August 7



Wow!  Last week may have been an intense one, but the energy hasn’t dissipated.  You’re still being challenged this week with some aspects.
Mars in Taurus will be Square Saturn in Aquarius on August 7 at 12:57 pm.  Mars is feeling frustrated by Saturn’s restrictiveness.  It can also feel overwhelmed at times by all the obstacles that seem to be thrown in its way.
Venus in Cancer is Opposite Pluto in Capricorn on August 19 at 1:18 am.  A lot of feelings have been coming to the surface over the last weeks or even months.  These aren’t feelings or issues that should be brushed aside.  They are leading you in a new direction.  If you ignore these revelations, it can lead to even more disruptive energy.  Relationships are intensifying. Things aren’t meant to be the same when Pluto is done with it.
The Sun in Leo is getting into the Uranus in Taurus action with a Square on August 11 at 5:53 am.  The Sun is shining a spotlight on Uranus’ growing impatience with the status quo.  It’s time to break free and allow the revelations to come to light. 
Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto aspects can seemingly change the world as you know it and have done it over the last few years.  Big reveals have come to light and you can’t go backward.  It’s time to be present and see what is meant to unfold for you.  You may want to know the future and especially with the energy in Taurus, control what that future looks like, but it’s just not possible.    
You are being guided in a new direction.  It may not always feel that way.  It’s easy to question what’s going on and why hasn’t it happened.  You did exactly what you were supposed to and look where you are.  Just remember it's not over yet.  You're still in the shake-up and things haven’t begun to settle back down.  Just be patient and do your best to go with the flow and deal with the repercussions.
What is being revealed?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 


Change, Control, Energy, Frustration, New Direction, Restrictiveness, Revealations, Spotlight

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