Look Within

It may not seem like it at the beginning of the week but is a week to look within yourself.  Make sure to take your time in making decisions, because confusion and misunderstandings are possible.
Mercury re-enters Gemini after it’s retrograde period on June 13 at 11:27 am.  Mercury is going to want to be social and meet up with friends.  It’s going to want to talk until the wee hours of the morning, but Mercury is just a distraction to what you’re feeling.
Mars in Aries is conjunct Chiron in Aries on June 15 at 10:17 am.  Mars is wanting to take some action on your wounds.  The Sun in Gemini is Square Neptune in Pisces on June 16 at 09:41 am.  Confusions and misunderstandings are underway,  Mercury in Gemini is Square Saturn in Aquarius on June 18 at 5:32 pm.  You could feel sad and disappointed.  Things haven’t turned out quite how you expected.
During its retrograde, Mercury was busy telling you secrets and revealing what you needed to know.   Now that Mercury is direct, you’re trying to make some further discoveries and make sense of what you’ve learned over the last few weeks, but Neptune in Pisces is creating a fog.  You don’t quite have all of the information yet that you need to make the necessary changes.
When confusion is abound, it’s a great time to look within.  Examine why you’re feeling sad or disappointed or angry.  It can be so easy to try and avoid your emotions.  They’re just getting in the way of your day.  Emotions arise for a reason.  Don’t ignore them.  Look at them.  Take your time and don’t rush to judgment or action.  You’re going to want to act quickly with Mars being in Aries, but take a deep breath and take your time. 
This isn’t a sprint.  This is a process that takes time.  You’re getting to feel crappy before you feel better, but once you begin the process, you will reach a place where the past doesn’t have the same ability to control you that it once did.  You can begin to feel free.  Isn’t freedom what you’re ultimately searching for?
What are you discovering as you look within?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Confident or Angry

How have you been emotional over the last week?  Lots of emotions have been rising to the surface.  You’ve been receiving clarity about the direction that you’re going to be taking.  You’ll need that information as you begin this week.
Mercury is still retrograde, but on May 22, it’s going back into the sign of Taurus.  If you’ve been feeling ungrounded, this is great energy to help you feel more stable in your way of thinking.
On May 24, Mars is going to enter the sign of Aries, the sign of the ram and the warrior.  The positive form of Mars in Aries is a sense of confidence and a readiness to take action.  The negative form can be feelings of anger. Whether you’re in the positive or the negative only matters in so much as it tells you where you stand in that given moment.  It can be fluid and you can move between them. 
The key is to pay attention to what you’re feeling.  If you are feeling angry, take a deep breath.  Why are you feeling angry?  Maybe it’s something that you’re meant to work through.  When you’re angry, you’re rising towards empowerment.  You don’t want to discount what you’re feeling or try to suppress it.  It’s meant to be expressed, but it must be conveyed in a way that is healthy for you and those around you.
Look at the world.  There are way too many people that go around and use their anger toward others who don’t deserve it.  Try and look at your anger objectively.  Are you in a place where it can be expressed safely?  If you are, great.  Find a way to direct that anger in a healthy manner.  If not, you’re going to continue to take some deep breaths and use those breaths to control your emotions. If you can, walk away and come back to the anger when you’re in a better place. 
Anger is tricky.  It can seemingly come out of nowhere and take you by surprise.  Normally this is because something has been suppressed, which is why you want to state it, but you don’t want to unleash it.  If you’re feeling angry, it can be a great time to talk with a coach or someone else who isn’t connected to what you’re experiencing.
Mars in Aries will take those emotions that you’ve been feeling and channel them in a positive or negative way.  Which path are you going to choose?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Always & Forever,

What is Going on with Everyone?

Have you noticed that people seem to be angrier and ruder than normal lately?  There doesn’t seem to be any wiggle room anymore for compassion towards others.  People are at their wit's end and just can’t take anything else.  It’s my way or the highway.
Remember you always have a choice.  It may not seem like it at the time, but you do have a choice.  Lots of businesses are having to change their prices and policies to keep up with the changing times, whether it be people’s new habits or the price of doing business.  Your choice in that moment is to accept their pricing and policies as they now stand and continue doing business with them or to go somewhere else.  Sending angry emails and text messages don’t get you where you want to be.  It may feel great at that moment, but compassion will get you further.  The person that read that angry message rarely has anything to do with the change that you’re upset about.  That person is just doing the job that they’re paid to do.  All that happens is you make that person’s day more difficult.
It seems that a boiling point as been reached.  Are you one of the people that has been on the receiving end of someone else’s tirade, or have you been one that’s been taking your emotions out on those around you?  Either way, it probably doesn’t feel great after that initial moment.  The most helpful thing that you can do is to think before you react.  If you must respond, do it with kindness.  Respect our people’s boundaries and know there is a reason that a boundary is in place. 
You always have a choice in how you respond.  If you need someone else’s opinion before you respond, seek it.  Think about your response first.  If you’re having a conversation, tell the person that you need a moment to think about it and will get back to them with a response.  Always remember that even when it doesn’t seem like it you have options.  It may not be what you want, but you do have a choice.
What can you do to have more compassion for yourself and others?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Is It The Heat Of The Moment?

