warrior? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, feminine, Grief, Guilt, Power, Shame, warrior

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