
Wow!  Last week may have been an intense one, but the energy hasn’t dissipated.  You’re still being challenged this week with some aspects.
Mars in Taurus will be Square Saturn in Aquarius on August 7 at 12:57 pm.  Mars is feeling frustrated by Saturn’s restrictiveness.  It can also feel overwhelmed at times by all the obstacles that seem to be thrown in its way.
Venus in Cancer is Opposite Pluto in Capricorn on August 19 at 1:18 am.  A lot of feelings have been coming to the surface over the last weeks or even months.  These aren’t feelings or issues that should be brushed aside.  They are leading you in a new direction.  If you ignore these revelations, it can lead to even more disruptive energy.  Relationships are intensifying. Things aren’t meant to be the same when Pluto is done with it.
The Sun in Leo is getting into the Uranus in Taurus action with a Square on August 11 at 5:53 am.  The Sun is shining a spotlight on Uranus’ growing impatience with the status quo.  It’s time to break free and allow the revelations to come to light. 
Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto aspects can seemingly change the world as you know it and have done it over the last few years.  Big reveals have come to light and you can’t go backward.  It’s time to be present and see what is meant to unfold for you.  You may want to know the future and especially with the energy in Taurus, control what that future looks like, but it’s just not possible.    
You are being guided in a new direction.  It may not always feel that way.  It’s easy to question what’s going on and why hasn’t it happened.  You did exactly what you were supposed to and look where you are.  Just remember it's not over yet.  You're still in the shake-up and things haven’t begun to settle back down.  Just be patient and do your best to go with the flow and deal with the repercussions.
What is being revealed?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

New Ways of Thinking

It’s so easy to think about the same way that you always have, but what if that way is outdated?  Just because you’ve always done things that way doesn’t mean it’s the only way. The universe is encouraging you to think about things differently right now.
There is a Full Moon in Capricorn coming on July 13 at 2:38 pm.  The Full Moon is also in opposition to Mercury in Cancer.  You’re being guided to let go of these ways of thinking that no longer serve you,
Look at the world around you.  There are lots of ways of thinking or looking at things that now seem outdated.  The rights of women that many of us are facing are outdated compared to when many of our laws around the United States were implemented: the rights of minorities, the rights of people of different sexual orientations, the classification of gender.  The list goes on and on.  It’s time to take a look at what it means to be a person with rights. 
Look at your opinions.  Are your opinions more valid than other person’s opinions?  No, they’re opinions, not facts.  What you value may be different than what someone else values, does that make it any less valuable to you?  
Each one of us is being asked to have a new perspective.  It’s so easy to just continue down the path of life and do things the way you always have, but has that way of doing things made you happy?  There are so many unhappy people, and you could be one of them.  A new way of doing things can seem bad or overwhelming, but what if it’s not? 
As I have made changes in my life, I have had to look at what I have thought and been taught.   Every time fear has come to the surface, the same question runs through my mind.  What if I can’t?  And then I get the response, but what if you can? 
You don’t have to act right away, you can and should take some time to process a new approach to thinking, but next time what if comes to your mind, try and flip it and see what happens.  If it doesn’t work, you can always do it differently, but maybe, just maybe, it will work, and you could be on your way to a new approach to life.
How can you think differently? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What’s Your Soul Plan?

What’s your soul plan?  You know that you have one, but it might not always be clear.  It can appear to bend and weave as your life fluctuates.
You entered this life with a purpose.  It would be fantastic if you entered the world already knowing it is, but none of us do.  It’s something that unfolds before us.  Those seemingly random events that appear out of nowhere or a person who happens upon your path to point you in a new direction.  That’s your soul speaking to you.
You can get lost in the day-to-day events of life.  You can get stuck and afraid to make a change that you know that you should.  It could be changing jobs, breaking up with someone, starting something, or any number of things.
Your life has a plan, how it unfolds is your choice, to an extent.  You can take risks and listen as your soul speaks to you or just ignore the voice in your head and keep doing what you’ve been doing.  Know this, if you choose option number 2, it can catch up with you. 
For many years, I was of the mindset that if I ignore it enough, it would just magically go away.  It never did.  The problem would change a little, typically get worse.  I left jobs because they didn’t fit my goals anymore.  I wanted to grow and that wasn’t part of the business plan.
It always involved a lot of tears at home and the pain of coming to the decision that it was time to leave.  My most recent endeavor of leaving a job was different.  I had changed and grown.  I no longer fit the career I had chosen.  I had trouble seeing that it was time to move on.  I had helped set up the business, part of me had helped create the model.  I knew that the vision that we had, in the beginning, didn’t line up with what it was becoming, but I thought maybe it would change, or I was looking at it the wrong way.  It wasn’t going to.  The decision was made for me.
Once I reflected, I was able to see the opportunity for what it was.  It’s never easy.  The what-ifs can pop up randomly, but this is part of my journey.
What does your soul’s journey look like?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What does 2021 have in store for you?

What does 2021 have waiting for you?  It’s the question that you want to know at the start of a new year, but especially after the challenge that was 2020.
As a student of astrology and numerology, I look to the cosmos for the answer.  Based on numerology, we’re looking at a 5 year (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 5).  But what does that mean?  We’re looking at a year of change.  The basic foundations of your life took a tumble in 2020.  You look at the world, so many people are on the verge of being homeless and waiting in line for food assistance.  What does that mean for them or you?  Your story hasn’t been told yet?
If you look at astrology, the planets Jupiter and Saturn told the story in 2020.  For 2021, Saturn and Uranus will be in charge.  You’re going to be looking at creating a new structure for your life.  Again, there’ll be an emphasis on change.  We had some sneak peeks at different points in the year as Jupiter and Saturn both moved into Aquarius and then retrograded back into Capricorn.  We’re finally moving forward.
We’re still at the stage where we can guess what our story will be.  Numerology and astrology can give us an idea of where the changes can happen, but nothing in this world is definite even if it seems fated.  The timing could be off.
You have to trust that the universe is there to support you.  It’s teaching you and guiding you to become the person you’re meant to be.
Your story will further unfold over the months in 2021.  What are you looking at?  Be prepared!  We’re still in the middle of the tale.  We’re on the ride.
Your life isn’t set in stone.  It’s a journey.  There are things for you to learn.  These events each contribute something to your story.
You never could have predicted the path your life would take in 2019 or 2020.  You’re intrigued by what 2021 has in store, but I want to skip to the end of the book and see what it says.  You have to trust that things will work out how they’re supposed to.
Be prepared for what 2021 has in store for you.  Hope you set some intentions on New Year’s, but it’s not too late!  Do them now.
What do you want 2021 to bring into your life?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
