January 2


Venus In Reverse

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, went retrograde on December 21, 2021, in the sign of Capricorn, where it remains in retrograde until January 29, 2022. What does that mean?
You’re being asked to revisit the past.  What have you learned about love? Capricorn represents your structure or foundation. What are your feelings of love based on? Depending upon whether you use the mean or the true node, the North Node is switching from Gemini to Taurus and the South Node from Sagittarius to Scorpio, which asks what wounds are rising for the surface for you to release.
Wounds are challenging. They can sneak up on you just when you think you’ve let them go.  I’ve been working on releasing emotional baggage for a few years now, just when I think I’m getting there, another layer rises to the surface.  I’ve been thinking about love and what it means to me now and what it has meant to me in the past.  I grew up with a lot of friends and family who I knew loved me, but an event with someone who I thought was my friend began to change what I had thought about love. Suddenly love brought pain and hurt.  As an 11-year-old, I couldn’t process what that meant.  I had trouble trusting myself. I had thought this person was my friend. How could I have been so wrong? I had trouble trusting others. Did they have ulterior motives? Were they out to get something from me? Once they got it, would they be gone?
It took time to put the pieces together and start to move forward. For years I lived in the pain and didn’t know how to begin.  As I approached my 30th birthday, I knew my life wasn’t what I wanted it to be.  I found Reiki. I started to heal. I started to find friends who met me on a new level. I started to open up, but along the way, I encountered betrayal again.
I reacted differently this time. I stopped trusting that one person instead of everyone, but I found this wound was still keeping me from moving forward.  I need to do some work. Wounds work in layers. There are layers to peel away.
What wound do you need to clear right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Fear, Love, Shadows, Wounds

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