Shh . . . It’s A Secret!

Secrets have a way of coming out, but sometimes they have to be revealed.  There are different types of secrets.  There are the types that are self-serving.  Where you want to do something, and you know you shouldn’t.  It goes against societal norms, such as an affair.  There’s also the sort, it may be self-serving to a degree but you’re not ready to share.  You have the intention of the secret one day being revealed, but you need some time before it is.
What type of secret are you hiding?  Everyone has secrets.  I can guarantee that you have one right now.  Your life isn’t an open book, you’re allowed to keep things to yourself.  The question is why is it a secret?
It’s the intent that matters sometimes more than the secret itself.  Although I wouldn’t encourage that logic if an affair is involved.
Why am I discussing secrets?  Things have recently become clear to you. You may want to keep it to yourself while you put the pieces together.  You aren’t quite ready to confide in someone else.  You’re afraid of what they might say or you don’t know what to do.
You are allowed to have your reasons.  There is nothing wrong with keeping it to yourself and working through the pieces, but be aware secrets tend to be revealed at some point.  It can come out when you least expect it. 
That could have just happened to you within the last few weeks or could be to come.  Be prepared for what happens when the secret does come out.  Your world and the one around you can change in an instant.
Information is rising to the surface.  All will be revealed.  It doesn’t always happen the way you plan.  Be aware.
What do you want to keep a secret? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Oh, The Memories!

Have a lot of memories been coming to the surface for you lately?  What have you been doing with them?  Memories are part of a larger story that you’re trying to process.  Maybe it's time for you to do things differently, or are secrets from the past being revealed?  Anything is possible.
Everything coming to the surface is providing you with information to move you forward.  Nothing happens by accident.
What ghosts are coming to the surface for you?  As I sit down to write this, I’m watching the Fire Department do a controlled burn on a house across the street.  Information that I didn’t know about that house has been coming to my attention all week.  Future plans have been coming out and plans have been made, but what about the emotional component?  That’s also been a part of the process.  I’m remembering what that house was like when I was a kid and how to relates to my memories.
I can’t change the decisions that others have made no matter how much I may want to.  Eventually, the house will become part of the memory.  The land will have a new path forward.
This is what your life is going through right now.  Some part of your past is burning to the ground.  There’s an emotional component that you need to process and plan for the next phase of your life to begin.
Memories can help guide you forward if you allow them to and not just live in the memory.  The past can be used to assist you, but for so many, it tends to stop you in your tracks and swallow you whole.  Allow your memories to move you forward.
What are your memories trying to show you?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Happiness Is….

What is the definition of happiness to you?  According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the definition of happiness is “a state of well-being and contentment, joy.”  But what does that mean to you?
Happiness is something that you strive for.  You want to be happy in your life, but what do you mean when you break it down?  You may not even know the answer yourself.  It can be harder than you may think to define.
Once you’ve defined what happiness means to you, how do you get there?  The next obstacle.  Part of the reason why so many people are unhappy is we don’t know how to get there.  You keep trying over and over again.  You may get close, but it can seem to slip right through your fingers.
It can be hard to believe that happiness is just as much a state of being as sadness.  Sadness just seems to creep up on you and take over, but can happiness do the same?  It can if you allow it.  That can be a hard concept to grasp.  Happiness is a state of being.  If you want to be happy, then work towards being happy.  It can be done, but it may take some effort.  The negative some days seem so much easier to believe the positive.  Happiness is the same way.
How badly do you want it?  Sit down and make a list of all the things that make you happy.  Once you’ve done that see if you come up with any common themes. Take those common themes and see if you can develop a game plan to bring a little more happiness into your life.  If any time of year can bring more happiness, it’s summer.
Work from your list each day.  It’s all about creating a pattern.  Bring in the emotions you want and create them in your life. 
How are you going to create happiness in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time To Transform

As you head into summer, what do you want your life to look like?  The sun is shining and illuminating different areas of your life.
It’s the time of year when growth tends to be easier to handle.  You may like your life the way it is, or you may still have some dreams that you’re looking to explore.
Transformation can happen when you least expect it.  It’s not always something that you’re seeking.  The last year you’ve seen a lot of things happen that you never thought you would.  The structure of your life may have crumbled down around you.
It’s time to rebuild.  Take a chance and do something that you never considered before.  Follow your dreams.  Go after it.  What’s the worst thing that can happen?
Fear has held you back for too long.  If you want change to occur, something different must happen.  Your life can’t transform when you’re gripping on to the past and won’t let go.
The past few weeks hopefully you’ve been cleaning up and letting go of the past.  Transformation wants to unfold in your life, but you need to let it.
Have you taken steps and just need to pull the trigger?  Maybe you’re still questioning whether you have to?  The answer is most likely yes.  Change can be terrifying, but once you do it, you may wonder why you let your fear hold you back and didn’t do it sooner.
Fear can hold you back and keep you from transforming you into the person you’re mean to be.  It may be challenging but take a chance and see what happens.  What you want could happen and transform your life for the better.
What are you looking to transform in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Clean Up!

