Time to Count Your Blessings

It can be challenging to even think of being thankful or counting your blessings when it appears there’s so much wrong in life. 2020 has made it difficult for even the most optimistic to find a silver lining.  There is one, but you have to look harder.
What have your lessons been this year?  Would you have found them if COVID hadn’t happened?  Each one of you wants the world to go back to “normal”.  But what does that mean?  With the holiday season upon us, it’s more important than ever to find that sense of magic. 
It could be that you rely on some sense of tradition.  Decorating the house.  Being appreciative of the people around you every day.
You can dig deeper.  Maybe you have found what’s truly important.  You’ve learned something about yourself that you wouldn’t have in some other way.
I have learned a lot about myself.  There was a point in time that I disliked any change whatsoever.  There’s still a piece of that attitude there at times.  Other times I can roll with it and ask what does Spirit have in store for me?  Like most of you, I don’t care for wearing a mask, but if it keeps me and those I care about safe I will continue for as long as necessary.  But thanks to COVID, I have learned what’s true about my own energy and how that is seen by those around me.  I have learned what I truly value and am in the process of aligning my life with those values.  I don’t think I would have seen either of these without COVID.
The beginning of the year gave me the freedom to finish my empowerment certification program.  I was also able to concentrate on expanding my knowledge of astrology.  Still working on this and I think I always will be, but I’m ok with that.  I’m starting to read charts for my family and friends, something that I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do a year ago.
To move forward this practice is essential.  It can be hard to reflect, but it’s necessary.  Take the time to figure out your lessons.  They are so important to what 2021 has in store for you.
What lessons has 2020 blessed you with?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Normally this is the time of year where the holiday season kicks into full swing! We’ve had Thanksgiving and Black Friday.  In my household, the Christmas decorations have gone up.
Christmas parties are on the calendar.  It’s time to celebrate with our friends and family.  But this year, everything’s different.  The regular traditions you’ve always known aren’t happening.  Every day the COVID numbers go up more.  You’ve had to make hard decisions about your values.  Is it safe to spend time around all your family?  Is it safe to travel home?
There are so many questions and very few answers.  The one area that it seems to point back to is what do you value?  Do you value stuff over the people in your life?  Sometimes the little things can mean a lot more than you thought, like getting a homemade card or a lollipop from a child.  Those gestures can take on a different meaning, especially this year.
For a long time, I accumulated lots of stuff (clothes, movies, music, and books).  I would rush out on Tuesday to buy the newest release.  I didn’t know it at the time, but I was trying to fill a void with things.  Over the years I’ve been working at removing the void.  I still have stuff to get rid of, but that’s for another post.
2020 has forced me to examine what do I value?  I had to cut a lot of expenses that seemed like they brought me value.  And for a time, they did.  I had outgrown them and was having trouble cutting the cord.  Others, I thought things would change and I might be able to keep them while everything got sorted out.  Some hard choices have been made.
There are still hard choices to make.  Some get pushed back because we aren’t ready to make, others get pushed in our face until we make it.
You have the right to choose what you value.  You’re the only one who can make it.  It’s not an easy time for so many people in the world.  It’s easy to lose sight of what’s important.  This holiday season remember what you value.  It may look different than before but’s not any less important.
 What do you value this holiday season?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Into the Unknown

You’re in uncharted territory right now. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Who could have predicted any of this? But let’s take it as any opportunity l. It’s any opportunity to take care of yourself while answers come.
So, what does that mean for you? I can give you some suggestions. Maybe stay from anything that is speculative. That could mean news, it could mean Facebook or large group gatherings (which with COVID shouldn’t be happening).
Try and pay attention to your body. When you start to feel anxious or overwhelmed take a step back. It’s ok to say that I can have this conversation right now and step away. We all must do what we can to stay in a good frame of mind while we wait for answers. Like anything clarity will come but it doesn’t always happen our timetable.
It’s not always our choice. It would be so much easier if it was. When we first step into the unknown it can bring up a variety of emotions but the most likely one is fear. Fear can paralyze you and keep you from taking the steps you must do.
It sounds so simple but don’t take this piece of advice for granted. Take a breath and step away. Allow yourself to recenter and come back to it later. That’s it! When we have an opportunity to reflect, we can look at a situation differently than when we’re in an emotion. Any emotion!
Take care of yourself during this challenging time. Life will still be waiting for you when it’s over.
What’s uncertain in your life right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

How’s that Working for You?

A new world is waiting for you, but are you too afraid to walk through the door?  It’s okay!  It’s not too late to reset what you’re doing and try something different.

A new life, a new world is starting to come through, but you have to be willing to open the door.  When you’re afraid, there’s a tendency to cling to what’s familiar.  Everybody does it, but on occasion you need to try the new and see what works.

You might think you won’t like it.  You finally break down and try it.  Think of food.  It might confirm that you don’t like it.  At least you tried and it’s not for you.  Or maybe you tried it and were wrong all those years.  You want to try more.

