November 7


What is Going on with Everyone?

Have you noticed that people seem to be angrier and ruder than normal lately?  There doesn’t seem to be any wiggle room anymore for compassion towards others.  People are at their wit's end and just can’t take anything else.  It’s my way or the highway.
Remember you always have a choice.  It may not seem like it at the time, but you do have a choice.  Lots of businesses are having to change their prices and policies to keep up with the changing times, whether it be people’s new habits or the price of doing business.  Your choice in that moment is to accept their pricing and policies as they now stand and continue doing business with them or to go somewhere else.  Sending angry emails and text messages don’t get you where you want to be.  It may feel great at that moment, but compassion will get you further.  The person that read that angry message rarely has anything to do with the change that you’re upset about.  That person is just doing the job that they’re paid to do.  All that happens is you make that person’s day more difficult.
It seems that a boiling point as been reached.  Are you one of the people that has been on the receiving end of someone else’s tirade, or have you been one that’s been taking your emotions out on those around you?  Either way, it probably doesn’t feel great after that initial moment.  The most helpful thing that you can do is to think before you react.  If you must respond, do it with kindness.  Respect our people’s boundaries and know there is a reason that a boundary is in place. 
You always have a choice in how you respond.  If you need someone else’s opinion before you respond, seek it.  Think about your response first.  If you’re having a conversation, tell the person that you need a moment to think about it and will get back to them with a response.  Always remember that even when it doesn’t seem like it you have options.  It may not be what you want, but you do have a choice.
What can you do to have more compassion for yourself and others?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Anger, Change, Compassion, Fear

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