Have you been cleaning a lot recently?  Throwing things away that are broken?  Donating or selling what you no longer use?
Over the last year, people have been cleaning the house.  To the point where donation centers have put limitations and reminders on what they will and won’t take.
You may be one of the fortunate ones where cleaning up is easy.  You’ll periodically go through your belongings and toss what you don’t need anymore.  For another group of you, everything has meaning.  You can’t get rid of that, so and so owned it or so and so gave it to you.  Everything is connected to memory.  Maybe you fall somewhere in between the two extremes.
I’ve been resistant while the mass cleaning of people’s spaces has been going on.  Why might you ask?  Partly because of the amount of time that I would have to spend, but also because I didn’t have the energy to look through everything.  This past week, the energy shifted.  I knew it was time and I didn’t have any more excuses.
To manifest what you want, sometimes you must get rid of what you don’t want.  You must make space.  Making space for what you want somedays can be a challenge, but it’s necessary.
If your life is already full, do you truly have space for something new?  Only you can answer that question.  For now, I’ll continue making space a little bit at a time.  It may time longer, but there’s nothing that says I need to tackle it all at once.  I just have to do it.  Just cleaning up a part of the space, feels lighter.  There’s room opening for something new to enter.  Not sure what that might be yet, but it’s a start.  The intention is there.
Manifestation is a multi-step process.  The step that isn’t always mentioned is the decluttering process.  Yes, it is a process.  It’s not as easy as just cleaning for many.  Allow the process to unfold as it’s mean to.
Where are you in your decluttering process?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Are You Feeling Intense?

Have you been feeling intense energies lately?  It’s not just you.

 There’s an intensity to your needs and communication.  This most recent full moon may have brought something to light that you’ve been working on.  Maybe you’ve been waiting to make changes, but life keeps throwing you curveballs, and you just can’t keep up.

You could be grieving for the loss of a loved one or for the way life previously was.  There are times when you just want things to be easy, to go smoothly and no matter how much you try, sometimes the energy doesn’t go your way.

You try to set a boundary and you can’t keep it.  You set aside time for self-care and something else keeps infringing on it.  

When the energy is this intense, it’s trying to tell you something.  It wants your attention.  It wants you to adjust.

Look at where the uncomfortable feelings arise.  That’s where the magic is!  You may have emotions to work through that get you to the other side, but you can do it.  You can get there.  You just need to have faith that you can.

Working your way through the darkness just sucks!  You’ll often go off on detours and work through subjects that you’ve done previously.  A new layer will pop to the surface.

It’s ok.  You don’t need to do it all at once, but the energy wants you to start.  Come up with a plan.  Listen to what people talk to you about.

Don’t just react.  Think about how it makes you feel.  You’re feeling that way so you can move on.  You can feel better.  You can feel empowered.

Step 1 is to work through the intensity. Step 2 is to plan and Step 3 is to execute.

It sounds so easy, but it never is.  What’s the intense energy bringing to the surface for you?  What does that look like for you?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Out of Balance

Is your life out of balance?  Most likely the answer is yes.  You live in a society that is based on achievement and how much you can do in a day. 

You’re taught from an early age that you have to make sacrifices.  Life isn’t always easy.  When things come to you easily, you tend to discount them.  Why do you do this?  It could be for several reasons.  But that most likely is fear.  Fear of what the quiet will tell you.  Fear of not having enough.  Fear of standing out because you’re not doing what everyone else does.  Fear of looking stupid. 

I tend to pack my days full.  I have classes to attend, books to read, work to do.  I’m working to improve my mind and create a new way of life for myself.  It will only be temporary, but so far that has never been the case.  In one of my astrology classes, I learned that a shadow side for me is to do, do, do.  Boy did that one hit home.  That’s exactly what I do.  Relaxation and I have never had a good relationship.  Even when I do take time to “relax”, it includes reading or watching television.  I should be outside!  I feel better when I do, but life gets in the way.

Life balance isn’t easy.  It takes work.  It’s not what’s expected of you.  If you decide to not follow the “normal” path, you will probably get some pushback whether it be from yourself or those around you.