Do you ever find yourself triggered?  It could be from a phone call, conversation, email or just scrolling through social media.  You desperately want to respond.  Put that other person in their place.  You want to tell them that’s not true or maybe just unleash all of your anger about something else.
Try something different.  Take a step back.  Let yourself get to a place where you’re calm.  Words can be unleashed in anger that you can’t take back.
You may find yourself having a confrontation with an employee who’s just doing their job.  You may just say something that isn’t true.  There’s a tendency to not be your best self at these moments.
Being triggered is meant to be a moment where you have the opportunity to see things clearly.  Triggers are meant to make you uncomfortable.  They’re meant to help you grow.  You can only truly grow in those moments.
When everything is going along the way you want it, are you going outside of your comfort zone?  I’m guessing the answer is no.
The darkness is where you learn.  It’s not meant to be all lollipops and rainbows.  You came here to learn.  What you come here to learn is for you to decide.  You aren’t meant to stay in one place.
So the next time you start feeling angry or uncomfortable, take a step back.  Ask yourself questions and try to come from a place that is kind to yourself and those around you.  The world could use a little more kindness.
What is coming to the surface that’s making you uncomfortable?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


What did you say?  Misunderstandings seem to be the name of the game during Mercury Retrograde.  Some have more difficulties during retrograde periods than others, but misunderstandings are everywhere.
Have you said something and then gone, that’s not what I meant!  It happens all too often.  People are especially sensitive right now.  They may feel like lashing out rather than taking an opportunity to breathe and think through how they wish to react.
It can be especially tricky for those of us on the other end.  How do you want to respond?  Do you want to be a better person?
That doesn’t mean that you have to allow people to walk all over you.  It does mean that you need to make sure to breathe and think through your responses.  Respond to others from your highest place.  Don’t sink to their level.  Respond true to who you are. 
The world is divisive right now, but you don’t need to follow down that path.  Speak from a place that is for the highest and best good for you.  It can be challenging to not immediately respond, but sometimes it’s best for all to think about your response.
Misunderstandings are bound to happen, but you can try to limit them as much as possible.  When things don’t go as planned, change course or apologize.
You can always try again.  You have an opportunity to think about what’s happening in your life.  You can do it differently.  Just because it’s always been that way doesn’t mean it can’t be different going forward.
Misunderstandings will happen, but how do you respond?  That’s where the lesson is.
How do you respond to misunderstandings?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s Time To…

What do you want 2021 to look like?  A lot of the structures in your life were demolished in 2020.  You can build something new.  Something different.  Are you ready?
It’s so easy to get stuck in the mindset of poor me.  Things never seem to work out for me.  But you don’t have to live there.  You can create something new.  Something different.  You can build a life that you love.
Maybe you’ll be one of the fortunate ones and with a snap of your fingers, it will be different.  But let me tell you a secret, it rarely happens that way.  You must process your old life first.  How did you end up where you are?  It’s not an easy process.  There’s a reason that people stay the way they are.  It requires work and effort.  How bad do you want it?
Are you willing to take the leap?  Are you willing to put in the work?  It would be easier if things did just magically happen.  You must demonstrate how badly you want it. 
The lessons that you’ve experienced have made you who you are.  You lived through them for a reason.  They’re part of your life’s journey, but you don’t have to stay there.
We can get guidance from our intuition, oracle/tarot cards, astrology, numerology, etc., but ultimately you have the final say over how your life turns out. It’s yours to live as you wish.  So, what are you going to do?
Every change starts with a small step.  You can do this if you want to.
It’s never easy to move past your fear or swallow your pride, but there’s so much joy on the other side knowing that you did something that terrified you and it turned out ok.
A leap of faith is challenging, but you must have hope.  Be optimistic that your world can be better.  It can be what you want it to be, the effort is up to you.
Do you ever have a thought that doesn’t leave?  A thought that says you should do this.  Start there.  You don’t have to change everything overnight.  Work through the pain and see what lies on the other side on your timetable.
What effort are you willing to put into changing your life?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Wait! Before you Speak…

After the events in Washington, D.C. in January, there’re seems to be a lot of blame going on.  One side is saying they should be heard, there’s evidence to prove their point and the other side is saying what was said to them 4 years ago, we won let’s move on.
The major issue is that you generally like to feel that you’re right.  What you believe couldn’t possibly be wrong?  So, you start to defend your beliefs.  You go after the person whose beliefs are different and attack.  Never asking, or per chance you did ask, to see why they hold those beliefs to begin with.  In truth, we seem quite polarized, but if we had an honest discussion, we might come to see we have more in common then we thought.
In order for the people of the United States to change, we need to each be willing to look at ourselves.  To look at our beliefs.  To listen to each other and not just to listen to respond but truly listen and hear what is being said.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.  So, what is right?  That’s challenging to say in a moment such as this.  You could say that you should be more emphatic, and it might be a good place to start.  The Golden Rule, to treat others as you wish to be treated.  We’ve gotten used to being anonymous and spouting off what you believe on social media.  It’s quite different if you have to look at person and see the hurt your words have caused.
You will often pick and choose facts to fit your narrative.  It doesn’t make it any more or less true.  You should be looking for the truth in any situation.  Not simply what should be true.
Right now, the world needs a little more kindness.  A little more compassion.   If only you took the time to live in another’s shoes, might we make progress and not be so divided?  You have a choice.  Would you rather be right or understand?
Each of us needs to learn some understanding.  Maybe it’s time to take a step back.  Think about your words before tossing them about or use them as a weapon.  Think before you speak.

How can you be a little more understanding?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 