You’re on the precipice of great changes, but you have to be willing to try.  Trying new things can be hard and difficult, but if you don’t you could be missing out on something special.

It’s easy to kick the can down the road and try later, but what if you took the time now?  You could be that much further along in the process.

2020 has been hard and you’ve had a lot of your misconceptions thrown in your face.  But what you done about it?  Have you tried or are you still holding on?  Could it work for you or not?  It’s hard to say, but you will never know if you don’t try.

Looking at life through a new lens can be hard.  You have to unravel your life and look at it as though you had something to do with where you’ve ended up.  You can’t blame everything that’s going wrong on someone else.  Only you and you alone can try something new and see how it goes.  What’s the worst that can happen?

Your visions from your past might not align with where you’re going.  It’s okay to evolve and become a different person.  Things don’t always work out the way we expect, but they work out how they should.

What’s something new that you’re going to try?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I Don’t Want to Be Me

Do you ever have days where you want to be someone else?  Anyone else?  You want to live a life that’s easier?  Most of us do at some point, but what does it mean.  That depends.

Do you have feelings of jealousy or envy?  You want what they have.  They seem to have a picture-perfect life.  Even those people who seem to have it all together, experience pain.  They may be deeply in debt.  Things aren’t always what they seem.

You want to live a life that’s easier?  The question again is why?  Some of us have chosen more challenging lives for a reason, but again things aren’t always what they seem.

Your life is based upon your perceptions and the reality of what you think life is.  You may see other people in relationships and you’re still single and ask, what am I doing wrong?  Why am I not in a relationship?  Or you might see people in jobs that they love, and you hate your job?  Why can’t I love my job?  The answer is that you can.  You can experience that type of life.  You can’t become a different person, but you can.  You have the power to make things different if you want to, but this goes back to the matter of choice.

You should start with a period of reflection.  Examine your life.  How did you end up here?  The second question is more complicated, why did you get here?  So back to the relationship example, maybe the answer is that someone else isn’t able to love you if you don’t love yourself.  Or maybe you can’t see that people already love you, but you don’t allow it to come through your walls.

The job example.   Maybe you’re not doing the right job.   You dream of doing something else, but you need to take a leap and start pursuing it.

What we resist persists.  We keep being shown lessons until we start to see the truth.  Until we start to act.  Only then can we truly begin to change our lives.

You’re being shown these things for a reason.  You can have a different life.  But what life would be yours?  It will be based on you and your experiences.

What are you being shown that your life could be like?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What Have You Learned?

It’s October!  The kids have gone back to school.  Here in New England, the leaves have changed color.  Although there seems to be more on the ground than we usually have this time of year.  The air conditioners have come out and fall is here.

Fall is a time for reflection.  To look at what you’ve accomplished and what you still need to do.  Maybe you need to sort through your clothes and get rid of those that no longer fit.  Or maybe it’s time to start thinking about a bigger project.  Either way, it’s the time of year to ponder these projects.  The projects don’t need to only include those that can be seen in your outer world.  Inner projects can be tackled as well.  We’re still in the astrological portal for a few more weeks where we can do things over.  If we don’t like how something turned out, we can do it differently.  This isn’t necessarily the time to move forward on those new projects, but to figure out what they are.  Maybe you’re not happy with your job.  Or you want to be in a new relationship.  The new is coming, but first, how did you end up in this place?  You may not be sure. That’s ok.  Sometimes we know and don’t like the answer. The truth is if you accept it, you can change it.

Reflecting on our lives is hard.  Sometimes we do, do, do we don’t have time to reflect.  Reflection is important.  It doesn’t have to take weeks, months, or years.

It can be something as simple as deciding that you don’t like where you ended up.  How did you end up here?  Write down some ideas and put the list down.  More ideas will come to you.  Add them to the list.  You’ll know then the time is right to formulate your plan to move forward.

You may have already started the process without realizing it.  With our lives having shifted since March, what we value may have become clear.  It’s time to live our lives based on those values.

What have you learned during your time of reflection?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Review and Revise

We’re officially in another retrograde season!  Not sure whether that’s good news or bad news for you, it’s hard to tell.  You’re heading back into the past, whether you plan to or not, with an opportunity to make adjustments.

How have things been for the last 6 months?  Have you found yourself grieving or angry?  Are you sad or just don’t know what to do with yourself?  You’re not alone, no matter what you feel. All of us are there with you.  Even though we each have own little twist and it’s not exactly the same.  No one’s life is the same as another’s, but we can find similarities.  We can be kind and sympathetic to each other.  During the last 6 months there has been a lot of that missing from the world.

There are so many people who believe their way is the right way.  Are you one of them?  It’s ok if you are, but maybe it’s time to look at a different perspective.  Is it possible that there could be another way to look at it?  Just because you’ve always done something a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s the only way.  You have an opportunity to change how you look at things and see them from a new perspective, or even just listen to an opinion that’s different then yours.  No need to unfriend someone on Facebook just because you don’t agree with what they think.