It’s easy to say that I should do this, but it can be hard to implement.  Your life is craving balance, and you’re not alone.  Mine is too.  It’s time to stop doing, doing, doing, and go, go, go, and just be.  What that looks like for you or me, I can’t tell you.  My first step is to say that I need more balance in my life.  That could mean that you take that walk-in nature or maybe you do something for fun, like just dance for no reason at all.

It's time to achieve more balance. Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Curveball Coming!

Did you get a curveball thrown your way?  Something that you completely didn’t expect.  Or maybe something that you’ve been trying to avoid, and you received some news about.
It can be upsetting or challenging to get some news, and other times you’re jumping for joy that it happened.  Either option can change your life for better or worse.  Sometimes what you need is to take a step back and gain a little perspective.  Or maybe you’re being triggered and meant to confront it, so you can address it and become more empowered in your life.
Triggers are a challenge.  They’re meant to teach you something, but at that moment all you can do is think or feel what’s happening.
You don’t want to deal with it right now.  It’s not the time.  It’s not the place.  You have other things to do.  There are a number of reasons why.  Life will normally trigger you at the worst possible moment.  A conversation that will leave you emotional right before you need to be somewhere.  A difficult moment right in front of your co-workers.
You don’t want to show emotion in these moments.  You don’t want to seem defeated, angry, or name an emotion, but you’re meant to feel the emotion.  The emotion is what will help you to process the trigger.
Give yourself time to process the trigger, develop an action plan and gain some perspective.  Confronting your triggers is the only way for you to truly become empowered.
Triggers aren’t mean to be an annoyance, they just happen that way.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  If you choose to ignore your trigger, that’s ok too, but it will come back.  Until you confront it, it will always return.  And the next thing it will be a little more annoying.
What are you being triggered by?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What Did You Find Out?

Did you have a realization?  Any epiphany this last week?  If you did, great!   If not, that is ok.  You might not have put the pieces together or there could be another reason altogether.
But let’s speak about when you did have the realization.  Did pieces seem to come together?  Do you know you next steps?  Maybe not quite yet.  It’s a process after all.  Every person is different.  Sometimes you’re drip-fed information.  Other times it just dawns on you.
The bigger question is what do you do with the information?  It depends on what it is.  Maybe you’ve learned something about yourself and how you’ve behaved in the past.  You can take that information and change how you react in the present moment.  Maybe you’ve kept yourself from revealing something in the past, so you work up the courage to reveal it now.  You might not be ready yet, but you’re ready to work on it.  Wherever you choose to start is what’s best for you.
The point is that you make a shift.  You use the epiphany to help you move forward towards the life or wish you desire.  We don’t have realizations to do nothing with them.  We’re meant to make adjustments.  We’re not supposed to have static lives.  Evolution is important to who you are as a person.  It can change your life if you allow it.
Have you been having lots of dreams lately?  Your messages could be coming through your dreams or a song that you hear repeatedly on the radio.  We’re given the information; we don’t always realize what it means.
If you’re still having trouble, talk it out with someone else.  Maybe that conversation will lead you where you’re meant to go.
Use what you’ve found out to take steps towards your goals.  You can achieve them.
What have you realized?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Have You Ever?

Have you ever been angry or upset about something that you shouldn’t have been?  Most likely it isn’t about this event at all, but a past event.  It could even be one that you remember nothing about.
This happens all the time. It’s nothing to be worried about.  You’re not losing your mind, but it’s a moment to think.  Why do you feel this way?  It’s a moment to heal.
There is something in your life that needs to be healed.  I don’t care who you are.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve done healing work in the past.  There’s always something within the needs to be healed.
With Mercury still in retrograde, it’s a perfect time to look at what people have said to you in the past.  How did you interpret it?  Did it impact you?  If it comes to mind, you’re probably ready to let it go.
To grow and expand as a person and to live a happier, more empowered life, you need to release something from the past.
The next question is typically how.  That’s a little complicated because it depends.  Maybe you need to express your suppressed emotions.  You might need to talk with someone.  Your energy field may need some fine-tuning.  You could need to understand who you are as a person and why you’re here.  Only you can indicate the direction your healing will go in.  Only you can dictate where to begin.
A lot can happen in childhood.  It may be deeply engrained, but you have no memory of it.  Energy work can be especially helpful in these situations.  This was where I started.  My earliest memory is at the age of 6, but a lot happened to me from the time I was born until 6.  My body experienced trauma from having seizures.  The medical testing to determine what was happening.  The trials and errors that are part of the process.  It may be a good thing, but none of those events are part of my memory.  I had to find a way to relieve the trauma.  That’s where energy work came in.  Then more traditional therapeutic processes for the memories that I did have.
Memories are tricky.  They are a part of you whether you believe it or not.  They make up who you are.  It’s time to heal some of those past memories.
What are you looking to heal?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