There could be another side to the story than the one you’ve already heard.  It would be nice if everyone interpreted life’s events exactly as they happen, but we don’t.  Everything is interpreted through a lens.  That lens will have a bias and opinions based on past experiences.

We have the chance as individuals and the greater collective to look at our past, both recent and ancestrally to look at who we are.  How did we get here?  Do we like who we are?  If we don’t love who we are, then maybe it’s time to make some adjustments.

This is the perfect time to start the process and it’s a process.  It won’t happen overnight.  There will be adjustments along the way.  Nothing in life is perfect.  Especially us.

You have work to do, just as everyone around you does.  I certainly do.  I’m right here with you.  I’m in the trenches with you doing the work.  I’m learning to live my path, just as you are, and become a more empowered person.  This is your chance.  Seize it!

What do you need to review and revise in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Real and Raw

Vulnerability.  A word that can absolutely terrify the best of us with its meaning. The idea of letting people see beyond the mask to the core of who we are, can create massive amounts of fear within the seemingly strong.

To open up and tell someone what we’ve been keeping to ourselves.  To reveal our shame, our guilt, our fears and be real can be challenging to say the least.  It could be one of the hardest things to do.  To walk up to someone and say how you feel, takes a tremendous amount of courage.  To say this no longer works for me.  To truly take a stand and be raw.  It’s ok to be afraid in the moment, but don’t let the fear stop you from taking the action.

Stand in your own power.  If someone else doesn’t agree, know that you spoke your truth.  If didn’t go the way you hoped, but it will be ok.  DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT abuse your power or force someone else to see things your way.  There is way too much of that in our world right now.  Others have a right to stand for their own principles.  Be kind in the moment.  You can be sad or frustrated later.  You should not take out those emotions on others.  If you have it’s ok.  You can do it differently next time.  You can apologize for your actions.

Each one of us needs to learn to stand strong in who we are.  If you already do, great, but remember it’s a practice.  You have to continue.  You have to do the work.  It’s easier to see the negative, than the positive.  It’s easier to lash out than to see our own shortcomings.

But always remember to be true to you.  If you can be real and vulnerable, do.  You can truly make an impact.

How are you being real and vulnerable today?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Hope & Faith

Hope is what leads you to make those challenging and sometimes difficult changes.  It’s what makes you strive for a better life.  It’s what makes you work through your triggers to get to your dreams.

The last few months have challenged hope to what may seem like the breaking point.  I just want things to be the way they were!  I want things to be normal!  Trying to balance the line between what is and what could be, can lead you to topple to the ground.

I hate to say this, but 2020 isn’t done with us yet.  We’re in a period of time that doesn’t happen often.  Thank goodness!  Could even be a once in a lifetime event.  But maybe not.  Either way we’re being forced to work on our issues.  Sometimes hope has taken a backseat.

In the coming months, you will need hope and faith more than ever.  The challenges and frustrations aren’t quite ready to go away.  You haven’t learned what you need to learn quite yet.

Oh, but haven’t I been through enough?  Unfortunately, the answer is no.  You are meant to step up.  You’re meant to make a difference.  There is so much more out there for you.  It’s time to tap into your hopes and dreams.  There may be times where all seems lost, and there could be more of those days to come.

Never lose hope!  It’s the thing that keeps you going.  It’s what will one day get you over the threshold and walk into your dreams.  Hope is everything, even when all seems lost.

What do you hope for?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Plant the Seed

You’re headed into the next chapter in your life.  What do you want it to look like?

It’s time to plan.  You don’t need to have all of the answers.  Even brainstorming ideas on to paper is a step in that direction.

If you find yourself getting angry and frustrated, where is it happening?  Maybe you need to reset your boundaries.

If you find yourself having especially vivid dreams or even just more dreams than usual, write them down.  Start a dream journal.  They might be telling you something.

Are you seeing signs and synchronicities?  Maybe you’re in alignment with your path and it’s time to start expanding your vision.

Planting seeds in your life can take many different forms.  When you plant seeds in your garden, you must water it and care for it after it’s been placed in the ground.  You must do the same thing with your dreams for this next chapter.

You can be a person who stands in their truth and is empowered by their life.  You can do this.  Your life can be what you’ve always wanted it to be.  Think outside the box.

Frustrations can tell us where we’re off course.  I’ve had a few of them recently.  In my case, I’m doing too much.  I know it and so do those around me.  I need to cut down what I’m doing on a regular basis.  Easier said than done though.  Can I delegate tasks to someone else?  Is it temporary?  Are any of my tasks something that I can just check off a list once they’re completed?  The answers are all yes.  These are mainly short-term issues.

What about my long-term vision?  What do I want my life to look like?  I’m sure you have ideas for your own life.  Write them down.  Then start to cultivate them and care for them.  You’ll be amazed at what you come up with. 

What do you want the next chapter of your life to look like?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 
